60 and Over

Harmony's Reprise...
Corey Edwards See my TER Reviews 4898 reads

We all have strings that need to be tuned.....

I’ve always been kinder than necessary, for everyone that I may meet, might be fighting some kind of battle inside or out...  We all have secrets from our past and in our daily lives and I like having/giving open discussions and comforting touches, cultivating charisma, balancing the palate, providing an inviting atmosphere. And I like to provide a special quality of generous time knowing and feeling what you may need the most…

My heart, arms, phone line and nekk'd jacuzzi session are open…Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.

Corey Edwards, Atlanta

We're coming to you not just for the physical intimacy and sexual release, but more often than not a terrible situation with an SO, a falling out with an ATF, or just an otherwise crappy day?  Can you sense in us the need for nurturing and compassion vs body positions and MSOG? Can you see thru the crusty exterior as we are curled up with you in bed and know that there is hurt, lonliness.....or just a need to be with someone.

I say this only because that's what I feel like today (don't worry....no bridge jumping on the calender!!). But as I'm sitting here dealing with personal issues, one thought keeps popping into my head: I wish I could go get under the covers with someone today. Just escape, and forget all the crap. Lose myself in your arms.

Since discovering this hobby, I've ofter reflected -- and laughed at my self -- at the condescending opinion our media directs towards you for "undermining the moral fabric of our society."  Geez....if they only knew that you give us so much more than sexual release....you give us back our sanity. If there's no one at home to give that to us, where then do we turn?  

But can you tell if we're a basket case walking thru the door?  And whether or not you can tell, thank you in advance for letting us walk in.

For starters - big hugs to you, I hope things turn around and your day gets better.

The majority of my regulars are older gents who miss the attention and affection.  They want that safe place where they can just lose themselves, escape their problems - even if its just for a little while.

A place to recharge the batteries before they have to go back out and deal with whatever it is they are dealing with.

I love all of you guys and no matter what's going on in your world, wether its health problems or something personal at home or work - if you just want someone to lay with, to hold you close and be with you - you will find a welcoming place with me.

They walk through my door questioning themselves on what they have done or not done, family issues or lack of affection but when they leave relaxed and most likely finding compassion things look better. I don't like talking about stressful things till finished since it has a negative affect on your libido but once finished in each others arms things seem to take on a different perspective. Sex has a way of short circuiting negative thoughts and once back on track a clearer picture can be drawn.

The longer you see someone the more personal the conversation. Gentlemen share feelings and experiences with me that they would never share with anyone else. You do become good friends and learn from the others experiences. Some men don't like that and feel they should be the only one getting such a shoulder to cry on.

I have needed some compassion myself and my close gentlemen friends have gladly taken the load and let me use them as a sounding board.  No, not on their dime but yes,on their time. This makes me much more human to my very close friends and quite frankly true intimate friends.

Kisses Haley

you ought to post this on the GD board..they will eat you alive..

thats exactly why we all are on this board. The GD board is not user friendly. You can ask anything on here and instead of getting ostrasized or belittled people on this board will give you their empathy or their ideas on your question or problem.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
you ought to post this on the GD board..they will eat you alive..

Exactly.  That's why I posted here! Here you can let your guard down....GD Board you have to double your armor!!

And it's not the ladies over there....it's us!

it's just part of why we do this where we can bring comfort to those who need it.

We are that escape you so need...that sanity you are missing.

There's so much to us that most men don't want to see because they believe all the hype of the media that we are on drugs, have a pimp, yada yada yada....never did a drug in my life, am a strong independent woman and working on my second degree..yes, second...we do this because we choose to do it.

One day I'll retire but there's still too many men that I feel need me in this hobby and in reality if I can bring them some solace then maybe its a karma kind of thing for me.

Many, many times I have been told that what they are missing most is simple affection. Skin to skin touching, cuddling.

After doing this for a short time, I developed a kinda "sixth sense" about guys as soon as I lay eyes on them. I can generally tell if they are stressed, upset, etc and I give them the compassion and affection they need. So many people forget that that is a big part of what we do! Sex is just the icing on the cake!

I find that companions in the late 30s and up are much more attuned to what Haley, Kendra and Katiemarie are saying. For many who are younger, it's all about the sex. For you, it already incorporates an element of meaningful companionship which is what we also need. :)

And it's NOT for a 2nd pop!

The cuddling, holding, sharing, talking. Even the kissing.

I even have a little SugarBaby that may be, to be honest, an 8/8. But she'll curl up next to you and wrap her arms and her heart around you. Actually says she misses me (lol...more likely the $!!). But still, it's nice to have some one think about you too.

But for the ladies here, the reason I go back again is not so much for the physical skills of the lady, but her ancillary talents. Can she make me forget. Send me off with my spirits high.

Maya Angelou said "I have learned that people will forget the things you say, and they'll forget the things you do, but they'll never forget the way they made you feel."

G24581 reads

are the only opportunity we get to remember the pleasure of being with another human being in an intimate way- and that includes touching, talking, and feeling.  For me, an hour or two with an escort is a reminder of better times when I had women in my life that cared about me.

As we get older, many of us find ourselves more alone than at any other time in our life.  Fortunately, our life experiences seem to prepare us for this, but that doesn't mean we still don't need a few hugs or strokes now and then from a pretty woman.  

People that don't understand the valuable service escorts provide must still think that none of us get divorced and we all live happily ever after like in a Norman Rockwell painting.  But the reality is, more of us are divorced or living alone than are married and living in a traditional situation.

And that raises the question, what are we supposed to do at this age when we find ourselves alone?  We're still human beings, and we still want and need all the same things; are we supposed to make fools of ourselves cruising singles bars or gyms looking for some female companionship when most of the women our age have long since lost interest in dating or sex?  Or are we expected to quit having physical or emotional needs after age 55 or 60, and just start shutting down?

The people that think escorts somehow "undermine the moral fabric of our society" should spend a little time actually thinking about what society would be like if escorts didn't exist in a world where half the adults aren't married.  It's a classic example of "be careful what you wish for."

-- Modified on 3/3/2012 3:13:12 PM

We all have strings that need to be tuned.....

I’ve always been kinder than necessary, for everyone that I may meet, might be fighting some kind of battle inside or out...  We all have secrets from our past and in our daily lives and I like having/giving open discussions and comforting touches, cultivating charisma, balancing the palate, providing an inviting atmosphere. And I like to provide a special quality of generous time knowing and feeling what you may need the most…

My heart, arms, phone line and nekk'd jacuzzi session are open…Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.

Corey Edwards, Atlanta

we all seek shelter in the time of storms.....

Posted By: Corey Edwards
We all have strings that need to be tuned.....

I’ve always been kinder than necessary, for everyone that I may meet, might be fighting some kind of battle inside or out...  We all have secrets from our past and in our daily lives and I like having/giving open discussions and comforting touches, cultivating charisma, balancing the palate, providing an inviting atmosphere. And I like to provide a special quality of generous time knowing and feeling what you may need the most…

My heart, arms, phone line and nekk'd jacuzzi session are open…Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.

Corey Edwards, Atlanta

Liz_Beth6112 reads

...If I could only tell you how much this post warmed MY heart. Yeah. That's why I do this. I spent most of my middle-school/teen-aged years giving emotional support/comfort/care/warmth to a single dad going through a lot of the issues you mentioned that I've really developed a strong need to fill that role. I honestly sort of feel empty and hollow if I'm not connecting with someone, in that way...

Dating in your 20s...pretty light, hedonistic, pleasure-driven...fun, yeah. But for me at least, I don't just provide nurturing and compassion as a service... need the opportunity to be nurturing and compassionate (and give someone an escape...) too...

xoxo Liz

As a 'girlfriend', I consider talking and sharing personal troubles or joys as part of the experience.  Not that I have to force myself to do that, it comes naturally to me.  I believe our time together is like taking a 'personal day'.  Time to release all that is bottled up, whether it be sexual or emotional (or both).  I am a very good listener and am naturally a happy person (most of the time).  I usually try to make our time relaxing, light-hearted, non-judgmental and an escape.  I want you to feel great when you leave.  I do not pry into a person's private life.  Should you bring it up, I will gladly listen and provide my view.  Should you be a basket case coming in the door, of course, I will ask if you want to talk about it.

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