
How NOT to see an agency girl out side of the service…….(long but funny).
desertdivas See Agency Profile 1844 reads

Our best girls and clients are all guilty of breaking the rules once in a while so I figured I would share some of the dumbest ways clients and girls have gotten caught. Guys you need to understand most agencies share this info with each other when it happens, and usually we find a reason not to book you.

First I have to tell you why we have the rules we do.
1. we spend a lot of money on advertising, photos and generally maintaining our people, so we need to get that back and profit a bit, after all I can’t speak for all but we don’t do this because we a not for profit organization.
2. Any client that has ever received that famous phone from a provider about, a loan will appreciate their info be kept confidential.
3. Nothing is worse for a girl than having a client text her unwanted love messages.
4. Safety!!!! I’ve dealt with some nutty girls, any client ever had a jealous boyfriend wave a gun in your face? I HAVE!!!!!
5. Wife finds agency number in your phone, simple a buddy at work called it with us all in the room, it was dumb honey but funny. She finds (insert girls name’s) phone number, outcome: Explain that at the divorce hearing.

Now for the Stories!!!! (Names changed for the protection of the mentally challenged)

Real emails, Sent to the agencies email. I can’t make this stuff up….

“ I had a great time with girl X , BTW I  just wanted to verify this was her private number 602-424-XXX. I really prefer just booking with her directly.”

Yes, I’m this Dumb

“ I Lost girl Y’s phone number so I guess I’ll just book my appointment with you. Is there anyway you can give me the same rate I get seeing her outside of the service”

Too stupid even for a mothers love

“Hi  Girl’s real name, Hope all is well with you. . My cell got trashed and thusly lost your # as well. Sorry! Hope to see you in XX while out in AZ”

Used to be a Client

Girls trying to beat the system... Again all true.

Girl: “I know I’m running late but I just called him and let him know it.”

Girl: NO! That’s not his number this is!

Paul: Hey that looks like a clients car you’re driving, Btw you have never booked with him before.
Girl: Yes I have just not on the clock.

I actually ran into a girl and a client at an ice cream parlor, the client actually walked up to me and said, so does this mean I can’t use the service anymore?

We all enjoy doing what we are not supposed to but isn’t that why we hobby? Seriously try a little harder to hide this stuff guys!!!

...where you told your girl, "I know you're seeing one of our clients outside of the Agency (and you were thinking of a particular individual, let's call him "Randall"), and the girl quickly blurted out, "Oh, you do know about Jeffrey and me, huh?"
I thought that story was a classic.

Hobbyists Rock1911 reads

who hides providers cell phones during sessions then lets them use his to "locate" it, thus obtaining their private numbers.  I LOVE THAT ONE!

I'd tell you, but I think aliases are chickensh*t, and Dingus should out them!
NO STORIES FOR YOU nor your alias, Chickensh*t!

and I'm sure there are even better Jeffrey adventures!

anthology, like having the providers answer whhen you return his calls, can you say out of breath?  Oops, forgot to use an alias.

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