60 and Over

Attitude Adjustmentregular_smile
dunkirk53502 26 Reviews 517 reads

I'm 76, and have been down - or am going down - that road.  As abilities gradually, very slowly, deteriorated over time, I was reminded of a very wise saying that I've heard many times.  I will paraphrase it by saying:  Give me the courage to change the things I can, the tolerance to accept those things I can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference.

So, I've had dry orgasms since my 2nd prostate surgery 8 years ago, he rarely will stay at attention when the cover goes on, but I still LOVE the rest of the GFE experience and the talented ladies work with me to maximize my pleasure.  Even with my limitations, I'm not planning on quitting anytime soon!!!

Something that comes & goes.. (no pun intended).. Delayed (or non-existent) ejaculation.. I hate it..
The girl blames herself.. I feel pressure.. The journey is great, but then the switch doesn't seem to be triggered and nothing happens.. totally unpredictable.. sometimes I'm good for a few pops.. but the last week, it's none.. makes me wanna quit..  
I'm 66...  
So have others had this experience and what did you do to solve or reduce it?.. I don't want to stop taking the BP meds.. I've had a good friend who had an Aortic aneurism, because he stopped.. That's nuts.. but it's no fun when it happens and I feel like apologizing all over the place..  

Blood Pressure medicines, in particular, will knock your dick in the dirt.  The older girls will know this.  Just let her know, which takes the pressure off of her and you.  Antidepressants impede orgasm also.  Getting a massage, before you start in with the build up helps too.  
This is another phase of life and sex changes with it. It's completely Normal.

It still sucks..  I was pumping away for 45 minutes yesterday.. nothing..  I finally gave up.. got home.. tried my own brand of home remedy.. still nothing.. now I have friction sores on me..  not normal and all of a sudden.. I hope it goes away as fast as it arrived.. It's happened before, but not like this..

as in Copulating?  And, you are on BP medicine?  

Lay back and enjoy a nice slow blow job with some dirty talk. No pressure.
There is such a thing as trying to hard.
There are breathing and focusing practices that help with this process.
Just allow whatever to happen, happen.

66 yrs myself j, and no stranger to that which you speak of, but was never so distraught as to want to quit.  What works for me is putting myself in a frame of mind to just let nature take it's course.  I've gotten in the habit of casually mentioning on first dates that there's no pressure;  if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't.  Totally unpredictable as you say.  Sometimes giving myself and my date that pass is enough to send me over the edge.  Sometimes I have a dry orgasm and find my ejaculate in the bowl next time I pee (retrograde ejaculation).  Sometimes nothing happens.  Rarely anymore do I leave feeling unfulfilled.  The journey can be just as incredible despite coming up short of a destination.

yes.. not retrograde at all.. it just doesn't get there.. frustrating as Hell..

I'm 76, and have been down - or am going down - that road.  As abilities gradually, very slowly, deteriorated over time, I was reminded of a very wise saying that I've heard many times.  I will paraphrase it by saying:  Give me the courage to change the things I can, the tolerance to accept those things I can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference.

So, I've had dry orgasms since my 2nd prostate surgery 8 years ago, he rarely will stay at attention when the cover goes on, but I still LOVE the rest of the GFE experience and the talented ladies work with me to maximize my pleasure.  Even with my limitations, I'm not planning on quitting anytime soon!!!

Posted By: dunkirk53502
I'm 76, and have been down - or am going down - that road.  As abilities gradually, very slowly, deteriorated over time, I was reminded of a very wise saying that I've heard many times.  I will paraphrase it by saying:  Give me the courage to change the things I can, the tolerance to accept those things I can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference.  
 So, I've had dry orgasms since my 2nd prostate surgery 8 years ago, he rarely will stay at attention when the cover goes on, but I still LOVE the rest of the GFE experience and the talented ladies work with me to maximize my pleasure.  Even with my limitations, I'm not planning on quitting anytime soon!!!
I'm 75 and nothing works well anymore but I still enjoy the ladies and I believe they enjoy me. Not because I'm a stud but because I treat them with dignity and respect and always have the proper donation and I'm always clean and on time.
 After all we are paying for the fantasy and they are here to do that for us.    
 Still it's really nice to click with one of them, and sometimes that happens. I will continue this until I can't get to them, then I will have them come to me in the nursing home.
 I had a lady recently ask me if she should see a man in a nursing home, she didn't know if she should or not. I told her to go for it, she did and said she really had a nice time with the old guy. (92 years old)

It's all about blood flow for a hard cock.  
The HealthCare system treats the disease, instead of preventing it.

My experience has been that you can get that blood flowing, filling, pulsing, throbbing  
in your cock, when you take control of your Health with LifeStyle Choices.

ED isn't my issue.. BTW.. and a dry orgasm would be fine... it's lack of arrival.. sort of like riding on a bus with no destination...

There is a process of connecting the Big Head with the Little Head.
Ladies use it to connect the Brain with the Blossom , when they have challenges orgasming.
It is Total Focus on You and Your Pleasure. No thinking about time, the act, what your partner is thinking,
 or anything else.  
All "Switches" are turned OFF , except your Pure Pleasure

and I don't know if it's a contributing factor or not, but sometimes I can't cum at all during a session.  The thing is, it really doesn't bother me at all.  I love the oral I love all the screwing I just love bei9ng intimate with a beautiful woman.  If she's upset I try to explain it to her.  The best providers understand this and that it's no reflection on their skills at all.

i had to start BP meds a few years back. first one was lisinopril. second i forget. couldn't get hard to save my life on either one. desperate i  researched. found a couple european studies in which guys and their little guys were happy with valsartan. went on valsartan and problem solved.  don;t know if it will work for you. but it's worth a shot.  good luck.

That is what I take...not having any problem.
Thank God!
My problem is keeping it hard though the hour!
It Comes & Goes, but I have never not had my O,  
I do make sure she has already had hers!!!
At my age, I take care of them FIRST, then I can concentrate on me...& sometime it takes concentration.  

Posted By: habnab
i had to start BP meds a few years back. first one was lisinopril. second i forget. couldn't get hard to save my life on either one. desperate i  researched. found a couple european studies in which guys and their little guys were happy with valsartan. went on valsartan and problem solved.  don;t know if it will work for you. but it's worth a shot.  good luck.

ED, like I said, is not an issue.. sometimes I take a 25MG chunk of a cut up blue pill (I think it treats the worry in my head, not a real problem).. I take Ramipril.. and all of a sudden this issue comes up.. oh for the days when I could get off over & over.. (once 4 times in a night..).. age... awful..

I take them afterwards. It's not a cure-all, but it helps what performance I have left.

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