60 and Over

Question re advertising one's age.
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 8556 reads

I recently met a wonderful provider who advertises as being in her late 40s.  When I saw her photos, I thought she looked great for her age; her face was hidden or blurred.  When I met her, I saw that her photos were accurate and her face was that of a mid-to-late 40s woman, by my estimate.    

It was a very enjoyable first date--"we hit it off really well" as she said in her follow-up email.  At some point, not sure how it came up, we talked about age.  She bet me that she's older than I am, and I laughed and said "I don't think so!" Then she volunteered that she's 59.  My jaw almost hit the floor.  I asked her why she advertises as much younger (although she can pass for it), and she said that if she advertised her true age, "no one would want to see me!"

Which brings me (finally!) to my question:  if a provider advertised as being close to 60 years old, would that make you less likely to want to see her, more likely, or would it make no difference?  For me, the fact that she's close to my age is a big plus, as there's almost no providers in my area of that age.

And for providers... do you advertise less than your true age out of concern that you'll lose business if you were to give your real age, or close to it?

I wanted to verify her age I would PM a few of her reviewers and ask. Another option is to meet her at a M & G where photoshop mix into what my eyes see.

souls_harbor384 reads

Unfortunately age is unkind to some people.  Others not so much.  It's really hard to say whether age has taken its toll until you meet someone.   I don't shop by age, but I do shop by looks.   So I'm shallow that way.  However I think the market has mostly weeded out those whom age is most unforgiving by the time I search for them, so I have to say most of the mature ladies I've met have been sexy -- several over 50.  I don't believe I've ever met anyone over 60 yet, but that's just because there aren't that many that stay in the biz that long.

Since all the women I've dated in recent years have been 18-25.  I live with a sexy mature woman my own age, so for the fantasy fulfillment I always seek out the younger ones.  As I said, shallow.

She recently started posting on this board. I believe she advertises as being 68. Would I see her? Yes, I prolly would.

Senator.Blutarsky421 reads

...and I was tempted, but then a hot 25 year old caught my eye and the temptation passed. 😎

Senator I am going to assume that's the hot 25 year old!!?  Dilly Dilly my friend!!  I concur, carry on!

No, I don't think she's been to my area. But she seems like she'd be a lot of fun.  Would be interesting to flip the age equation.  

Posted By: NoGreenBorderedEnvelope

I recently met a wonderful provider who advertises as being in her late 40s.  When I saw her photos, I thought she looked great for her age; her face was hidden or blurred.  When I met her, I saw that her photos were accurate and her face was that of a mid-to-late 40s woman, by my estimate.    
 It was a very enjoyable first date--"we hit it off really well" as she said in her follow-up email.  At some point, not sure how it came up, we talked about age.  She bet me that she's older than I am, and I laughed and said "I don't think so!" Then she volunteered that she's 59.  My jaw almost hit the floor.  I asked her why she advertises as much younger (although she can pass for it), and she said that if she advertised her true age, "no one would want to see me!"  
 Which brings me (finally!) to my question:  if a provider advertised as being close to 60 years old, would that make you less likely to want to see her, more likely, or would it make no difference?  For me, the fact that she's close to my age is a big plus, as there's almost no providers in my area of that age.  
 And for providers... do you advertise less than your true age out of concern that you'll lose business if you were to give your real age, or close to it?
For me it would make me want to see her even more. I have found that the older the better.

He is now 29, so that's not in play anymore. I stick to 28 and above. And aside from 4 very special ladies,(two are 28 and two are in the low 30's) most of the the ladies I see are in their 40's or 50's.  

When I search, the only age filter I use is that low age filter. I  go for looks, services etc.  
My only other rule that I have for myself is that when she asks "how old do you think I am?", I'm not foolish enough to guess.  

I understand them listing below their age. There are a lot of mongers, probably the majority, that use  age as a filter. Thank goodness they limit themselves to younger women,  I'd never be able to see some of my favorites, they'd be too busy. To me the joke is on them.

... has been 25, as my daughter is early 20s. Early in my hobbying life I saw a few providers in their mid-20s, but I was younger then.  And they were OK, very easy on the eyes, but I've found I enjoy the company of older women more.  In the past couple of years I've focused on providers who are over 40.  Thinking about the ladies I've seen in the past year or so, the youngest was mid-30s (but has an older "soul") and most were 50+.

"Eye candy" is great, but IMO there's no replacement for a sexy mind/attitude and expert skills honed over time.  And these older ladies offer plenty of "eye candy" too!  :)

...I was attending a local Meet & Greet last Feb and was chatting with a few of the lovelies when I was approached by a young lady who was rather intent on getting me alone. We talked for almost two hours and I booked a session with her two days later. While she was 26 (and I was 63 at the time), we just hit it off and I made an exception to my "mid 30s+" rule.

We had three more sessions in the following 3 months before things just tapered off, but it was fun while it lasted. so while I don't search out much younger women, I do have an open mind and a susceptible dick ;)

It would be great if you could IM me to let me know who this young lady is and where she operates. I am near your age and might like to see her if I'm ever in her area ...

...because I prefer women with more life experience.  I mentally add 5 years to every self reported age.  The objective is to see more mature women.  I just met someone today who is 59 and I had a great time.  Unfortunately a lot of guys prefer youth over experience.  Hmmm...I feel a separate post is coming.

Tippecanoe368 reads

If a woman put down +60, then no.  I don't know why, but 59 is a magic cut-off.  I'd be hard pressed to see a 59 advertised, too.  That being said, I know a Top 100 provider who is 65, but advertises as 45, and has mostly 10/10 reviews.  I wonder how many guys jaws would drop if they knew her real age. I know I was stunned when I found out.

I just turned 39 in October & am working on a awesome body for my 40th!

Goals the glow up is real.  I am proud of me, so I share my age & I know I look super younger.  Life is beautiful.

... even MORE awesome??  I can't wait to see the results!

Great to hear you take good care of yourself.  We only have one body, and while good health is a blessing, we need to do our part too.

Posted By: QueenBia
Re: I am very honest.
I just turned 39 in October & am working on a awesome body for my 40th!  
 Goals the glow up is real.  I am proud of me, so I share my age & I know I look super younger.  Life is beautiful.
By the way, the thought of being in bed with a hot sexy woman in her late 50's or 60's really turns me on.

One of the ladies I see in her mid to late 30's openly advertises her true age. She recently shared with me that by age 41, she wants to be out of the provider life completely. She has a business plan on mind that will help her realize that (originally it was she 40 before COVID hit). She also has a civvie job, so her income is not 100% from providing.

My question to you, being 39, is whether or not you already have in mind how long you might continue in this?

Im not too worried about my age being a limiting factor for contacts. Ive realized due to my intense workouts throughout the years that I've managed to keep myself youthful looking. Perhaps the search feature and listing as over 50 affects me, but as Im just getting back into this after a security breach from a family member who turned on me, I'm betting that Ill do okay. For some of us whove taken care of ourselves and keep a young attitude, it's just a number!

Advertise my true age. I'll be 47 in a few days and not in the least ashamed of it.  I actually have way  more bookings the older I get! I embrace my age and sexuality like never before.  Looking forward to fucking the rest of my life too πŸ˜€πŸ˜š

And I'm looking forward to being a part of your wishes. Hehehehe!

I prefer older men however I find that when I advertise as being 40 my true age...I don’t get many calls😏😏

Now that I’m a Gilf ...of 3 beautiful grand babies πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ»
And very much proud of it.. it seems I get younger younger boys oops πŸ™Š man.πŸ˜‚

I don’t feel or look πŸ‘€ my age .Now I’m 62 and half.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘„

souls_harbor361 reads

You're still younger than me.

And *everybody* is younger than me!  :-D

....I would often get told in person "I don't usually see ladies your age". I don't hear it much anymore but then again i've just creeped into my late 20's now.
Kind of made me wish I'd have started advertising much older than I was than my real age lol.  
In my head i'd be like well i'm still a legal adult and my bills are very grown too haha.
Even now pushing 28 I kind of wonder if my younger age has hindered me at all because there are so many guys no matter what will NOT see a provider under 35 let alone under 30.

I always wonder if guys are going to mentally add 5+ years to whatever I say in my ads... Sometimes I wonder if that means I SHOULD say 28 instead of 33.  A lot of guys seem to expect someone older when we meet, but they could just be trying to flatter me.  

But I don't think being assumed to be 40-ish is a problem, especially since I prefer men over 50, and have no upper limit to who I am attracted to.  Clients seem to be shocked when I tell them how old my last couple of "real" boyfriends have been.  I've always preferred older men.  Now that I'm in my 30s, people find it a lot less creepy than when I was 19 and chasing 40-something guys lol.  

One of my provider friends is 49 (Skyler Mills of Detroit) and she is just great... Dreaming Of Arianna (also from Detroit) is another awesome 40-something provider.  Zcat from Detroit, Mz Sassy from Toledo, and Jordan Seduces from Grand Rapids are also great mature ladies I am proud to call friends, and I look forward to joining the 40+ club myself... in due time, lol.  I've still got my 30s to get through and I am in no rush, they are SO much better than my 20s were!

DAVEPHX372 reads

Up to date pictures are more important than stated age.  However, almost all of my experiences have been with 21-35-year-old companions and I am 70.  I just have no interest physically in most older women although there have been some exceptions.  I am a caresser, love giving massage to women, and more into intimate  sexuality than just the usual slam-bang stuff I find boring.  And I enjoy the smooth skin not wrinkled of younger women - no offense to older women!

I think part of it is biology that men are attracted to younger women and fortunately for us old guys many younger women are attracted to us ancients.   If only I had the knowledge and experience that I have now when I was much younger.  

Physical attractiveness is important to me and I am picky since not desperate.  I like nice smiles, slimmer bodies, smaller breasts (I eliminate most D or greater) and most of all a personality match for the hour, human interaction not just with a sex machine.  Many of the younger women I connect with are quite mature in their intelligence and communications.

I find my best experiences are in Canada especially with the more naturally it seems sensuous European women - especially Eastern like so many from Ukraine, Russia etc.  Since I have no interest in paying more than $US200/hr this is far easier in Canada than the U.S.  I am considering going to German (Frankfurt) FKK clubs next Spring for a new experience where you can interact with lots of nude women more casually, not just go off to have sex immediately.  

I use to run a Christian couples swingers group in Phoenix with 350 members, mostly average middle-aged, typical overweight women and their husbands.  While I enjoyed leading the group for 3+ years, there were only a few women I had any interest in.  I had an attractive younger partner but she ran off to marry a rock band star :)  

I use to feel guilty that I only seek younger, slim women, however, I got over that seeing how many not my type, have plenty of other men who are attracted to them.  I am just honest in my views, as we each value and are attracted to different ages and body types.

... in my area who have beautiful, wrinkle-free skin, great smiles (and eyes), fit bodies, and are a pleasure to interact with.  They range in age from 41 to 59, with most in their 50s.  As for massage... some of them are LMTs, and they love being massaged too.  

But, they're all well over $200/hr, and rightly so.  I don't mind paying a fair rate for a great time with a beautiful, classy woman.  I never get to Canada, but I know that there's no FS providers, of any age, who I have an interest in seeing in my area who are $200/hr or less.

I was reading your post and I had to reply , I am 55 years old actually just had a birthday 56 now . I have always posted my true age. Not even sure if I come up on the search anymore in the age group might be to old lol  
I looked at all of the over 60 responses and the majority of you like younger woman. Which interests me considering I enjoy older gentleman allot of times because they like to sit back and let me take over and give them an amazing oral session. Since their wives don't seem to enjoy doing this any longer. I too enjoy a reciprocating oral session. I am into connecting and relating to the client I am providing a service too! It is a shame you do not enjoy a woman as mature as myself I have as much energy and I am as wild and sexy as a younger woman.  
You should not think that just because a woman is in her fifties that she is not going to be able to provide an amazing experience. I have only been a provider for 4 years . My reviews speak for themselves  
Also those woman that are afraid to advertise their true age are quite hot and busy ! and they are very close to my age !
Cherish O'Riley

I’m 65 and most people think I’m in my fifthtys . I have a full head of hair and little gray. I could be with women much younger but preferred women over 40 who have things income with me. Older women I think are more sensual.

Youngest age of a provider that I will visit = my age/2 + my age/10.  

Oldest age = my age-5

When I was 40, I would see girls 24 - 30.  

50 -> 29 - 45

60 -> 36 - 55

70 -> 42 - 65.

I has worked for me.

GaGambler295 reads

I take my own age, subtract it by that identical number and then add 18.  

So far this rule has worked out very well for me. lol

I’m mid-50’s, and stumbled across a (then) 66yo masseuse, ten years ago. Our friendship soon encompassed the full range of intimacy, and I continue to see her twice a month.

I don't see why anyone would have a lower limit other than legality.  Maturity is another matter, only roughly correlated with age, as is cuteness.  I've had some great encounters with 19-20 year olds, and a few poor ones.
As for upper limit, mine is not precise.  50 is the oldest I've had, and she was spectacularly good.  
Now, as to preference rather than hard limits, someone should start another thread (though that discussion has been held around here several times.)
I'm 72, and started in the hobby about 8 years ago.

Most of the ladies I see for full service dates are in the 25 - 40 age range, because as a 65 year old there's nothing quite like having a beautiful young lady making love with me. But, I do have a few older 50 - 60 ladies (who advertise that they're in their mid-40s) that I see in Vegas for a blow and go. A couple have actually become friends who I stay in contact with even in the months I'm living elsewhere.

What is BCD?   I am stumped.  TIA.

Never mind...figured it out.  Jeesh, it's almost like there's a bunch of dirty old men who post on here.πŸ˜›

Okay - turns out there are two meanings.  The most common is Behind Closed Doors.  That's not so bad and I think is what is almost always meant in the posts on here I've read.  However, according to Urban Dictionary the other rhymes with "hairback bum rumpster", so not really a nice thing to say, and likely not very accurate in most cases.

I will be 55 next month. I think it is silly to say you are younger, even if you can pass for it.

A attractive provider in 60 yo bracket is a huge plus for me. Many don't realize that women take a lot better care of themselves than men. I bet there are many guys seeing providers that are a lot older than they think.  
60+ attractive  provider in good shape. SEND ME a PM !!

Keeping photos, age and other stats up to date is my choice.  When screening, I also look to see if a man only reviews young girls and I specifically say "I'm not 20 or 30. Are you sure you want to meet me?"  That said, we know what we like  and we are not afraid to ask.  Since most of my friends are older, humor goes a long way when things don't always work "like they used to".   Lots of kindness, sensual touch, oral and toys...

Less likely for sure. She’s doing the right thing.

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