60 and Over

Do we have a time set - I want to join in
KSM46 33 Reviews 5531 reads
1 / 5

Angela assisted me in getting onto chat today and, being the only two on the chat board at the time, we had a lovely opportunity to get to know each other a bit. I can see how having a bunch of us there simultaneously can really be a lot of fun, like a virtual M&G. I am looking forward to chatting with many of our 60+ board friends next Wednesday.
Once  again, thank you Angela for coming up with idea and helping me today. Maybe this can be the first step to a real M&G one of these days. Now wouldn't that be fun!

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 5055 reads
2 / 5

Angela, how about posting on Tuesday what the time will be for wed so everyone will remember.

Kisses Haley

Sexybunni812 See my TER Reviews 5280 reads
3 / 5
Angela_Petite2 See my TER Reviews 5485 reads
4 / 5

Always happy to help and chat is so refreshing actually getting to know each other one on one
able to juggle multiple conversations gets to be fun . I'm your chat junkie at your service !

Looking forward to next week. Wednesday evening 7PM Central time.  I'll be lurking for ya all!


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