60 and Over

ads that refuse to see black men
2good 1582 reads

Over time I have seen a ton of ads that indicate they don't see black men. I was curious as to why the providers feel this way.  I did some investigative work and this is what I found and I am speaking of advertising media such as backpage.  
Typically the providers that fall in this category overwhelming have pimps and those pimps are overwhelming black.
Go figure

Afro-desiac543 reads

Do a search and you'll find many, many threads on No AA policy.

But I appreciate and respect your right to post and ask the question.  As the previous poster stated this topic rears it's head every now and then and you typically see and get all the usual replies. Do a search and it will give you a good sense of perspectives on the topic.  

Rather than trying to figure out all the reasons, I've found it much more helpful and fun to focus on all the sexy beautiful and wonderful ladies that "will" see you. That number far outweighs the few who don't for whatever the reason might be. I don't really care enough to want to know the reasons.  At the end of the day what does it matter when there are so many other choices.  After all, those that may refuse to see you based on race (whatever the reason), aren't keeping you from equal pay, education, job, and etc.  It's their body and I respect their right to not want to share it no matter if I agree to the reason or not.  

Just my 2 cents worth :)  Have fun and enjoy, this hobby is best enjoyed when you allow yourself to be free from the daily things that plague our society in the quote "real world", LOL

1) not the personal preference of the lady,
2) more of a chance of very physical, athletic experience...less sensual from some points of view,
3) bigger more challenging potentials, (hard period and not preferred by some and harder when you are seeing a few good men in one day),
4) safety concerns- related to STDS and physical safety (take a look at health stats and crime stats-not saying I agree and this can be so stereotyped...but is reflective of the other stereotyping they deal with daily),
5) known to be more inclined to play games, negociate, bend rules, etc, etc...(screen, screen, screen!),
6) have a rep to be recruiting which can be sooooo annoying!

Certainly TER has wonderfully reviewed Black hobbiests...some of my favs are represented.  I am sure there are other races that providers who use this as an excuse have reasons not to see as well.  I am open to all races of respectful gents

GaGambler423 reads

There sure was a LOT of racist, stereotypical bullshit in between.

I think Shaft said it best, but what the fuck does he know? lol

Trying to honestly answer the question the gebt asked...no PC, just answer it to my knowledge.  You do not know me...I am a conscious being and liberal to the core.  Sorry if my bluntness was mistaken for hidden or not so hidden racism

but I guess I could be wrong about that.  I've also come across ads that state no Asians, or no one outside a certain age range. Bottom line for me is if I don't feel welcome I move on and find someone who does want my attention.  Life's too short to dwell on the negatives.

ok so i'm a white guy and cannot possibly know the horrors of discrimination in my everyday life that blacks and other minorities must go through.  

however, here in the hobby i am rejected quite a lot for my specific preference, which will go unnamed here, because although i and my lady friends who indulge do not think it a big deal, it is a huge button pusher amongst the general population.  even here on these boards when it gets mentioned it gets plenty of negative blowback by people who otherwise would be espousing "freedom" and "inclusiveness."

that being said, within the parameters of my sexual play preference, i have been rejected by plenty of women i have approached about dates.  beyond rejection, i have been called an awful lot of nasty names.

so, no, i can't relate to discrimination in my daily life.  but i can totally relate to women in this endeavor rejecting me for reasons that make no sense on the surface (the surface being: i got the money, you provide the fun).

so, what do you do?  you move on.  you learn that what you are is not for everybody, and for their own reasons, and their own reasons don't have to make sense to you or even to the world.  it just is what it is.

rest assured, when i was first rejected by several women, it hurt.  i would continue to bug them, begging them for a date.  that's not a good idea, take it from me.

the best path is to move on.  find people that will see you.  and don't dwell on the people that won't.

try not to see it in the larger picture of injustice in the world.  try not to take it personal.  this endeavor is not real life.  it's play.  it's fantasy.  there are good times to be had here, but you must look for them.

Stereotyping is often derided.  However in a series of studies on stereotypes versus psychological theories, the average stereotype was about five times better at predicting behavior than the average psychological theory.

Humans are actually pretty good at pattern recognition aka stereotype.

Individuals, of course, are not bound to stereotypical behavior and can be outliers.   However, on a statistical basis, the stereotype is the way to bet

Yes, the stereotypes abound and I guess I am as subject to them   just like anyone else at first glance.  On the other hand being in Atlanta with a large black population of men within the range of the group that usually find me appealing and vice versa myself, I apply a simple rule.  I care little of socio-economics, race, age,  education, occupation, profession or professional stature, ethnicity or religion, what I do care about is are you graceful, gracious, articulate, intelligent and a gentleman in manner and speech, everyone takes a shower when they come in my door and at that point they are all the same for sure.  These rrequirements apply to all who want to spend time with me and if not exhibited then you go to the curb.  I have never turned down a black man for being black, in fact on occassion I did not know they were black until I saw a pic or they came to the door, at that point we were long past color or pre-conceived notions, I am a very thorough screener and many do not make the cut.  A 45 yr old white man that acts like a thug or a rude redneck piece of trash is no more likely to spend time with me than a black man who exhibits the same behaviour.   Again, don't get me wrong, I can say "REDNECK" just like many can say the N word with impunity because that is where I came from and I speak it well.  The bottom line is again WHO you are is important to ME not WHAT you are.  I really do love what I do and I really do enjoy it with all, for those who come to know me best they find that I am a SLUT who loves to be treated like a SLUT, but I do not enjoy being treated   with meanness and that can be ANYONE no matter the COLOR...."i aime à avaler tout", suzee

-- Modified on 3/27/2016 3:11:08 PM

bigguy30268 reads

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
Like me lol :).
-- Modified on 4/2/2016 4:14:38 AM

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