60 and Over

From everything I have heard, read or seen.
Snowy57 13 Reviews 2380 reads
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We are all aware of the Corona Virus and its potential effect on those people of age 60 and above.  My question.....Are you  changing your "play habits" based on the information given to us - those age 60 or above?  I would like to hear your perspective on this important public health issue.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 246 reads
2 / 11

I wouldn't differentiate it from regular public meeting.  In other words, if I felt the threat in a region was bad enough to avoid the public, it would include escorts.  On the other hand, if I didn't feel the threat in the region was bad enough to avoid the public, I would continue to see escorts.  

MakenzieRae See my TER Reviews 260 reads
3 / 11

Personally, as a provider, who is close to 60...but not quite yet! I see this as just be careful and wash
properly.  I am thankful I don't have any underlying medical issues but if I did then yea I would be  
quarantining myself.  

As a provider though, its pretty much the same as ever.  if a gent or I am sick in anyway, then I ask
not to come and see me and vice versa.  I haven't really changed things much though except now
without exception....hand wash before you touch me!1  And oh, a shower is mandatory now!

Just be careful and as usual hygiene...

Makenzie Rae

GaGambler 247 reads
4 / 11

Casual contact is just as dangerous as intimate contact where it comes to this virus. So if I am going to go to the grocery store, even on a slow day I am going to have casual contact with literally dozens of people. If I go see a hooker I am only having contact with ONE person. I'll take those odds every day of the week.

Now if I were in one of the high risk groups, most likely I wouldn't be seeing hookers, going to the store or interacting with any more human being than I absolutely had to, but even though I am over 60, I am barely over 60, in perfect health, I don't smoke, and I haven't had either a cold or flu in decades. On the VERY slim chance I were to contract it, I would literally bet my life on the 99.9% odds that someone like myself would survive.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 246 reads
5 / 11

Supposedly even if the spread subsides, there is often a double bump which would likely come in the fall/winter, which is often bigger than the first bump.
Getting it now might be better than getting it later because you would become immune and wouldn't have to hide in the house.
Imagine all the bargains you could enjoy being one of the few who could venture out.

trex44 9 Reviews 259 reads
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...and someone with a moderate risk (allergy-induced asthma which is prevalent for me year-round where I'm currently living), I'm in a category with a slightly higher risk level.

However, I've practiced the virus-limiting measures that have been talked about ad nauseam for decades. I haven't had the flue since '96 (never had a flu shot), rarely get colds and am "disgustingly healthy" as my doctor puts it. I eat clean, work out regularly (and have for almost 30 years) and am pro-active about my health.

My biggest contact point for potential virus infection is at the gym, as some people aren't as scrupulous about their hand hygiene as they should be (even now), so I've started using more hand sanitizer during my workouts (in addition to hand washing before and after my sessions).

Since I live in a "provider desert" (southern OR) and rarely see traveling ladies visit my area, my opportunities to hobby are limited. I don't travel to the Big City as much as I used to for work (even before all this Covid-19 fiasco), so I'll just wait for one of my regular providers to visit. Sadly, she only does that 2-3 times a year; we'll see if she continues to do that during this outbreak scenario.

Y'all stay safe, healthy and buena suerte!

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 244 reads
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Although in excellent health, I do not feel it is worth the risk.  
People say casual contact is just as dangerous. Sorry, I don’t buy it...
The ladies are being as careful as possible but let’s face it: this is an airborne virus and they get very close to the client.

You are contagious before you realize that it is not just a sniffle. And if you are and were her visitor of a couple of days ago, chances are that today’s friend will get it. I feel for the providers. This has to be hitting their bottom line.

I figure 2-3 months of abstinence won’t kill me (I hope... Argh! Stephanie is coming here soon...).

Stay (play) safe!

nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 267 reads
8 / 11

us old guys have to stay Safe !!

hobby48 18 Reviews 285 reads
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I’ve had to fight for TP, but not for intimacy.  I’ll take my chances with my provider of choice or my sugar baby.  I still have a very strong drive and quite frankly especially in these crazy times i need a release.  

josulli 15 Reviews 250 reads
10 / 11

Put off caĺling.. finally a regular girl texted me..told me she was bored .. had to see me.. ok..if you put it that way..

Eugene77 282 reads
11 / 11

Just about to through it in and forget the whole thing with life insurance's cash in hand offer? I opened an account with a retail chain and walked away from it for better money, well I'm back renewing the possibilities, it seems your chances are a little better than average in cases of incest or rape facing prolonged doctors visits. Its the right and lfp with a clean bill of health "tell it to the clowns head."  


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