60 and Over

For as long as I remain interested enough
stellartwo 9 Reviews 3405 reads
1 / 33

I'm almost 69 and am wondering how long I will be doing this.  excellent health and a wonderful ATF I see every month.   but age does have it's toll. retirement coming .. less money and probably harder to have secret free time.  Just a lot of wondering about the future.  
what is everyone else wondering?

bosssik 1000 reads
2 / 33

I'm not thinking about the future. I'm trying to have as much fun as possible today...and everyday.

Sswede 76 Reviews 940 reads
4 / 33

As long as Im vertical and women still arnt repulsed (no condemnations heard so far though the hearing aint what it could be I admit) by the thought of seeing me Im down with the game..

Party on Garth...!
Posted By: stellartwo
I'm almost 69 and am wondering how long I will be doing this.  excellent health and a wonderful ATF I see every month.   but age does have it's toll. retirement coming .. less money and probably harder to have secret free time.  Just a lot of wondering about the future.  
 what is everyone else wondering?

cuppajoe 938 reads
5 / 33

I'll do it as long as the desire is there.  Less money, less free time, they are just logistical problems to be solved.  

I also figure there will be strategies to prolong the desire, too.  Probably develop my "predilections" into full blown kinks.  Teen blonde spinners in latex, anyone?
Posted By: stellartwo
I'm almost 69 and am wondering how long I will be doing this.  excellent health and a wonderful ATF I see every month.   but age does have it's toll. retirement coming .. less money and probably harder to have secret free time.  Just a lot of wondering about the future.  
 what is everyone else wondering?

rancherejim 893 reads
6 / 33

Hey I'm 73 and still poonin' twice a week.
 I got a volunteer job so that I can get out of the house alone. Wife thinks I work 6 hours a day but really I only work 2-4  hours a day. The rest of the time is free to do as I please. Guess what I choose to do!!!!!

KSM46 33 Reviews 779 reads
7 / 33
TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 1223 reads
8 / 33

We don't really plan on how long we'll hobby or when we'll get old.  It just gradually happens and with it a new set of priorities that shift and change as gracefully as we do...hopefully;-)
I've loved many older gentlemen, but one in particular that played it out to the end!
He was a good friend until he left here 2 years ago and he'd not like to know that I knew his age!  
He acted like a 50 year old, but he was well into his 80's.
Everyone thinks they know how good they are, how far they'll go, how much they'll take.  But we only know how great we are when tested.
My friend spent the better part of his last bad months with me.  Some were good, most were bad.
I think about it often, whether it's safe to play with men that could literally exhaust themselves.
My defining answer is, yes.
Keep on keeping on until you can't keep on anymore.
What if tomorrow is your last day?  Wouldn't you want to spend it with the people you love, share some tears with them and then go have a good time?  I would!
And so did he.
Also, he left nothing to me.  
He gave me more while he was alive than he ever could afterward.  And that was plenty.

I spent the last afternoon he had, eating his favorite lunch, in our favorite bed.  
It feels good to share it.

josulli 15 Reviews 882 reads
9 / 33

Perfect Tiffany..
65 this summer.. worried about how I will know when to stop.. I don't want to embaress myself.. but so far.. I'm OK..I worry about continuing just "because", not because I still enjoy it.. but as long as I can think about my ATF as I am going about my day and get a woodie (yes, Cameo that's you..) I'm good..

HarryHarper53 74 Reviews 845 reads
10 / 33

2 more years till I retire and the SO retires. Then it will be harder to get me time and future plans of extensive travel are involved.


kayjaykay 26 Reviews 1014 reads
11 / 33

What a nice and thoughtful post Tiffany. You must be really special with the older guys. What a blessing you were to your 80+ gentleman friend. And your affection for him is obvious. You sound like the kind of woman I'd like to get to know.

Posted By: TiffanyDelight
We don't really plan on how long we'll hobby or when we'll get old.  It just gradually happens and with it a new set of priorities that shift and change as gracefully as we do...hopefully;-)  
 I've loved many older gentlemen, but one in particular that played it out to the end!  
 He was a good friend until he left here 2 years ago and he'd not like to know that I knew his age!    
 He acted like a 50 year old, but he was well into his 80's.  
 Everyone thinks they know how good they are, how far they'll go, how much they'll take.  But we only know how great we are when tested.  
 My friend spent the better part of his last bad months with me.  Some were good, most were bad.  
 I think about it often, whether it's safe to play with men that could literally exhaust themselves.  
 My defining answer is, yes.  
 Keep on keeping on until you can't keep on anymore.  
 What if tomorrow is your last day?  Wouldn't you want to spend it with the people you love, share some tears with them and then go have a good time?  I would!  
 And so did he.  
 Also, he left nothing to me.    
 He gave me more while he was alive than he ever could afterward.  And that was plenty.  
 I spent the last afternoon he had, eating his favorite lunch, in our favorite bed.    
 It feels good to share it.  

funseeker579 910 reads
12 / 33

    You are an amazing and wonderful woman!  In this world of karma - your kindness will come back to you in spades. As you point out no one knows how long any of us has on this earth.  You could be on a sidewalk and a CTA bus wipes you out, or your aircraft stalls, or your heart gives out. Tis better to have loved and lived...as you obviously have.  What a wonderful attitude!! very sexy!!

sailor66 14 Reviews 823 reads
13 / 33
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 775 reads
14 / 33

i definitely need to slow down..into the 401K now..

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 865 reads
15 / 33

I find my interest in hobbying waxing & waning as the years pass. Am thinking that spending time chasing a civvie can by itself be fun enough...

... then I shoot an email to a favorite provider ;-)

The best thing about it is that "there is no must" in  all of this.

TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 813 reads
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I knew my friend for almost 17 years and yes, he was very special.  Truly he was my blessing and I miss not having him around.  I do think that the relationships we cultivate are a gift.  
What I love about this forum and the opportunity to post is that the people who are attracted to me, generally are people I'm attracted to also...Xo's

TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 777 reads
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1705218 10 Reviews 828 reads
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is to have a duo with my ATF and a friend. It will be my 82nd birthday.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 962 reads
19 / 33

I keep coming back this hobby is way to much fun to quit.

hay5650 269 Reviews 826 reads
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CdnBman 11 Reviews 965 reads
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Posted By: TiffanyDelight
We don't really plan on how long we'll hobby or when we'll get old.  It just gradually happens and with it a new set of priorities that shift and change as gracefully as we do...hopefully;-)  
 I've loved many older gentlemen, but one in particular that played it out to the end!  
 He was a good friend until he left here 2 years ago and he'd not like to know that I knew his age!    
 He acted like a 50 year old, but he was well into his 80's.  
 Everyone thinks they know how good they are, how far they'll go, how much they'll take.  But we only know how great we are when tested.  
 My friend spent the better part of his last bad months with me.  Some were good, most were bad.  
 I think about it often, whether it's safe to play with men that could literally exhaust themselves.  
 My defining answer is, yes.  
 Keep on keeping on until you can't keep on anymore.  
 What if tomorrow is your last day?  Wouldn't you want to spend it with the people you love, share some tears with them and then go have a good time?  I would!  
 And so did he.  
 Also, he left nothing to me.    
 He gave me more while he was alive than he ever could afterward.  And that was plenty.  
 I spent the last afternoon he had, eating his favorite lunch, in our favorite bed.    
 It feels good to share it.  
This is one of the best posts I have ever read on this site.  Your friend sounds very fortunate to have known you.  Thanks for cheering up my evening.

RogueLuver 692 reads
23 / 33

This is what makes you a premier lady. Even though we haven't met, only due to life's curves, you continue to send that "wow" factor. Be yourself always,,,,,,,,,,

KennedyCoastal See my TER Reviews 665 reads
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I stopped asking these questions in my 30's when I thought I'd long retired &  thought I was over the hill in hobby years.  Later, as luck & circumstances would have it, the universe told me differently. Now, I am back in the hobby saddle. I adore older men, and especially love if they're married,which leaves me time to do as I please. None of us are getting any younger-but the best of us are getting better,smarter, & sexier. One of my ATF songs is 50 ways by Paul Simon & when my maker calls me home-I know it'll be playin' on repeat. Cheers to Carpe Diem, cuz, I'm counting on Willie Nelson to roll me up & smoke me when I die;)

2labman 26 Reviews 648 reads
25 / 33

If it weren't for the panic and problem it would cause my ATF regular and my relative's reaction, my preference would be to cum and then go while in her arms.

Sounds like you two came pretty close to that.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 681 reads
26 / 33

That's so true- we attract what we are attracted to. I too feel blessed with the fabulous gents who've come into my life here.  

And I feel for you. I recently lost a friend I'd only known just under a year. It's hard to know how to grieve, or more precisely, how to express your grief in this world. Typically we can't just show up at someone's funeral. It was painful for me, just a very unsettling feeling. Again, my heart goes out to you.

TiffanyDelight See my TER Reviews 703 reads
27 / 33

Thanks Sarah,

I learned some very hard lessons.  The way that I was treated by his friends who'd been very nice to me prior, was very hard.  
The thing is, I was able to look him in the eyes the entire time he was slowly dying and say that everything he'd done was enough and I didn't want anything from him, but not to go.
I don't understand who people are when they show up in the end and want things.
It was very hurtful for him personally and it tore me apart to watch.
I've been waiting until it doesn't hurt to talk about, and I guess I'm as close to that as I'll ever be...X

Kalinasandiego See my TER Reviews 720 reads
28 / 33

I agree Madam Patricia.  I am having way too much fun...or maybe just enough!  LOL Kalina

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 757 reads
29 / 33

Oh how awful to have had to deal with all of that. My heart goes out to you!  
At least you gave him love and peace at the end.  

Posted By: TiffanyDelight
Thanks Sarah,  
 I learned some very hard lessons.  The way that I was treated by his friends who'd been very nice to me prior, was very hard.    
 The thing is, I was able to look him in the eyes the entire time he was slowly dying and say that everything he'd done was enough and I didn't want anything from him, but not to go.  
 I don't understand who people are when they show up in the end and want things.  
 It was very hurtful for him personally and it tore me apart to watch.  
 I've been waiting until it doesn't hurt to talk about, and I guess I'm as close to that as I'll ever be...Xo  

Robert_BadenPowell 682 reads
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... to be treasured, and lived to the fullest. Especially now, as I grow older, I treasure every moment in the company of a fine woman. I'm grateful that I'm in good health and that all the important bits still work quite well.  :)  

But what wonderful words to live by: "He gave me more while he was alive than he ever could afterward."

paovaldez See my TER Reviews 897 reads
31 / 33

and even of falls out...there's other things that you can certainly enjoy :

1705218 10 Reviews 564 reads
33 / 33

In 2009 my wife of 52 years died. She was the love of my life. After mourning her death for over 3 years I needed female intimacy. I started my new sexlife. I have seen only 8 ladies since I started. I've had one duo 2 years ago and I;m having another with an ATF and a new highly regarded provider in a few days. I was 82 a few days ago. I plan to continue. I have some age related problems but I manage. Some of my lady friends have retired, 1 is leaving Tucson soon. I am very close to 2 lovely women with whom there is a fair amount of OTC activities. My motto is "where there's the will, their is a way."
My only daughter knows what my relatively new hobby is and she says."Go for it dad, whatever makes you happy."  I'm sure I will have a happy ending!

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