60 and Over

Financial reality- a big drop in the marketconfused_smile
josulli 15 Reviews 2053 reads

I've been able to save a lot in various retirement vehicles to the point where I have been able to use my current 401k as an off the radar fund for the hobby.. I checked my balance today.. Ouch ! Maybe the end for a while ..
I had a line that I didn't want to cross in terms of a balance.. All of a sudden, after the Dow lost over 1,000 points this week.. I am perilously close to that minimum balance.. anyone else have the same sort of reaction?

and to pass the time I checked my investment balance, and, gulp, discovered the biggest one day loss in ages. But what the hell, might as well enjoy life while there's still some life to enjoy.  That's what I saved and invested for all those years after all, right?  So when she showed up we had a truly splendid time and I sure as hell did not spoil it by worrying about money!

I have a series of other retirement plans.. each one related to a job change or a take over of where I worked.. no worries really except my current employer also has a 401k.. it's the smallest of the various plans.. because it was totally off of my SO radar.. that's what I use... in my head I had a floor that I would allow it to go to.. suddenly I'm pretty close to that floor.. yikes

As.Good.as.It.Gets799 reads

I don't tie my investment to my hobby, but I certainly wouldn't want to sell stocks to fund my hobby at this time. I started to buy on Friday and plan to buy more in the next couple weeks. I like to buy things when it's on sales. When my regular provider runs a special, I think it's time for me to see her. :) I feel the same way about stock.

the market is like your dick..it will have it's ups and downs but always cums back in the end..

Posted By: josulli
I've been able to save a lot in various retirement vehicles to the point where I have been able to use my current 401k as an off the radar fund for the hobby.. I checked my balance today.. Ouch ! Maybe the end for a while ..  
 I had a line that I didn't want to cross in terms of a balance.. All of a sudden, after the Dow lost over 1,000 points this week.. I am perilously close to that minimum balance.. anyone else have the same sort of reaction?

But I agree.

Ride it out.  This drop is a confluence of some one-off developments.  Time to buy if you got the green

I'm buying for sure.. Indications are another drop on Monday.. but it seems that after a drop like the last week it will take a jump.. The money I have to depend on is all in instruments that are not connected to stocks. .long term stuff.. but considering the hit I took. this week.. I will slow down a bit

2horses2many840 reads

It's easy to say that, when you are younger BUT when you reach a certain aged like most of us here in these board limp dick and time is always an issue, we need a lot of assistant like ladies with specialties, Meds, injections, diets, exotic substances, lot of prayers, etc to get it back up, if your lucky...


Posted By: macdaddy1944
the market is like your dick..it will have it's ups and downs but always cums back in the end..  
Posted By: josulli
I've been able to save a lot in various retirement vehicles to the point where I have been able to use my current 401k as an off the radar fund for the hobby.. I checked my balance today.. Ouch ! Maybe the end for a while ..  
  I had a line that I didn't want to cross in terms of a balance.. All of a sudden, after the Dow lost over 1,000 points this week.. I am perilously close to that minimum balance.. anyone else have the same sort of reaction?
-- Modified on 8/22/2015 1:59:17 PM

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 2:00:34 PM

...worked in more than 20 years, so I don't have an IRA or 401k.  I'm not a trust fund baby -  I started out poor but through education, hard work and wise investments, I have money coming in much faster than I can spend it.

I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging - those are just the facts.  And I also lived frugally until I didn't have to anymore.  Today I treat myself well but I don't have the need to show off or live extravagantly.

I never understood the fascination with the stock market.  To me, it's just another form of gambling.  The only time I jump into the market is when cluster tomatoes are on sale for 69 cents a pound.  

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 11:33:46 PM

As.Good.as.It.Gets915 reads

I don't think it will be a good investment strategy to stay in cash.

That's where my disposable income fund is.. still dropped a lot.. I figure I could have booked about 15 doubles with the best providers around for what I have lost in the last few days.. It will creep back up after a while.. luckily I don't really need what I have there.. nice to have it though

As.Good.as.It.Gets962 reads

Stock market has been great since 2009. If anyone hasn't done well then he/she is probably not very good at picking stocks; therefore, it's probably better to invest in index funds such as SPY.

I do not feel stock market has dropped a lot in the last couple of week, but I guess everyone's perspective is different. I keep my investment and my hobby budget separate so they won't affect each other.

Yes I get my funds from the same place. Mine comes from dividends  from my stock account that my wife  knows nothing  about. If I start spending the principle soon I won't have the funds to hobby with.  
 I never would have guessed that's the way I would spend my retirement. I won't let my hobby interfere with my family funds though.

I'm not quite sure how to word my market comment because I don't want it to sound as if I'm preaching or know more than my brethren but financial analysis has been my life for many moons. Some people like to partake in equity investments(stocks) others prefer more conservative investments such as fixed type (bonds, CD's, etc.), real estate, art and collectibles. Whatever you do, be conservative and make sure you are well diversified. My opinion as to when to begin getting back into the the equity markets with cash set aside for situations such as these would be to wait and see what the markets do at the Monday open. If they appear stable or you see an uptick with strong volume you may begin to dable a bit. If the market volume is weak regardless of direction ... stay away and wait. I am going to wait and see if the market touches 1950. We are close but technically that is a good spot to wait for and see what happens.

Happy trading and happy lobbying everyone.

As.Good.as.It.Gets818 reads

Here is some random thoughts (from my 30+ years of experience) on investment. I don't follow closely to conventional wisdom, but I hope it helps someone. Think for yourself before following my advice.

Don't trade. Invest, which mean staying in for the long haul. Not everyone can be a successful trader. Most will fail. Everyone can be a successful investor. It's not that difficult. If you are not good with stock picking then invest only in index funds. You shouldn't invest with fund that you might need in the next 3-5 years. If you get nervous when the market drops 10% then you probably took on too much risk. I don't really get nervous until market is down more than 30%. Everyone's tolerance to risk is different so only you will know what's the right level of investment for you. Stay within your limit, but take on as much risk as you are comfortable with. Don't be too conservative. It's a guarantee to failure. The safest "investment" is cash, but it has negative return after inflation and taxes so you are losing money every year. Generally speaking, stock market is the most risky but it has the highest return (other than your home due to leverage and favorable tax treatment). The exception is if you are an expert in other investment vehicle. Stick with what you are good at. Diversify if you are not good at any particular investment. Finally, be patient.

zarno756 reads

I'll whole heartily agree with As.Good and will add that now is a great time to jump into the market (if not already in) or to double up on those stocks that have been preforming so well for you over the last few years. In the end  stock prices where just to damn high, made it to expensive for the average person to get in but that now has changed. Like I said "Jump in the water is fine" Market is up 457.99 right now!

I've read on a number of sites and in publications how this is a hot sector of the economy to invest in.  
If you can find a mutual fund, Vanguard has one, that might be the best way to  
diversify across the sector.  I just added to my position in the middle of the dip and
I've already earned enough for an hour or two of mind blowing sex with an ATF!
The growth has been phenomenal for over a year. Do your due diligence on this.

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 5:00:11 PM

from time to time.

sometimes i look back and can't believe i bought a first class ticket to australia. the flight was so empty i could have laid across three seats in coach. lol.

i guess at the end of the day when youre laying there about to meet your maker, as long as you enjoyed your life. one thing that i have always learned in life is that it will always work out. sometimes i pull back on spending and other times one would think I'm insane. maybe i am. ;)

I agree - the market always bounces back - its a question of how long it takes.  But if your in your 60s your better keep a substantial portion in equities (diversified) as they do much better over 15-30 year periods (i remeber when the Dow was below 1,000 in the 80s).  I always keep enough in cash or t-bills to go 5 years without having to sell any equities, then another 5 years in regulated utilities with good credit ratings and that serve pro business states - they far outperform bonds with less risk and pay very nice dividends.  The balance is in a mix of diversified mutual funds and individuals stocks that i pick.  diversification as to industry, liquidity, anticipated duration  and geopolitical risk is the key.  After the financial industry debacle of 2007-08, i also diversify among multiple (and too big to fail) financial institutions and custodians; and after scandals like Madoff, steer clear of the small advisors anf financial planners .

Posted By: josulli
I've been able to save a lot in various retirement vehicles to the point where I have been able to use my current 401k as an off the radar fund for the hobby.. I checked my balance today.. Ouch ! Maybe the end for a while ..  
 I had a line that I didn't want to cross in terms of a balance.. All of a sudden, after the Dow lost over 1,000 points this week.. I am perilously close to that minimum balance.. anyone else have the same sort of reaction?

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