Review: Kendall / Baby Kendall
TER ID: 394595
General Details
I picked up on Kendal when I was going through the OC websites and boards. She looked and sounded like someone I'd like to meet, but she was in OC!
About a month before I started going down there, she went on a tour/vacation. When the Kgirls do that, I always hope they will stop in LA on their way back to the OC or wherever their home base is! So, checking the sites one day, I see Kendal is with CG in MW, nice score IMO! Booked a session quick for the next day!
That is Kendal in the pics! Maybe a few years earlier or probably minimal, IMO, PSing. Her reviews tell the tale and that's how my session went. As you can see, Kendal is good looking, cute and was a lot of fun.
Stats are 5'1" or 2", 33 MM D's, but feel really natural/soft, with responsive Nipples and she's about 100lbs.
She is slim, I wouldn't put her at skinny, with a nice natural body. It's been mentioned that her Breasts fit well on her frame, MO "Fuck no"!
As I've stated in the past I can work with DD's, but they should be on the right size Kgirl to at least look like they belong on her! Kendal's Breasts were soft with a natural feel and great to enjoy!
So, looking and feeling are two different things!
Always say, "not good with age", 'cause I don't care, but I'd put Kendal at about mid 30's