60 and Over

Carry on, kid!teeth_smile
theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 375 reads

A big part of it is attitude, and you've got the right attitude. Or should I say, you've got attitude? :-D

Jack B. Nimble2852 reads

I'm new to the med game .. but did see a urologist who agreed to prescribe generic sildenafil (Viagra) from a Virgina mail order pharmacy. It is $100 for 100 tabs of 20 mg, comes in a sealed bottle and is manufactured by the known pharma group Teva. (This is the drug which goes by the Revatio name for certain heart conditions.)

Curious to know how folks deal with dosage. Viagra comes in 25, 50 and 100 mg tabs; I only tried the 100 mg and it worked OK.

I also got 12 liquid (sublingual) tabs of tadalifil (Cialis) for $$72. It wasn't clear who manufactured this.

The Akina pharmacy https://akinapharmacy.com appears to be licensed and accredited. They called me the same day my doctor faxed in the prescription, took my credit card and shipped overnight. It wasn't an issue for me, but the package does clearly state Akina Pharmacy on the outside, and with instructions to refrigerate on arrival (I suppose for the Cialis liquid tabs). So not exactly discreet.

I`m 72 and my Dr. gave me a script for Sildenafil and they are waaay cheaper than Viagra. I started with 40mg (2 pills) and just ok. Next time I upped the dose to 60 (3 pills) which worked better, then to 80, even better and now will up the dose to 100 mg next week for fav girl visit. I`ll cap it at the 100 mg level. So far no side effects except very slight "light headedness almost unnoticeable. That could have been from not eating too.
On the day of my trysts I skip my daily meds (20 mg generic Lipator and 25 mg generic BP med and bring them to the session to take when done. I also take testosterone supplements which I`m not yet sure work. After recent blood work my testosterone level is 132 which for me seems low as most men in their 40`s are 450-ish. Regardless of the 132 level junior rises to the occasion quite well and I`m sure that`s influenced by the Sildenafil and great chemistry with my girl. Also try an avoid spanking the monkey at least 2 weeks prior to your trysts as that made a huge difference in my performance.

Anybody else add to this?  Hobby on dudes.

I take 20 mg of Sildenafil with limited short term results. I've seen warnings online to not take more than 20 mg. I am scared to take more than that. What more can you tell me about 40, 60 or 80 mg. Don't you worry?

Viagra recommends 50 mg- 100 mg = to 5 20 mg sildenafils. I hobby once a month with no side effects. Stuff you read are disclaimers and CYA stuff. Experiment a little.

Well I took 40 mg for an arrangement today with better than past results. And, most importantly I am still alive, at least for now.

TheGentlemanLover738 reads

Not too many years ago, when I was in bad shape, I'd load up on 50, 75 or 100mg of Viagra to get wood (I'd split the 100mg different ways). And though I could get wood, I didn't always have the energy to finish -- partly because it seemed the Viagra would reduce sensation and the more I'd go at it, I just got tired. It seemed when I gained even more weight, my blood pressure was up, I'd need more Viagra to try to compensate and the problem of not being able to finish became worse.

After a long bout of frustration, I started working out, eating better, and dropped 40 pounds.

Better shape helps, but I still need a little help. I'm 55. I transitioned to the generic now, but usually it's 2 or 3 of the 20mg tablets do the job, yet the pills don't get in the way of finishing anymore.

Working out and losing weight was life changing.

Pills do not make up for being in shape.

Experiment at home by yourself a little bit if you want, just to get a feel for what you need so you don't waste your time with a girl. EVERYONE will have a different reaction, depending on one's own health and response.

Good luck!

I am 57 y/o and have lost 70 lbs with exercise and diet. Still use some Meds but equipment works really great now.
Before i was so out of shape,  I could not keep it hard and almost never could finished without a firm hand job.
Also BP, sugar levels and cholesterol problems have gone away.  

I do prefer Cialis to Viagra and have started purchasing the generic ( tadalafil )from Canada fro about $4 per 20 mg pill.  
A simple cock rings really helps if you really want to stay hard for long time.

My recovery time still sucks but it has my whole life except maybe when I was in my 20's/

Congratulations on your weight loss............I am 66 and over the past year have dropped 61 pounds thru diet, exercise, and reduction in drinking, I feel better than when I was 35, look better, have more energy, and my little guy works quite well now indeed.  I may even attract a civilian now.  Try dropping a few, it is worth the effort.

GaGambler465 reads

I never have been more than maybe ten-fifteen pounds overweight in my life. I like "young pussy" way too much to ever let myself go, BUT I did find myself getting a beer gut about three years ago and I did the unthinkable, I quit drinking beer, causing a panic in beer stocks. lol

Not only did I quit drinking beer, but I also started running six miles a day about 5 days a week until I could fit back into a 33 inch waist. The things we will do to be able to still attract young pussy. lol I now allow myself a beer or two, but a twelve pack will now last me three months instead of three hours. I will confess I still drink a bottle of wine just about everyday, but that's a separate issue. lol

Like TheGentlemanLover mentioned I have also experimented with Viagra a little bit at home.  I used to take a 50 mg dose, split up a few times, about 30-45 minutes before I'd get started.  After a little experimentation I discovered that the strongest erections for me would occur about 1 1/2-2 hours after I took it.  I always read where it would start working after 30 minutes so that is what I did for years, never even thinking about how long it takes for it to reach its maximum effectiveness.  

FWIW, I'm 55 and I walk about six miles a day but I'm still a little overweight.  On the days that I see a provider I really watch what I eat, no heavy meals and definitely no fatty foods, drink a fair amount of water and try to go for a brisk walk at some point before I take the dose of Viagra.  I'm glad I started to experiment with the time it takes to get the most benefits instead of just focusing on how quickly it will start to work.

GaGambler462 reads

I am sorry guys, but at age 58 I can not relate at all to what you are going through.  

The only allowances that I make on days that I know for sure I will be seeing a provider is that I at least "try" not to drink an entire bottle of tequila before the appointment. lol

I try to have sex, regardless of whether she is provider, SB or civvie on most days and I can't imagine having to watch my diet or fluid intake for an entire day before sex, with the one stipulation about drinking a full bottle of tequila unless I am sharing it with my lady friend. lol

Come on guys, lets leave this kind of thing to the guys over "60" Congrats to all of you who have lost major weight, but at our age sex is still supposed to be a natural thing we do most every day, it's not like preparing to run a fucking marathon.

GaGambler495 reads

but some of these guys my age and even much younger talk like they have one foot in the grave.

There are a lot of guys here over seventy and even eighty who seem to be doing better than some of the forty-fifty somethings. They should both be ashamed of themselves and dragging their fat unhealthy asses to the gym. In all fairness, I suppose a couple of them have done so and are doing better.

Or maybe I am the odd one, at 58 I still have much the same attitude as I did as a kid. Sex still seems like the most natural thing in the world and all I need to "get ready" for sex is to even glimpse a hot woman. Most of the time I spring wood on the walk from the parking lot to the incall just thinking about getting laid and I get laid all the time. I can only imagine what would happen if I were to deprive myself or be deprived of sex for a week or two like many of you guys. If I go more than a couple of days without sex I start getting really grumpy, two weeks and I would be eating nails for breakfast.  

I will say, it does my heart good to hear that some of you guys in your mid-late seventies and beyond are still going strong, but then I hear some of these guys even younger than me with all these issues and I don't know what to think. All I know is that I plan on doing this until way past 80, hopefully past 90 if I can get a new liver in the next twenty years or so once I've worn this one out. lol

A big part of it is attitude, and you've got the right attitude. Or should I say, you've got attitude? :-D

Yeah but your liver makes you as old as the rest of us...

I'm 62 and have taken ED meds for for the past 5 years or so. Recently I began taking 60 mg of Cialis. That, combined with my trusty cock ring gives me a great boner.

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