60 and Over

ED assisting drugs
FurPieGuy 1469 reads

With respect to Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra has anyone (Gals and Guys) had enough experience with these drugs to suggest.....

1. That any one of these drugs is notably more effective than the others?  
2. That double dosing can be helpful?  
3. That taking two or all three at once is helpful?

My doctors have been useless here and my searching so far has not produced anything remarkable.

Over the past six years, I have used both Viagra and Cialis.  My response to your questions is as follows:

1.  I have found that Viagra produces a stronger erection, but makes ejaculation more difficult.  Cialis, on the other hand, produces a somewhat smaller erection, but has less effect on ejaculation.  Cialis is also prescribed for BPH (benign prostate enlargement).  If your doctor prescribes Cialis for BPH, you may be able to get a much lower cost than if prescribed for ED.  I also feel that side effects such as runny nose, headaches and vision issues are somewhat less with Cialis. None of the side effects have been a problem for me, in that they go away rather quickly.  

2.  The standard starting dose for Viagra is 50mg and 10mg for Cialis. The maximum recommended dose is 100mg and 20mg, respectively.  I would not go any higher without talking to the doctor.

3.  I would never combine the two drugs.  They operate differently in increasing blood flow to the penis.

Most mongers report its a trial error situation for which drug works best for them. Also dosage size varies for everyone. And side effects for everyone are different. You cannot tie ED medication into a nice little bow and get your answer.  

May I inquiry where you came up with the idea of taking two or all three at once?  

Finally find new doctors.  

Posted By: FurPieGuy
With respect to Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra has anyone (Gals and Guys) had enough experience with these drugs to suggest.....  
 1. That any one of these drugs is notably more effective than the others?  
 2. That double dosing can be helpful?  
 3. That taking two or all three at once is helpful?  
 My doctors have been useless here and my searching so far has not produced anything remarkable.

FurPieGuy585 reads

Sorry to be slow in responding.  Asking about using more that one ED enhancer is actually a good question to ask
because we really don't know.  Granted that it could be and possibly is dangerous or even lethal to combine these drugs, the question is still valid and certainly the drug companies won't be helpful..  Hope this is useful.  fpg.

Don't take more than the 100 V your blood pressure might make you faint.    I ordered V from India and it's cheap and works fine.    Don't eat much and any fatty foods it will effect the pills effects.

tricon609 reads

What website do you use to get V fron India??

souls_harbor653 reads

I used AllDayChemist.  Even though they claim to require a valid prescription, I simply didn't enter that info and they still sent me my order.  

Posted By: tricon
What website do you use to get V fron India??

Posted By: FurPieGuy
With respect to Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra has anyone (Gals and Guys) had enough experience with these drugs to suggest.....  
 1. That any one of these drugs is notably more effective than the others?  
 2. That double dosing can be helpful?  
 3. That taking two or all three at once is helpful?  
 My doctors have been useless here and my searching so far has not produced anything remarkable.
Tried both Cialis and Stendra (new one on the market) had zero effects.  Now in the midst of fighting with the Ins co over testosterone replacement.

My experience is that Levitra doesn't work well at all.
Used to have great luck with Viagra but lately been seeing better results with Cialis.

I've used both Levitra and Cialis with positive results. With Cialis I can still get hard a couple of days later even with a light dosage.

You need to be realistic and educated when it comes to these drugs.  Don't rely on street gossip or wishful thinking.  

1.  Everybody seems to have a personal reaction to the various drugs.  Cialis, for me, gave a more natural and comfortable effect. But Levitra consistently proved more reliable and predictable.  85% success rate.  For me, Viagra seemed weaker than Levitra.  One man's experience.  To do it right you have to test each one in various doses.  None are automatic.  

2.  If you are saying double the 20 mg max of cialis or levitra or the 100 mg maximum of  viagra, I would say no.  Particularly if you haven't tried them much yet.  I regularly did fine at 10 mg of levitra but had to go to 20 mg of cialis.  Don't overdose.  Doesn't help.  

3.  No, there is no point in mixing the drugs.  Again, how they work is they suppress an enzyme that inhibits erections.  They don't cause erections directly.  They are not aphrodisiacs.  Max dosage of either of the drugs will accomplish that effect if your body is susceptible to that biochemical approach.  

You do need a new doctor and you do need to do more research.

ATLDAWG523 reads

I have not tried Cialis-but started with Viagra and really liked it-then my new Doctor suggested Levitra-I get excellent results-I do get the after use head ache-but got that with Viagra as well--to counter it-I take an Advil after the session-and I drink about a bottle of water as I take the Levitra-I take it about 30 minutes ahead of the session-and drink the water enroute- I eat very light before the session and nothing close to the session and no fatty stuff.  I like it !

I'd say you have got it nailed.  :)

-- Modified on 7/18/2016 1:57:13 PM

FurPieGuy389 reads

Nicely said.  Appreciate your input.  FPG.

The recommended dosage don't work for me anymore, so I have increased my dosage and the results been great so far and I will continue to push it, fucking with orgasm is great what else is better....

Viagra 100/150mg- Rock Hard, will last 1- 5hrs, blushing, stuffy nose, headache, muscle ache, easy first ejaculations, second shot forget it, after the first one your junk has no feeling stiff like a concrete and numb like just got shot with novocain. Poor ladies no matter how great they are tough to get to the second shot, or might wind up with a blistered rod....

Levitra 60/80mg- Steel Hard, will last 1- 5hr less blushing, slight congestion, no headache, no muscle ache, easy ejaculation and have more for MSOG no numbness. Great for anal, doubles or triples...

Cialis 20/40mg- Semi Hard will last 2-3 hours blushing, stuffy nose, headache, muscles ache, and unpleasant stomach ache..good ejaculation but can't get hard and stiffness enough for anal....forget MSO

RevEJones734 reads

no one has mentioned what effect / relation  ( if any )  BMI  ( % body fat ) or weight has on dosing  

Posted By: oargerela
The recommended dosage don't work for me anymore, so I have increased my dosage and the results been great so far and I will continue to push it, fucking with orgasm is great what else is better....  
 Viagra 100/150mg- Rock Hard, will last 1- 5hrs, blushing, stuffy nose, headache, muscle ache, easy first ejaculations, second shot forget it, after the first one your junk has no feeling stiff like a concrete and numb like just got shot with novocain. Poor ladies no matter how great they are tough to get to the second shot, or might wind up with a blistered rod....  
 Levitra 60/80mg- Steel Hard, will last 1- 5hr less blushing, slight congestion, no headache, no muscle ache, easy ejaculation and have more for MSOG no numbness. Great for anal, doubles or triples...  
 Cialis 20/40mg- Semi Hard will last 2-3 hours blushing, stuffy nose, headache, muscles ache, and unpleasant stomach ache..good ejaculation but can't get hard and stiffness enough for anal....forget MSOG  

followme677 reads

Your doctors, you say they have been useless, I suggest new doctors.

Thank you  
2016 = 28

FurPieGuy501 reads

I did.  And she's a very nice lady doctor too.  Only problem is that when she talks about it she get's  
visibly antsy and wiggles around a lot. But she's very professional and said she would look some things
up and get back to me. Also wants to check Testosterone.   FPG

I have the best luck with Viagra, but get a headache.  Side note, I almost bought 30 pills from kwikmed.  I misread the price, thought it was $182.  Thank God I saw at checkout, I noticed it was $1,862.😁

I was using viagra for several years. The only problem was inability to reach orgasm at times.  I switched to Levitra and found better results. I take 10 mg one hour ahead and 10 mg on arrival. This usually provides sufficient hardness without interfering with orgasm. Second pops have not been an option for me for many years

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