60 and Over

herbal products
michael_z971 3 Reviews 4638 reads

There are various supplements you can buy at health food stores or at adult stores. Someone mentioned Vitalikor on another site and said he had good results. I wonder if any members have tried this or any one of these.

faxinator4553 reads

Since I have made it known that I use an injection, I was asked via PM to please post in the open forum my experience using an injectable to combat my ED problem. Therefore, I will share my experience in the hopes it may be helpful to others.


I suffer from Type 2 Diabetes, and because of that, in my 40's I began to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). At first the issue was only occasional, later it became a consistent problem. I tried to combat it myself by taking so-called "generic" Viagra that my brother purchased from a offshore pharmacy without a prescription. It didn't help much, and later we found that it actually contained very little sildenafil citrate at all, the pill was mostly filler that was dyed blue.

I saw my doctor about the problem, and he prescribed Viagra, and he put me on 100mg doses (one pill). The "real stuff" worked much better than the generic offshore crap, but that didn't last long, within months my doctor had to up me to two 100mg pills, and then three. We tried others, Levitra and Cialis, but they were no help.

After some time I was actually taking eight (yes, eight) 100mg Viagra to get any effect at all. That was the most my urologist, one of the very best doctors in my area, was willing to let me take at once based on clinical studies which showed 800mg to be the maximum "safe" dosage.

The terrible side effects of that much Viagra was blurry blue-tinted vision and terrible flu-like symptoms which could last for days. I couldn't bear it any longer, and my urologist told me:

"The next step is injections, but I'm not going to put you through that. Your insurance company will pay for an implant, so I'm suggesting we proceed with implant surgery". So that's what we planned to do. I was told I needed to lose a little weight first, so while I was on a diet the doctor prescribed for me a vacuum device from a company called Esteem, that I was to use several times daily. This is, essentially, a serious medical penis pump that is similar but superior to the ones sold by adult stores for so-called "enlargement" purposes. The purposes of the medical pump was to help blood flow.

My doctor did not use the rigid implants, he used the inflatable sort. He only implanted the Titan manufacturer, which he considered the best. Some of the issues he discussed with me were:

- There is a high chance of infection during the implant surgery
- Some implants fail
- I would almost certainly experience a loss in length
- Most inflatable implants have to be replaced after a number of years due to wear
- He would be removing one of my testicles which would be replaced by the pump
- There's no going back

While doing the weight loss thing in anticipation of surgery, my brother contacted me after hearing a doctor with a local clinic advertising on the radio that he had a high success rate in helping men with severe ED. I called and was told that if I were to come see him, he would test me and then try an injectable in the office. If the injection didn't work, I would pay nothing.

So, since I knew that my other urologist planned to hollow out my dick and cut off one of my balls, I figured I'd give this other doctor a shot. Well, as it turns out, the injection worked, incredibly well. And to my surprise, I barely felt the injection since the doctor uses very thin diabetic needles.

For a short time it made me really mad that my fantastic urologist had me skip over the injections, because I'm much rather have an erection with my natural penis than with tubes implanted inside of it.

The doctor put me on what is known as a "quad mix". It is a custom mixed compound from a compounding pharmacy. It comes in a vial, packed in a cooler with cold packs. It is stored in the refrigerator. I also had to pay for a spring loaded injector which makes the injections MUCH easier to do. I load the syringe into the injector, put the end near the base of my penis, then press a button and the syringle is pushed in and the plunger goes down, instantly. At this point, I really don't find the injections uncomfortable at all, I feel barely even a tiny pinch.

The initial dosage the doctor told me to use produced an erection that lasted way too long. Nearly six hours, which is past the four hour "danger zone" for priapism. After experimenting with the doses, I have settled on an amount that produces an erection that lasts three to three-and-a-half hours, which is more than enough.

I feel fortunate that my brother (RIP) told me about the doctor's advertisement. I'm very pleased with the injections, and should they ever fail to be effective (which they have been for years now) then I can still go the implant route if necessary. And this post is not an advertisement for any particular injection or a particular doctor. Any urologist can prescribe tri-mix or quad-mix from a compounding pharmacy near you.

Thank you so much for your honest and greatly informative post. As you can imagine, I often have friends with ED problems. Based on our moments together I've seen what the results can be with many of the options you've described.

The best and most effective that I've seen are the injections. Congrats that you found out before surgery.

If you'd care to share the doctor's name  I'd love to know who he was so that I might refer my guys if they ask. And they do.

You've offered a great service in being honest about your problem.  One of the blessings about aging is that you know it's okay to be honest and not caring what anyone else thinks when you are. Getting older isn't all bad.  There ARE some perks as those of us who are over 60 here know.

Happy hobbying my friends. Love Ya'

Smiles and Kisses,

love that black tuxedo mink in your picture....!!!!  Gorgeous....!!


You may have received a real reply to your question via PM, but for others here with the same question, here is where I found the solution.

Google:  Male Clinic, Male Medical Clinic, erectile distinction injection, tri-mix or quad-mix solution.
It seems that all of the clinics are independent and must handle all of your prescriptions rather than being able to take a scrip to your local pharmacy. Mine will deliver to wherever I am while traveling, I think others will do the same.

My results took about a mont to reach a satisfactory dosage. My doses come Pre-loaded in small syringes and I also purchased the delivery system, but frequently just inject without it. Pain is minor, but the member does remain sensitive for an extended time, sometimes days, after play. I get about two hours and would like to hit three or a bit more. Six would be scary, though. They do provide a couple of antidote syringes in case erection lasts too long.

I too required large doses of V and suffered the blue, blurry vision, full body rashes and flu-like symptoms. Cialis only created a very good simulation of a 36 hour flu.  Aches, nausea, diarrhea do not make for a romantic encounter. With injections, any side effects are localized and are not hitting other vital organs

Posted By: faxinator
Since I have made it known that I use an injection, I was asked via PM to please post in the open forum my experience using an injectable to combat my ED problem. Therefore, I will share my experience in the hopes it may be helpful to others.


I suffer from Type 2 Diabetes, and because of that, in my 40's I began to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). At first the issue was only occasional, later it became a consistent problem. I tried to combat it myself by taking so-called "generic" Viagra that my brother purchased from a offshore pharmacy without a prescription. It didn't help much, and later we found that it actually contained very little sildenafil citrate at all, the pill was mostly filler that was dyed blue.

I saw my doctor about the problem, and he prescribed Viagra, and he put me on 100mg doses (one pill). The "real stuff" worked much better than the generic offshore crap, but that didn't last long, within months my doctor had to up me to two 100mg pills, and then three. We tried others, Levitra and Cialis, but they were no help.

After some time I was actually taking eight (yes, eight) 100mg Viagra to get any effect at all. That was the most my urologist, one of the very best doctors in my area, was willing to let me take at once based on clinical studies which showed 800mg to be the maximum "safe" dosage.

The terrible side effects of that much Viagra was blurry blue-tinted vision and terrible flu-like symptoms which could last for days. I couldn't bear it any longer, and my urologist told me:

"The next step is injections, but I'm not going to put you through that. Your insurance company will pay for an implant, so I'm suggesting we proceed with implant surgery". So that's what we planned to do. I was told I needed to lose a little weight first, so while I was on a diet the doctor prescribed for me a vacuum device from a company called Esteem, that I was to use several times daily. This is, essentially, a serious medical penis pump that is similar but superior to the ones sold by adult stores for so-called "enlargement" purposes. The purposes of the medical pump was to help blood flow.

My doctor did not use the rigid implants, he used the inflatable sort. He only implanted the Titan manufacturer, which he considered the best. Some of the issues he discussed with me were:

- There is a high chance of infection during the implant surgery
- Some implants fail
- I would almost certainly experience a loss in length
- Most inflatable implants have to be replaced after a number of years due to wear
- He would be removing one of my testicles which would be replaced by the pump
- There's no going back

While doing the weight loss thing in anticipation of surgery, my brother contacted me after hearing a doctor with a local clinic advertising on the radio that he had a high success rate in helping men with severe ED. I called and was told that if I were to come see him, he would test me and then try an injectable in the office. If the injection didn't work, I would pay nothing.

So, since I knew that my other urologist planned to hollow out my dick and cut off one of my balls, I figured I'd give this other doctor a shot. Well, as it turns out, the injection worked, incredibly well. And to my surprise, I barely felt the injection since the doctor uses very thin diabetic needles.

For a short time it made me really mad that my fantastic urologist had me skip over the injections, because I'm much rather have an erection with my natural penis than with tubes implanted inside of it.

The doctor put me on what is known as a "quad mix". It is a custom mixed compound from a compounding pharmacy. It comes in a vial, packed in a cooler with cold packs. It is stored in the refrigerator. I also had to pay for a spring loaded injector which makes the injections MUCH easier to do. I load the syringe into the injector, put the end near the base of my penis, then press a button and the syringle is pushed in and the plunger goes down, instantly. At this point, I really don't find the injections uncomfortable at all, I feel barely even a tiny pinch.

The initial dosage the doctor told me to use produced an erection that lasted way too long. Nearly six hours, which is past the four hour "danger zone" for priapism. After experimenting with the doses, I have settled on an amount that produces an erection that lasts three to three-and-a-half hours, which is more than enough.

I feel fortunate that my brother (RIP) told me about the doctor's advertisement. I'm very pleased with the injections, and should they ever fail to be effective (which they have been for years now) then I can still go the implant route if necessary. And this post is not an advertisement for any particular injection or a particular doctor. Any urologist can prescribe tri-mix or quad-mix from a compounding pharmacy near you.

Dear Ms. Kelly:
I was wondering considering that we are on this topic, what would be the mean age of your sensual suitors that you would entertain?  Also what would be the varying degrees of Erectile Dysfunction that you are confronted with and what is the biggest hurdle you have with respect to getting someone to the height of arousal?

Thank you so much for the detailed post. I had no idea what the implant route required. Ouch! I am so happy the injections work for you. :)

faxinator4607 reads

I've always been open with my ED story, both online and in real life. People say I should be ashamed or feel like "less than a man" because of it, and I know a lot of guys do feel that way. But I don't. It's just part of me, part of my diabetes. If someone suffered from kidney failure no one would say that they should be ashamed or feel like less than a person.

I hope that by being open with my story it will help other men. Maybe they will be encouraged, maybe they had be reluctant to try injections but perhaps my story will give them the courage to try them.

There are various supplements you can buy at health food stores or at adult stores. Someone mentioned Vitalikor on another site and said he had good results. I wonder if any members have tried this or any one of these.

faxinator3944 reads

I all sorts of herbal products with no success. Doing a little web research will show that the majority of these over-hyped supplements offer very little in the way of help for ED, and some can be downright dangerous.

Never, ever buy a so-called natural, herbal supplement that doesn't list the ingredients on their web site. And if they DO list the ingredients, you can simply buy the ingredients and take them rather than pay for fancy packaging.

I know it sounds scary, but the injections do not hurt and work like a charm.  My urologist makes them up for me and they keep it up 3+ hours.  I don't use it that long for thge most part!

faxinator3077 reads

My injections are PGE, Papaverine, Phentolamine, and Atropine. However, Atropine is hard to come by now, so I will probably drop the atropine on my next refill.

I have tried T-man with great results  on the internet $19.95 for 10
works better than vialgra and levitra which give me headaches

it works as good for cialis for me
i tried it once with a small dose of cialis and felt like I was 18
it was an overnight and had a great tim multiple times

if you take it at night it is good for that night and morning wood

faxinator3572 reads

If only losing weight, eating healthy, and exercise could fix ED. Well, sorry to say, it doesn't in a lot of cases. Mine for instance. I have restricted blood flow to the penis from diabetes and no amount of any of those things would cure my problem.

So, would I prefer not having to inject? Sure. But it ain't happening.

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