60 and Over

Gentlemen Please Tell Me...........
petitenicole See my TER Reviews 5279 reads


I am curious as to what gentleman find attractive on a woman in photos?

Or, do you have any thoughts/ideas about what you would like to see a woman wearing in photos?

Inquiring please................

Thank You in advance for your kindness,

Nicole xo

Personally, I like to see a woman wearing nothing in photos.  For me, there is not much that can enhance the allure of a woman's form, which in and of itself is a thing of beauty.

Posted By: petitenicole

I am curious as to what gentleman find attractive on a woman in photos?

Or, do you have any thoughts/ideas about what you would like to see a woman wearing in photos?

Inquiring please................

Thank You in advance for your kindness,

Nicole xo

For me, the best photos of are the ones  that somehow express something special about her personality and that visually reveal just enough to entice me to   want to see more.

men love skin..accent your best features..ass..legs..breasts..fully clothed does nothing for me except show me you are a sharp dresser and have good taste..the chocolate thing loses me..the pictures showing your quite beautiful ass are your best..you have a trim and petite figure..tease them with it..i hate to be critical but you did ask..

G24734 reads

The photos YOU pick tell me as much about you as the clothes you're wearing or the poses you choose.  So they should be a reflection of your personality and the image you wish to project.  Your website is the #1 tool to communicate your brand image, and your photos are the most important part of your website.

Now, as someone that has done a fair amount of glamor photography, I know that getting the right photos is a lot easier said than done.  It takes time, money, and the right photographer, and those three things aren't always readily available.  Whatever way you go, it helps if you have some idea as to the brand image, or objective, you wish to communicate to visitors of your site.

A lot of women try to appeal to everyone, and that's understandable since they don't want to limit their market.  But in doing so, they sometimes forget to tell the customer who they really are.  You can't be all things to all people, so decide what's most important to you and emphasize that.

For example, I know of several ladies that say they can be a Dom or a GND.  Well, maybe they think they can, but there's no way I'm seeing one of them if I'm not also into an assertive woman.  Because in my mind, they're true nature is to dominate, and I don't want someone that is pretending to be someone she isn't.  In marketing we always say a brand can only stand for one thing, and those ladies are sending mixed messages to the guys who visit their sites.  There are many other examples, but I'm sure you get the idea.

As for specifics, I always assume (like most hobbyists) that parts of your figure that are being hidden, are being hidden for a reason.  So if you've got great abs, don't hide them with a sheet, for example.  In fact, I make as many decisions based on what is hidden as on what is shown.  But there are guys that like all shapes and sizes, so an accurate representation of you is more important than a highly glamorized one that looks like someone else.  After all, the worst way to start a date is to feel like the woman that opened the door isn't the same one as in the pictures.

I think nice lingerie is always the core of any portfolio of pictures.   Others include a little black dress or other street clothes that you find particularly flattering, bikini, and nudes.  The poses make all the difference.  I can take a fully nude woman and pose her in such a way as to show no more than a bikini, yet, the nude shot give off a totally different vibe.  So it's worth putting some thought into it.  And if you can afford it, professional hair and makeup can really make a difference too.  In LA, where I live, many of the top ladies will hire pros to take care of that for them, and it shows in the final product.  But if that's not your style, that's OK too- always be yourself.

I haven't seen your current site, so I'm making these comments in a general way, as opposed to critiquing anything you may have on your site.

there should be a fair amount of skin but not necessarily explicit.  You can use clothing or other props...  but taken in total I want to know what you look like naked before I get to your door.
A nice butt is...  nice but I see too many butt picts.  I enjoy seeing how a woman's breasts look & move depending of position.  
Photos should be good resolution & open large enough to really see well.    

NO music!  Guys should not peek while others are within earshot but some do & music blaring & they click off ast warp speed!  Plus, he might not like your taste in music...  
Ads need pictures too...  rotate picts in ads.  I suspect fakes if the same picts used over & over.  
Best Wishes,

Your photos are great. I am especially drawn to the chocolate photos. They tell a story and reveal your seductiveness.  Yours also demonstrate some thoughtfulness and planning. This transfers to the thoughtfulness and planning that you bring to a session!!! Photos done with a camera phone indicate a lack of planning and care about the image that is projected. It aslo indicates to me a that a session will be slap-dash and probably unexciting.

I wasn't gonna reply since you had so many replies already but after I looked at the photos on your website i just gotta say. You already know what guys like. WOW! you have some of the sexiest ,hottest, photos I have ever seen. No BS. Really nice pics.

they are good quality if a little slow to load...  my only criticism.  You have a good mix of picts.  Everyone will find some they like over others...  but in total they do everything necessary.

Nicole, the answer to your question lies in the question, "what is sexy?"  The answer is different for each man or woman.  However, I do have an excellent piece of advise.  Many men make dress requests before a date.  There requests are what to them defines sexy.  I generally request, "Wear what makes you feel sexy, but err on the side of comfort".  I have found dress and styles I would never have thought of, yet all were sexy.  Sexiness is an aura radiated by a person.  If you are dress in what makes you feel sexy you are sexy.  Thus my suggestion, is wear what makes you feel sexy. Their hearts, minds, and other appendages will follow.

For example, there is one provider who posts photos on here that reveal a very punkish and outre image of herself.  She wraps herself up in very kinky leather outfits and places herself in edgy locations.  Her photos are irrisistable to me, so I went to see her on that basis alone.

Another gal I recently met was telling me that she wants to promote herself as a healer, and offer spa treatments in addition to the GFE menu.  I suggested shots of her with things like lotion and oil bottles, plus a massage table in the background to set the right mood.  She was very receptive to that.

So, the right photos for you are the ones that expresse what you want to sell to your prospective clients.

Also, very important, is to use a good photog,  one who has experience with escorts, or at least female models, at the very least.

Poor lighting, poor posing, etc. destroy the image you want to convey.

Investing in a good photog will pay back the cost very quickly.

Thanks for asking this question.  I hope it helps you and many other gals.

over breasts with long skirt slit up to the waist.  that did (er I mean does) it for me!

dont change a thing..unless you just want to update your site from time to time. Love your pics and they say all the right things to me. I'd love to run into you at a M&G sometime.



I love love LOVE this board.  I think it is the best for a variety of reasons:-)

I wondered when I put the question out there what folks would think.  Considering I had so many pictures.  

Why on earth would I ask such a question.

I ask, because I am of the mind that I always want to learn and get ideas and am curious.....

For instance the chocolate ones. I could see how someone would look @ that and say; yuck!  For me tho it was fun and it shows it and depending on whose looking it can convey a variety of other images of the mind. No telling.......

For me it is best just to have fun with it and enjoy the moment......

Thank You for all the compliments AND input....

Nicole xo

something slightly see through, just enough to know there is nothing on underneath but enough cover to make you want to take a peek!

something slightly see through, just enough to know there is nothing on underneath but enough cover to make you want to take a peek!

Clrw_guy064000 reads

No advice to give as your photos are great, after seeing them I definitely would love to meet you.  Excellent job as you seemed to cover all the bases.

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