60 and Over

70 Yrs. married 2, best sex last year hobbying in my life.
12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 690 reads

Can these Ter reviewed  girls put a loving on you.    Wow!

My last outing was a visit with a lady that was younger than the norm for me. Decided to scratch that itch again and sent an email early today to another pretty young thing. I included screening info with the request and received a prompt reply. Things were looking good. In my return email confirming the date and time I included a little personal info, wanting to make sure she was aware that I am 61 years of age......

Silence.....crickets chirping.....

Oh well, think I'll go get me one of them SNAZZY walkers! You know, the ones with the wheels and the little padded seat? Cool

Has it been at least a day?

Sometimes gals get distracted by things.  FWIW, there is a lot more bias against younger guys (especially under 30) than older guys

don't jump to premature conclusions....give her another day or two.

These are the type of words I look for in a lady's profile, "Gorgeous, fit, and intelligent ; fun for the mature, accomplished gentleman."

I posted in more of a humorous mood than anything, sitting here kind of chuckling to myself about it. We had batted several emails back and forth over a few minutes and then I mentioned the age thing and presto! No reply! So I thought yep, I'm old!

Not to worry I handle rejection with aplomb. Its a skill developed by lots of practice over many years! And as you say it ain't over yet, she may decide old guys need love too. Maybe I'll play my trump card and tell her I don't look a day over 58! That could work, right?

This is my third incarnation here.
One of the reasons I left the 'hobby' was I was feeling bad for the ladies because of my age. They're all so beautiful and I'm old it makes me feel bad for them. I don't expect them to feel as good about the 'date' as I do but I do want them to feel comfortable and I would  like it to be more than just a financial transaction for them. For me it is a fantasy, making love with fit and beautiful young ladies, but I don't want it to be a nightmare for them. Almost all booking forms ask for age and some offer older guys privileges and I don't mind giving my age but I'm not looking for privileges I just want them to feel comfortable.

I just want to say that I'm 75 years old and in 5 years and  a 100 different ladies I've only had two that didn't like my age.  One saw me one time and then after that she kept giving me excuses and a no show so I deducted it was my age. At the time I saw her I could tell she had a problem with my age in spite of me telling her she did not have to go through with the date.
 The second one said right in her ad that no men over 55.  I called her and thanked her for putting that in her ad. She thought I was nuts.  I don't want to see them if they don't want to see me.
 Now I always tell them my age if they are under 40.  If they are 40 or over they only want to please. After all we are paying for it so it's up to them to show us a good time. That doesn't mean you can be an ass.  I always treat the ladies as if I were on a date with a girlfriend and they seem to appreciate the effort that I make. I've only had one woman say no to a second play date with me.  So I plan on doing this for as long as I can get to then and then I will ask them to come to me.    
  One of my regs told me just last week that she has another reg that she see's every two weeks just like clockwork and he's 97 years old and his dick has shrunk  down to less than 2 inches but he still likes those BJ's.  More power to him.

interacts with the lady you are with. Nothing wrong with an experienced monger on the prowl.

I try to find more mature women knowing that I can't keep up with the youngsters.  Finding a provider who is in her forties or fifties is best and they often know how to really take of us oldies.  MILFS forever.

souls_harbor528 reads

I don't care if they don't want to see old guys, I do care that when I make a p411 request, they don't bother to reply (even though it is a p411 rule that they must reply even if to say no.)   That's because when I make a request I reserve that time and don't make other plans.  Then I have to wait two days for the clock to run out and then start to make new plans.  So they are unprofessional and waste my time

seems to be that the escorts actually prefer us older guys.  Some of the SBs do as well, but many won't see a guy my age.  Which is fine, I just move on to the next.

Kidding or not, this is not from any point of view, old.  Honestly, I am 74 and I do believe if I was single agin, I would have no trouble finding civie female companionship. I certainly have no trouble hobbying and I refrain from civies because I have had one tragic love affair for which I was almost ready to break up my marriage and I don't want that agin.  The alternative, friends with benefits, doesn't work so well now. l They are older now and don't travel as much.  Some are dead.(This is usually a real downer when it comes to sex.)  
I don't know exactly how oldie my friend the Fisher is, but two years ago when I met him with the object of my torrid love affair, she found him charming and sexy and said something about the number of women he must have fall for him. (I did not let her in on the hobby connection since she is very jealous.)  
I am 74, work more than full time, am constantly horny as hell.  I am only now, looking at the calendar and realizing I will soon be 75, wondering how long I will still feel like I am in my forties.
As to providers, they never blink at my age.  
Old ta 62? unless you are not well (early heart failure, stroke, Myasthenia gravis) feeling old at 62, even though I understand the tongue in cheek reference, is hard to swallow---maybe that problem (the had to swallow one) is why the provider backed off.

Can these Ter reviewed  girls put a loving on you.    Wow!

I always disclose my age when requesting a date.  Most of the ladies I visit like "older gentlemen" so really its a plus.  Frequently women volunteer that they prefer their older clients and explain why.  Truth be told I gravitate towards those who have minimum age limits anyway.  I've been turned down occasionally - hey it's her business and she gets to decide how to run it.  When I was young I got turned down because I was too young also.  There are lots of ladies so no worries here.

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