60 and Over

Getting Off
zyzy 2 Reviews 525 reads

I appreciate all the kindness and wonderful suggestions, but I think I will accept Robbin's guaranteed cure.  How can a guy go wrong with Robbin in a Naughty Nurse outfit.  I don't even have any nurse fantasies after the rough and gruff nurses in Vietnam, but they had a rough job and we understood they had to be that way to preserve their sanity.

as a youngster, I trained to increase stamina so I could go as long as the woman wanted.  now I find it is difficult to get off at all.  it seems like I must jack off to get it done even with an attractive woman.  this has been exasperated the last couple of months by a leg injury.  the final problem is my cock is rather large which gives the female bj jaw.  any suggestions from others ?  i am in latter sixties.

I'm 64, and often I have the gal masturbate me to get me off.  This has been happening more and more over the last few years.

It should go without saying that you should not masturbate for up to a week before seeing a gal.

If there is some other remedy for this out there, I'd love to hear about it

I'd suggest you not think about it.  Just enjoy what happens.  Everyone and every time is different

Posted By: zyzy
as a youngster, I trained to increase stamina so I could go as long as the woman wanted.  now I find it is difficult to get off at all.  it seems like I must jack off to get it done even with an attractive woman.  this has been exasperated the last couple of months by a leg injury.  the final problem is my cock is rather large which gives the female bj jaw.  any suggestions from others ?  i am in latter sixties.

I have had a difficult time getting off for the past several years . Here are my approaches:

1. Stop jerking off between sessions. No matter how much I want to choke the chicken, I wait. And wait. Yes, I get really horny before I see a lady, but it does help to get me a climax when I am with one.

2. Schedule longer sessions. I find that if I have a two-hour session in which there is lots of DATY, CFS in different positions and BBBJ, I am able to cum during the last 30 minutes - usually from BBBJCIMNQNS or cowgirl.  

3. Check your meds carefully. I have gone over my meds and to the great consternation of my physicians I stop taking my antidepressant and my hypertension medication 36 hours before the session. THIS IS DANGEROUS SO CONSIDER IT CAREFULLY. Immediately after the session I take my normal dosages of those skipped medications.

4. Talk with your ATF about your favorite sexual fantasies. I have a thing for a lady wearing thigh-high stockings and fingerless elbow-length gloves. So my ATF wears them. I also love threesomes so about every three months I have a session with two wonderful ladies.

5. Relax and enjoy every moment, not just your climax. A climax to me is like a desert. I enjoy the appetizers and the main course.  

Hope this helps.

I like your likes, thigh highs and threesomes sound great and the fingerless gloves are untried by me but sound provocative.  Fortunately, I don't take any medication that would endanger me.  I am on ibuprofin and lyrica.  I think they dull my sensitivity a litttle, as well as knocking out the pain and stiffness in the injured leg.  Fortunately, it is slowly healing and in the meantime I skip a pill before sex which I think helps a little. I don't have an ATF, unfortunately.  I am in the tryout stage looking for such a provider, but while money isn't a problem, time is.  I can't even set up an appt several days ahead, just one day at best. and laying off masturbation that long would really make me irritable.  I have joked on the square that men died when I wasn't getting laid (referring to my time in the Marines in Vietnam).  We sound like kindred spirits and I will adapt your suggestions where possible.

Can your explain the reason for discontinuing the hypertension medication?

I appreciate all the kindness and wonderful suggestions, but I think I will accept Robbin's guaranteed cure.  How can a guy go wrong with Robbin in a Naughty Nurse outfit.  I don't even have any nurse fantasies after the rough and gruff nurses in Vietnam, but they had a rough job and we understood they had to be that way to preserve their sanity.

Posted By: zyzy
as a youngster, I trained to increase stamina so I could go as long as the woman wanted.  now I find it is difficult to get off at all.  it seems like I must jack off to get it done even with an attractive woman.  this has been exasperated the last couple of months by a leg injury.  the final problem is my cock is rather large which gives the female bj jaw.  any suggestions from others ?  i am in latter sixties.
Could part of your problem be that you "trained" yourself too well in regards too increasing your stamina and that your body has gotten accustom to getting off via jacking off?  

This would be analogous to a person who masturbates frequently to porn.  One gets so accustom to pleasuring oneself that you have difficulty orgasming when being pleasured by a woman.  A lot is mental, but you have to start retraining your body and mind to break the habit.

I agree with Mr. Fisher, and I think this is a normal part of the maturing process. Things that are consistent for most are:

1) decreasing sensitivity (which is good because you can actually slow down and enjoy what you are doing for a change, not just the penile part of it. Surprise! You are a whole body not a set of genitals on life support!)

2) decreased ejaculatory volume (which is typically only of concern to men as they view themselves and gay men as they view the ejaculate. Most women could, honestly, care less about the mess. It does nothing for us and if we say it does, it is to feed your ego).

3) delayed response times (see upsides to decreasing sensitivity)

4) decreased urgency/fullness/stupidity (the lessening of "omygod-IgottafuckNOW" urgency makes you much less selfish in bed, a lot less stupid or offensive in conversation and generally a better human being to deal with all around. what you see as a decline, we experience as a bonus where we get more of the parts of you that we LIKE dealing with)

So, with all that said (like you wanted to hear any of that) - there is a point where our sexuality has to evolve as our maturing progresses. When younger, pretty much anything warm and wet would work. When slightly mature, it had to have a personality or the ability to stay quiet so you could just focus on what you were seeing instead of having to deal with the whole person and when older - well, this is where you have to check in with yourself because the other two previous approaches aren't going to work so well anymore. Maybe the problem isn't in the plumbing but in how you perceive how you should participate/engage in sexuality still.. in spite of the evolution of the rest of you?

Also, if you have previously spent a lot of time masturbating yourself/training yourself into a more desensitized state so that you can have more "stamina", you are going to have problems getting off without masturbating to completion ESPECIALLY as you get older and naturally become less sensitive. There is no remedy for it. You just have to start looking a different approach to how you enjoy sexuality and find a new approach to what your expectations are.


SIDEBAR: And BTW - THIS... "3. Check your meds carefully. I have gone over my meds and to the great consternation of my physicians I stop taking my antidepressant and my hypertension medication 36 hours before the session. THIS IS DANGEROUS SO CONSIDER IT CAREFULLY. Immediately after the session I take my normal dosages of those skipped medications."

DO NOT EVER PLAY GAMES LIKE THIS WITH THESE KINDS OF MEDICATIONS. The consternation of the docs isn't because they are worried about you being a dumbass but because (a) playing around with serotonin levels in the brain by "skipping" med doses is like playing Russian Roulette with the suicide/homicide gun. Brain chemicals have a very narrow range that they can be in (high OR low) before you go completely cuckoo for cocoa puffs temporarily and either you get committed or arrested for hurting yourself/other people. Its the hurting other people that everyone worries about. Skipping your meds deliberately and checking yourself out of here? That's Darwin's law.  

High blood pressure medications? Taking yourself off your meds temporarily MAY appear to have the ability to give you back an erection but what it is doing is completely screwing up your kidneys and your future ability to ever have an erection again (sooner not later in life). Constantly mucking around with fluid pressure in pressure sensitive valves (Hi, blood pressure = fluid pressure) results in permanent damage to the valves, pipes and controls that regulate the whole system. And there's also that nasty bit about HAVING A STROKE. So, sure if you think you can find someone to sleep with you after you have had a stroke AND can't get it up anymore? You go right ahead and play games with your meds and prove Darwin's law

Giving ladies bj jaw lol. I don't believe you! Show me! ;) No, seriously can I see it

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