60 and Over

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder
houdini41 2 Reviews 716 reads

Remember when we were 17 and couldn't last for 30 seconds? Now it's just the opposite problem. I had it happen to me with a nice girl who was willing to do about anything to get results.  

The problem for me was I was binging a little. I had seen a lady just the day before.

Now I make sure I completely abstain for a few days prior. Works every time, and helps significantly with the condom, too

exit92513 reads

Last week, I was with a favorite.. I was, frankly, very turned on..
I  was good and erect.. no issues.. but try as I might.. no orgasm untill at her suggestion (her mouth was tired, and so were her arms.. her body was also well used..) I had to use my hand while she worked the boys over.. THat was a first for me.. I have been profoundly bothered by it.. It had been over a week since my last ejaculation.. I did get off usingmy hand.. but the look on her face was one of dismay & that also bothers me..  
I'm 64.. in decent health.. certainly over weight like many of us.. but have always been terribly horny.. I have wondered about the condom, but that had nothing to do with the BBBJ.. anyone else experienced this? I have to tell you.. I am worried that it will happen again.. I don't want to do that to my ATF again for sure.. and say what we will, I know the ladies do have a pride about what a great job they do and she was pretending that it was OK.. ut I could tell it wasn't. That was also part of my angst.. what happened?

ATLDAWG886 reads

Need a longer period of time between ejaculations than a week-happens to a lot of us as we get into our 60's....

exit9750 reads

THanks.. I think..That's awful... it was wierd.. Like no sense of pressure.. just a sudden nagging recognition that .. damn.. nothing is happening here... Huh?  and then like the feeling when you realize that you are not getting it up..  hyper aware that she was really struggling with one arm to support herself during BBBJ.. and soon that's all I could think about..  It was, for me, the 1st time (even after 40 years + of marriage).. to make love to a woman who was in full flo .. she had warned me the day before.. but other than not being able to DATY.. and being very aware that her breasts were super sensitive ( I didn't want to hurt her..) it really was no bother to me.. but maybe in the back of my mind?.. I have been trying to space out my visits to a bit over a week.. that was a financial and time decision.. now it may become physical as well...  
For now, I have a big appointment scheduled next week.. and just as some go to the gym.. every night, I have been getting turned on watching porn on line without release (of course)  to be sure I am ready to go...
 I don't like this aging thing.. I used to be able to go 3 & 4 times a night.. and now? sheesh.. disgusting.. I wonder if any of those over the counter fake testosterone type things in the drug store might help.. who knows.. I shouldn't have to work at it..

It may be quite the opposite.  One man I know in particular (63 years old) can usually do a couple time a day.  He recently went a week without, and had a difficult time.  

Also look into whatever new medications you are taking as these can create side effects that interfere.

Good point! I find I do better if I keep the pump primed, particularly without masturbating. The longer I go, toward the 2 week mark and beyond, the more my appetite wains, and the more difficulty in getting things to work right.

Welcome to the club.   They tell me it's the stressing over it, that's the problem.  I know it's hard but just do your thing, quit worrying.

Remember when we were 17 and couldn't last for 30 seconds? Now it's just the opposite problem. I had it happen to me with a nice girl who was willing to do about anything to get results.  

The problem for me was I was binging a little. I had seen a lady just the day before.

Now I make sure I completely abstain for a few days prior. Works every time, and helps significantly with the condom, too

if it was a sudden change in how you function.

But there are other things to look at such as nutrition and rest.

For example, do you drink at least a quart of water a day?  If not, you could be dehydrated.

Also, how is your Vitamin D level?  That's very important for good sexual function.

And potassium, also very necessary.  Eat a banana a day if you can.

Try these out for a few weeks but if the problems persist, see a doc.

I'm 61 and I started to feel a fade starting about 5 years ago, but going to a better nutrition regimen has really helped.

As soon as the thought enters our mind that this time is different, we seem to be having diffulty, I don't think I'm going to be able to keep it up, or cum.....whatever.....we're as good as done unless we can redirect our thinking. Expectations can be a bitch. If we can't clear the negative thoughts there most definitely won't be a happy ending. There may be other reasons/issues at work here but the mental aspect is huge. I was with a delightful lady recently who, after some fun foreplay, reached for the cover and said "you're really going to like this". I didn't have time to object. I thought I wasn't ready or hard enough. But I rolled with it. She then began thee slowest and most sensual CG grind I've ever enjoyed. I spent the first couple minutes thinking, well this ain't happening, but I surrendered to her and wiped my mind of any negative thoughts and expectations. And I had a most amazing climax. If you're going to "prepare" for an ejaculation in your next session, be prepared also to just let it happen and be in the moment. Easier said than done maybe. Good luck!

And, once it got to rolling, it snowballed, and a lot of it was regarding concerns about her. Having said that, I concur with mrfisher. Any sudden change can be cause to see your urologist. Also, as we get older, our resiliency diminishes, so what we could do before can be compromised by one little 'straw that broke the camel's' back, where before, that straw along with a few others were no big deal. The big straw now is "can I perform?" Sounds like, from what you've reported, that that was not a concern that crossed your mind previously. Along with good hydration, reducing your salt intake can help. I'm sixty-five, and was getting frustrated that I wasn't getting hard enough for good penetration, particularly when using a condom. I went to my urologist and he prescribed for me Cialis. I've had no problems since.

bionic_guy713 reads

Its not uncommon to have difficulty with orgasm as we get older.  I know of men (and women) whose attitude is to just enjoy sex regardless of orgasm.  When it happens, great.  When it doesn't they still enjoy themselves.  So, attitude adjustment is one solution.  Orgasm doesn't have to be the point of sex.

However, get yourself checked out medically.  Sex hormones can be an issue.  Not just testosterone either.  Include estradiol, DHEA, SBHG, LH.

Thyroid can be an issue too.  Thyroid imbalance is sometimes implicated in both premature ejaculation and delayed or inability to orgasm.  Make sure you doc is not one of those that just check TSH.  That's dark ages.  They should be checking free T3, reverse T3, and the ratio of those two.

Was this an intercourse problem?  Frankly I've learned a ton about condoms...  and my reactions!  You need to slip a bit in the condom.  If it's dry or too tight or (interestingly) too well lubed...  you don't get enough friction because to have friction you need movement.  All the movement may be on the outside with her & the condom.  The type & fit of the condom is critical.  
I have not tried them yet but they say a female condom feels closet to nothing at all!  

If you were able to cum, you are not broke.  It's just about getting the friction where you need it to be.

Having difficulty achieving an orgasm happens. Did to me as well with a well know provider a couple of years ago (I was 59 at the time :-). In my case it was probably that we did not reallly "click".

So, I agree with a previous post to check the big head first. Take some time "off" and RELAX.....

Then, fantasize about a favorite lady or situation and try masturbating. In all likelihood (I hope), you will find out that the plumbing works fine...

Good luck

exit9537 reads

Really..I mean it.. very reassuring and great advice..  
Matt youare absolutely correct.. noprobllem getting anerection.. but the thinking part.. like " this may not happen.. Oh oh.. this isn't going to happen. and I'm notgetting there.. she is really sensitive.. Idon't wantto worktoo hard.. may hurt her.. " and on ^& On..

Alyson.. I loved your comment.. Yes I did get off.. and frankly.. the provider is avery languid and gentle person .. at that moment I needed some pretty good action so I gave it to myself.. and it worked.. and when she started BLS.. it put me over.. boom..

You are right about condoms.. for quite a while I was bringing my own condoms extra sensitive.. type.. I stopped after a provider told me that she really prefers to provide the condoms. but my sense was yes.. itwasvery tight.. she even remaked that I was super turned on and the condom was very tight.. so maybe too tight..  

This board is great.. really great.. where elsecould I (or any of us) be so open about a very intimate and personal issue.. it liberating..  
THanks.. I mean it..

Thanks for this discussion, very good and helpful one.  I'm 67 in good physical shape, but have always had some difficulty getting and maintaining an erection.  I now use viagra which works like a charm, but have also noticed in recent years that reaching an orgasm take longer than it used to.  Most of my experience is limited to FBSM, sometimes with a prostrate massage, and I can still reach an orgasm, often which leaves me breathless afterwards.  It helps to have the right provider, obviously, but  I also normally go about two weeks before seeing someone (no masturbating or other sex between those two weeks). Often I have night erections which are very powerful and make me feel about eighteen again!  But, bottom line is we are different and we need to find an experience which works for us.

I agree.. at 65.. I find that I have to "store it up".. I have a session planned next week.. I got a text last night from another provider I see, who wanted to spend all of super day Sunday with me in a hotel for a low cost.. (it wasn't really about the money) .. and that sounds very attractive.. BUT I had to decline because I have something scheduled just a few days later and it's notfair to the other provider to cancel that meeting.. and I have been looking forward to the new provider too.. I would be worried that if I did both.. I would not be able to answer the call so to speak.. and I do use Viagra

-- Modified on 2/1/2014 6:43:00 AM

cuppajoe615 reads

Both mentally and physically.  I'm over 60, had prostate surgery and know that I can't come more than once during a session.  I think I've also learned a couple of things:
--I reliably can come early in a session.  If I wait and play around a lot, my erection gets "tired"
--comment on the lube and friction inside the condom has me realize that being uncut is better than being cut at this age.  I have more sensitivity that can be tapped to get me over the top.
--been doing this for many years, and for a lot of it "been there, done that" applies. Im' over the unrequited desire for hot women, because of this hobby, I have had them.  Looking more for a connection  and mutual play now.  At least good acting.
--letting myself explore some personal mild fetishes.  Pacing myself, got to make the interest last, at least until I am prepared to finally give it up.

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