60 and Over

Got Milf?teeth_smile
grumpyolguy 12 Reviews 569 reads

Even when I was a young man the ladies who we lovingly refer to as Milf's got my attention.
There is something very sexy about a woman who is confident and mature!

How many of you go for the MILFS?
And who preferrs the baby girls in their 20's?

Is that for the experience and skills?
Is that for the visual?


I am curious.


I like the milfs because of their attitude. Most of them keep very fit so the visuals are there.
The experience factor is always a plus.

Almost all of the time, however every once in a while the eye candy of a younger hottie will make me pull the trigger. After the fact I am usually disappointed because usually we have no connection!  
 The overall total package with the MILF will almost always make for return dates and longer encounters. Moving toward a mutual and lasting LTR.

Having said that, I also find that they just are much better at taking care of a mature man in every way.

Let me add this remark, in 8 plus years I have only came across two MILF's that did not live up to expectations.

Posted By: BooBoo_KittyFuck
How many of you go for the MILFS?  
 And who preferrs the baby girls in their 20's?  
 Is that for the experience and skills?  
 Is that for the visual?  
 I am curious.  
-- Modified on 1/25/2015 7:01:35 AM

Hi BooBoo.  I definitely prefer the MILFS.  I've been with younger women and they are great but it makes me feel like an old guy, I'm 65, and they just don't seem to have the same sensitivity and playfulness as women in their mid 30's and up.  I'm told that there are younger women who specialize in older guys, Zoey Zaquery comes to mind, but so far my favorites are actually in their 40's.  One ATF recently came back from some time off and I have an appointment coming up, can't wait

100% Milfs. And they must be 30+, although lately, my tendency is 35+. Absolutely no 20s, and don't even talk about teenagers. If you're hot, beautiful, and 29, let's wait a year.  

I know a lot of guys are here for the young, hot, tight kitties, but I enjoy the overall experience. It's much easier to click with someone closer to one's own age. There's more to talk about in between activities. I'm sure there are exceptions, but my thinking is that the younger the lady, the more she's going to have to fake the overall experience. I mean, how on earth would a teen be attracted to someone in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond. The closer to my own age, the better. Two of my favs are in their 50s. Several in their 40s, and two in their 30s.  

Plus, there are some really hot milfs, who exercise like crazy, and can keep their kitties pretty damn tight. I also think that they're more aware of their sexuality. Is that what you call experience?

Definitely I choose to play with women instead of "children." They don't have to be mothers though.  I avoid anyone under the age group of 20 to 25.  All of my playmates are mature women. Looks, experience and skills all go into my selections.
 Why? Remember Miss or Mrs BBKittyF what happens to Curious Cats. 8o)

Experience and skills which usually but not always means over 30 probably over 35.  Without a doubt though I have met twenty-somethings who are mature, experienced and skilled.  In terms of calendar age, 33 seems like a magic number for women.  Visual?  Not so much as long as the person is taking care of her body whatever her size, shape or shade.  

Why?  This is probably TMI but I just did an Tantric exercise where I listed what I am looking for in a playmate so here goes:

Comfortable in her own skin
Older guy friendly
Not self-centered
Open to kissing
Open to cuddling, pillow talk
Sees sex as play rather than a linear process
Enjoys oral sex
Open to receiving as well as giving pleasure
Open to the idea that orgasm and ejaculation need not occur simultaneously

I can comfortably put a check by all of those. :)

Posted By: Tampa_Jim
Experience and skills which usually but not always means over 30 probably over 35.  Without a doubt though I have met twenty-somethings who are mature, experienced and skilled.  In terms of calendar age, 33 seems like a magic number for women.  Visual?  Not so much as long as the person is taking care of her body whatever her size, shape or shade.    
 Why?  This is probably TMI but I just did an Tantric exercise where I listed what I am looking for in a playmate so here goes:  
 -Comfortable in her own skin  
 -Older guy friendly  
 -Not self-centered  
 -Open to kissing  
 -Open to cuddling, pillow talk  
 -Sees sex as play rather than a linear process  
 -Enjoys oral sex  
 -Open to receiving as well as giving pleasure  
 -Open to the idea that orgasm and ejaculation need not occur simultaneously

I find myself driven to distraction, or did before I stopped seeing girls, by younger girls in the early 20's.. but I also find myself enjoying thoroughly very experienced women in their 30's and 40's.  

My favorite quote from a young provider.. I was with.. I asked her if she had a stereo we could turn on.. She thought for a minute then said. ."what's a stereo?".. priceless..

ATLDAWG857 reads

I prefer MILF"s who are mid 30's and up-always have !!

"Mature" because they don't need to be a mother. Mid 30s are fine, but my sweet spot tends to be in the 40 - 50 range.  Mature ladies are easier to relate to and have a better understanding of the needs and occasional limitations of this senior citizen. And with that age, a little wrinkle or sag here and there is of no concern for me. In fact, it underscores that the lady has some experience in life and that is a plus. And she knows better than to expect Mr. Adonis when she opens the door.  LOL.

BTW, BooBoo, your profile says you are "Bi".  So what is your preference when it comes to the ladies?

I've seen a lot of wonderful women of all ages from ~ 20 to 50 and have had great experiences with many of them. Each is a unique person and brings her own special persona to our time together. Sure, there is much to enjoy with women of all different ages and life experiences. But one lady in particular stands out for me, and it's not her age (which happens to fall on the lower middle of the range), it's just who she is, in every way.

but I always go for the baby girls, the younger the better.  I've rarely dated any above 30 and they were ok for me but did not fulfill my fantasy.  Maybe I'm in the minority here for the simple reason that I have a mature sexy wife at home.  That's my reality.  I don't need to go looking on TER for maturity.  The fantasy for me is the young girls.

Me too.  I'm 77 and young flesh has its attractions as one is sagging.  Its not that hard to get into their mind set. After all, many old folk have been young once and no young have ever been old so its up to us to make the intellectual move.

I wish older women turned me on more though as it would expand the field of possibilities...

young hotties but there have also been several sessions with young girls that just didn't seem to have chemistry.  I can only think of 1 MILF date in the last 5 years that was not 8+ in performance.

blueuc1100 reads

To be honest any mature woman is my choice.  The younger girls just seem to be full of themselves and turns me off.   I think the mature women tend to have a more confident self and that is what I like.   They also seem to be more caring and not so much in a rush.

cuppajoe767 reads

20-40 is my sweet spot.  I can talk with anybody for an hour, but who's talking the whole time anyway? Sessions with young ladies are different, but just as hot.  

Posted By: BooBoo_KittyFuck
How many of you go for the MILFS?  
 And who preferrs the baby girls in their 20's?  
 Is that for the experience and skills?  
 Is that for the visual?  
 I am curious.  

Even when I was a young man the ladies who we lovingly refer to as Milf's got my attention.
There is something very sexy about a woman who is confident and mature!

And I Truly enjoy meeting her. She is my ATF and recently we climaxed at the same time via 69. Then the next time she came first. Of course, that is what any gentleman would do LOL

one man's milf is another man's sugar baby...

Overall, I enjoy the company of more mature ladies.  They take the time to care for your needs and really put something into it to make you feel oh so good.  I have one caveat to that as I met a local girl in her early 20's who I affectionately dubbed the "Ferrari" when referring to her at work.

definately the MILF's for several reasons.

1) Most no what an hour of time is, meaning most use a 60 minute hour.
2) Most do not clock watch.
3) more true knowledge of what make us happy and what also makes them happy.
4) a lot less bs, no shows/no calls, and a lot less DRAMA.
5) normally cheaper donations.
6) less busy schedule.

A MILF everytime over a 20 something

I've just found 40 year olds more skilled and comfortable with themselves, easier to talk to. Want to get more kinky? You're more likely to get what you're looking for with a MILF. I'm just saying.

I find the older guys want more that the flesh- they want the richness of the tapestry of all the experiences that make me- well, me.  I have been traveling with a young provider/21 for several months now and see that many of her clients are older men- 60 and above.   Seems they enjoy the taboo of youth...the visual I am sure as well.

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