TER General Board

Here's my guess, for what it's worth.
Kangeroowrangler 5 Reviews 868 reads

Do you screw your doctor in exchange for your annual physical? I suppose it's convienient you know, while hes's down there anyway.

Seriously though, my guess is that the problem is that you know his wife and that they live 3 streets away so you'll probably have to interact with her at some point. Of course, I could be wrong, that may not be what's unique about this.

Ok, so this guy is not really a lawn boy but does it on the side one day a week for all the houses on the lake...guessing he and the crew pull in like 2 or 3k just that one day, so not bad. He works a pro job in Health Care which is how we first met, and he asked if I wanted someone to cut the grass when we moved in.

He was always flirting with me every time he came around, making little comments about this and that, til finally I thought hmm..I won't fk a married man for free, but what if I did it to get my lawn done for free? That way, it's not like he is having an affair...just getting paid for services and he can treat me like the hooker I am only he does not know lol.

Anyway, was supposed to be a quickie that turned into 3 freaking hours. Long story short, I think I may have liked it a lil too much. He was stroking my damn face for pete's sake, licking me from my neck to my ass, cuddling with me...not what I am used to I guess. I feel guilty about this one. Anyone want to tell me why?

Could it be because deep inside I am longing for that type of relationship but can't because I am a hooker? Could it be because I really do feel freaking bad that I was the first he cheated on his wife with? I think my conscience is starting to get to me, and I wonder if it is because no cash exchanged hands. I certainly don't feel guilty when the envelope is on the table, so why is this so different? We traded for services just like I do with my doc, my dentist, etc.

This is not the first time I have felt guilty but it was for another reason the last few times. It was because I truly could not keep taking money from those guys knowing I could no longer provide what they needed...we just were better off as friends with no p4p. I can't be this guy's friend though. He and his family live like 3 streets over from me and I often see them out at the local bars we have in walking distance from the Marina.

Just confused I guess...

I see some replies from madiba51, and dupie coming on!

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 11:20:57 AM

..fuck him a couple more times and the guilt will go way.

I may need to find some more work for him to do around the house though. The grass is only 50 bucks once a week, so that's not even a fourth of my damn rate! Maybe he can wash the SUV, clean out my garage, and I can clean his pipes. :)

Any other maint around the house done, HVAC, Carpentry, Plumbing, Roofing, Pool Work, etc. I am sure I can help.

I just came back from pensacola, I installed a new heater in my sons hot tub!! No problem, pm me.

No begging allowed.

But if you're any good perhaps we can work something out at my home...but London will have to do the deeds with you...sorry :(

saturnsky768 reads

this amazingly hot chick at the gym. Good lord she stood right in front of me and slowly disrobed and I almost slid out of the changing room.

I am jealous you can just get the dudes that easy. Bedding a hot chick out of the blue is way hard...hell you could get punched if she's not bi.

Second, I spoke with Mr. Rogers and he is angry with you.

AnotherPerspective864 reads

"Could it be because I really do feel freaking bad that I was the first he cheated on his wife with? "

You are the first .    That's my line .      :-D  
 Every time I have cheated on a GF I've always told my future fling participant  , "I've never  cheated on my GF or fucked her ass ".
 Don't you know we know,  women  love to be number 1 .
A hot wife or GF  raises our sex appeal and social stature a few notches in every  crowd .
   I have no doubt , his wife is hot.

"Could it be because I really do feel freaking bad that I was the first he cheated on his wife with?"

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, so this guy is not really a lawn boy but does it on the side one day a week for all the houses on the lake...guessing he and the crew pull in like 2 or 3k just that one day, so not bad. He works a pro job in Health Care which is how we first met, and he asked if I wanted someone to cut the grass when we moved in.

He was always flirting with me every time he came around, making little comments about this and that, til finally I thought hmm..I won't fk a married man for free, but what if I did it to get my lawn done for free? That way, it's not like he is having an affair...just getting paid for services and he can treat me like the hooker I am only he does not know lol.

Anyway, was supposed to be a quickie that turned into 3 freaking hours. Long story short, I think I may have liked it a lil too much. He was stroking my damn face for pete's sake, licking me from my neck to my ass, cuddling with me...not what I am used to I guess. I feel guilty about this one. Anyone want to tell me why?

Could it be because deep inside I am longing for that type of relationship but can't because I am a hooker? Could it be because I really do feel freaking bad that I was the first he cheated on his wife with? I think my conscience is starting to get to me, and I wonder if it is because no cash exchanged hands. I certainly don't feel guilty when the envelope is on the table, so why is this so different? We traded for services just like I do with my doc, my dentist, etc.

This is not the first time I have felt guilty but it was for another reason the last few times. It was because I truly could not keep taking money from those guys knowing I could no longer provide what they needed...we just were better off as friends with no p4p. I can't be this guy's friend though. He and his family live like 3 streets over from me and I often see them out at the local bars we have in walking distance from the Marina.

Just confused I guess...

does not mean every guy is like that. No, his wife is NOT at all hot but that's not the point. I am not going to dog his wife out or him. He was shy, never strayed, but they have not been married freaking 10 years either. He cancelled on me three times before getting the nerve to finally do it. I had to get his ass drunk too. Damn, now I feel worse. Thanks dipshit! Unlike insecure women, I don't at all want to be the first to fk a woman's husband, so wrong again. I would feel better knowing he was the average scumbag.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 7:18:28 PM

im not shy..i love getting my ass drunk..i hate cuddling..i like licking from head to toe..im single..shit ill cut the grass for free..

LOL 'down there'...you know, a little free manicuring of the lawn down there never hurt, unless of course you prefer your 'yard handiwork' to be bare of lawn LOL

GOOD GOING! I love a woman who gives a guy a marathon fuck session!!


I would not ask others to conform to my personal moral standards, particularly in anything related to sex. BUT

You feel guilty because according to your own personal standards of right and wrong, you are guilty.  Sorry about that.

Not an uncommon thing, for people on this board or for people in general.

Bad news for you; you're not morally perfect, even according to your own standards.  Deal with it.  Either keep doing it with guys like this one or don't, but don't spend too much time beating yourself up. Welcome to the monkey house.

I think I am perfect lol. I have on more than one occasion admitted that I feel what I do here is wrong and one day, I will pay for it one way or the other. I just find it odd why I feel more guilt with this situation than with others. It's not like he is any hotter or richer than my average client, so something is off here. Maybe this is one family I am not supposed to fk with, and maybe I should heed that warning. All jokes aside, there is a reason I am feeling this way.

I like the fact that you did it, that you feel guilty, and that I'm sure you will do it again.

London, I did not mean to accuse you of thinking you were perfect.  The only "should" in my post was that you not beat yourself up too badly.  I see nothing silly about your position.  Scoed has some good insights.  While I don't know you or your neighbors, I think you are correct to have serious doubts about this one.

There is a presumption from some on this board that feeling guilty is automatically a bad thing.  I disagree.  Unpleasant, certainly, but it serves a function.

I used to be a runner.  I had recurring serious foot problems.  Finally, my Doctor said:  "Physical pain is nature's way of telling you to stop doing whatever is causing it" . I think the same is true of guilt.  It makes you, at the very least, stop and look.  You may decide, upon reflection, that it makes no sense to feel guilty and change your view of what is acceptable.  You may feel guilty enough to never do whatever it was again.  Or you may continue on, sometimes doing the same thing and learning to live with the guilt. Time will tell.  The important thing to me is that it's your call, not anyone else's.  What's right for you is not determined by any vote by those on this board., although you have asked for our views and you're getting them

I admire you for "owning" your actions.  With the power to decide for yourself ( which i think is very important to everyone on this board in terms of sexual decisions) comes the responsibility for your decisions.  Too many of duck that second part.

London getting it done. No there is nothing wrong. Though make sure you don't complicate things with the married man.. LOL his family living a few blocks from your place and the wife does not have the slightest clue!

Shouldn't you be celebrating fucking for pleasure and not money?

but I also came countless times with a few in Chicago...don't feel guilty about that, so why this? I did NOT fk for free! He is providing lawn care and he is also going to do me some new pics ha ha. So there!

that ChcgCPA and London sessioned in Chi-town.  I suspected this for a day or so, but mentions of drool and her admitting she just got back from The Windy City make it blatantly obvious. So give it up, CPA, when will we see the review?  The World Wonders??????

That is the big word I am using. Maybe the whole mowing my lawn mentality is just a justification, but in reality you are falling for this guy.

maybe try to meet him again. This time, not for sex, but just to talk. And see if he is still "nice" to you or if he just wants to get inside your pants.

Though it surprises me that no guys around you did not treat you as well as this mysterious lawn mowing dude.

sounds like that chicago trip gave you a guilt trip..or maybe you are having an out of body experience..what happened to our footloose and carefree london..a temporary glitch i must assume..shit..my ice is melting..

We were engaged to be engaged. And now you go off screwing with this guy when I am off visiting my college.

We need to talk.

year in college lol. I still have a ton of old term papers I got 100s on.

hitallbuttons654 reads

You got "100s" on term papers in "college"? LOL! Yeah....sure....."college".....you betcha!

Posted By: London Rayne
year in college lol. I still have a ton of old term papers I got 100s on.

there is a way to figure it out right?  Try better next time chicken shit. Guess your age is finally starting to show lmao. I sent you a pm too ha ha to let you know who you are! C H I C K E N!

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:55:32 PM

at least not until it gets a lot of baggage related to ownership issues (emotional, not property), societal conventions,  rules, and laws, and indoctrination about what the boundaries of relationships should be.

In the end, sex is nothing more than seeking and giving pleasure.  It is core to what we as humans want and need.  The baggage part is what others want and need to layer onto us to control us.  Some of us need that baggage, some don't.  

From this post, and other posts of yours I have read, it seems like you have a structured set of rules and conventions you adhere to that are in conflict with experiencing the type of desire and satisfaction you just described.  Everyone has those (except sociopaths), and in your case, your point of view about marriage is loaded with owernship issues that have no room for a libertine experience with sex.

wanting to fk up his family because as scoed said and was dead on, it hits closer to home. The guy is not a hobbyist. He is someone I knew from RL that I tried to turn into a client for justification. That's why I feel guilty.

To address your other statements...I can be liberal as all hell about sex and still not accept a man who fks around on me. It's not what I want, nor what I would do to someone I really loved. I only expect to be treated in respect to what I give in my relationships and that is ALL of me. I want to be with people who have the SAME beliefs as I do...otherwise, it's a war not a relationship. I don't want to "change" anyone, but I also refuse to just conform and accept the bs that everyone seems to throw out.

The people who think that it's ok to fk anything just because you have the desire have a right to feel that way, and find those who agree. Other people stick to their own kind as well. That is why no two relationships are alike.

libertine is not equivalent to liberal.  

Liberalism is a political ideology.  Libertinism is a personal philosophical ideology.

The modern media conflates these two terms and treats them equivalently,  generally using them in derogatory manner.  But there is a lot of deeper examination of libertinism in literature and philosophy over the last three hundred years that precedes sound byte intellectualism and more clearly describes it.

In the context of my post,  I am referring to the classical use of the term to mean individuals disregarding or rejecting the social constraints that stand in the way of them experiencing sensual satistfaction.  

By definition then, you are not libertine about sexual joy given your value judgements regarding sex and marriage.   If what you mean when you say you can be liberal about sex is that you can be open minded about it (but still apply your value judgements), I agree, but that is a different point, and not one that I was commenting on.

do expect a hooker to be just as I said. Just because I play a part in cheating does not mean I have to also cheat on a mate when I have one. I can't stop another person from cheating, but I can damn well not do it to my mate. I know why I feel more guilty here...it's obvious, and done for me.

faxinator836 reads

People, especially young people, have no idea how precious and fleeting the pleasure of healthy sex is. It really is something to be savored, to be enjoyed to its fullest, and to be cherished. No rushing. No selfishness. A concerted effort to bring extreme pleasure to your partner.

It took me until my current age to really understand that, and now I've become a far better lover now than I ever was in my 20's or 30's. And in fact, this realization has injected new vitality into our sex lives after 23 years of marriage.

pay someone to cut your grass, he's married.

Do you screw your doctor in exchange for your annual physical? I suppose it's convienient you know, while hes's down there anyway.

Seriously though, my guess is that the problem is that you know his wife and that they live 3 streets away so you'll probably have to interact with her at some point. Of course, I could be wrong, that may not be what's unique about this.

He is not someone in the hobby, he is civvie.  So he cut your grass for free, not comparable to your normal business dealings.   He is a real person who you know in your personal life and the facts he is married and lives close makes it all the more real.
I think once you view this as real personal involvement with someone you will be able to understand or figure out why you feel guilty.
Good luck, its a slippery slope.

With the others they sought you out, you did not initiate the contact for P4P with someone that never played before. You realize you are the reason he decided to cheat, the others was going to cheat anyway. He was different as he really was not looking to cheat. He had to get drunk, and cancelled several times. Anther thing you never met the other peoples wife, his you have, his kids for that matter as well. That changes things. You also know you will have to lie to her face as long as you both live there. With There are some moral lines some have that in normal P4P is not there.

To top it all off you liked it. When I first had sex that I paid for, I cried after as I felt so guilty. I had my wife's almost insistence (did no why yet) but I felt like scum because I fuck anther woman. The fact I liked it made it worse in my mind. It was a while before I made peace with this lifestyle. So the fact you like it could made all that other stuff worse. I no if I enjoyed something I feel is wrong and got away with it, I punish myself more than anyone else could. Could you be doing the same?

Anyway that is my best guess why and in the end it doesn't matter. I think you fell guilty because you knew corrupting a man and getting him to cheat for your own gain was wrong. I believe you are a good person with morals. I guess inside you know you crossed a line that you have drawn for yourself.

The way I see it, you have two choices regardless of why you feel guilty. The first realize you made a mistake and do not do him again and just pay to get the lawn mowed. The second you can repeat and slowly move that moral line. The choice is yours.

Just to let you know, I am not judging you, just responding to you questions. I have done many of things that I feel guilty for. Yes it sucks but guilt does help establish the behavior we wish in ourselves if properly channeled.

What is that like $800-$900 I was thinking fifty bucks to get the lawn mowed was a lot.Look for my add under hooker lawn service.

muffmonster813 reads

Let me firs start by stating that the man is not happy with what he is getting at home. In any instance what you experienced was bliss to most.  Lets not say that this is something to feel guilty about.  It was obviously enjoyed by both parties.  I, as a man, could only wish for something like this to happen. Secondly, I happen to be a proff healthcare worker...lol.  In any instance him not knowing you escort is not a big deal unless you liked it to the point of wanting to start a relationship with him.  Obviously, if this turns out to be a steady thing, letting him know your profession would really be the best thing to do.  Considering that he lives so close, it would probably not be a good idea to even start a relationship with him.  It could possibly blow up in your face.  
I feel that deep inside you do long for this.  I may not be  completely correct, but I feel that many escorts choose the profession to be free from feeling obligated to a man.  There are many successful relationships born out of a combination of financial fidelity and true love.  Let's face it, we all want to be loved.  There may be some sociopaths out there that are naysayers, but deep down we all need a loving and trusting relationship. It all depends on the couple.  I have had friends who were swingers, and others who had open relationships because this is the lifestyle they chose.  I can tell you that both couples are together and very happy after many years.  I can tell you that after only 6 years in the hobby, I have yet to meet an escort, or as you put it hooker, that has shown any interest beyond the bottom line. It amazes me that more relationships are not born from the escorting world.  I have heard stories from escorts that some men spill some of their most intimate secrets to them.  The physical act is not all that some guys are after.  Many guys just want to be heard.  I have friends like myself who feel so trapped in the relationship they have with their spouses, and I can relate. It is one thing to be married, but another to live in a "loveless" marriage.  I have seen men I consider to be successful and good looking become completely ruined by women they married for no other reason than they were not home enough because they were working harder than a dog to provide a comfortable lifestyle to their spouse.  This is why I feel that if you meet the right person it could work well.  Now don't get me wrong, many would prefer you change your path, but there are guys out there that would understand. Being up front is essential.  Unfortunately, many of the very same men are your customers.  The ones who P4P would surely be more apt to understand.  I have had guys tell me that they would pursue relationships with their regular escort, but refuse to do so because they feared it would end the great sack time they were getting.
The bottom line is that the lawn guy is a bad idea because he is so close to home.  Nixing that would be best unless you plan on uprooting and moving.  Have you ever had a customer you have had any interest in?    It would be breaking the number 1 rule, but let's be honest they have no room to talk..  I have had a few extend my time even though I was ready to leave.   Almost as if they were vaguely interested.  Ultimately, you have to do what you are comfortable with.  The Profession is your bread and butter, but we all "catch feelings" every once in a while.  It is only human to want to share your desire, dreams, and insights with an intimate parter.  I hope I helped a little.  On a side note, I can say that I have " caught feelings"  or  at least the desire to delve deeper with a girl I was seeing regularly, but I live with the realization that the possibility of it turning out well is small.  It would lose me my favorite, and cause me a seemingly endless search for another that I enjoyed as much. I have some ideas that might work from a man's perspective if you ever want them. I wish you the best

London is a big girl, i'm sure she already had the answer to her question, before she asked.
But, in defense of all the answers, she did ask!!

you have the most fucked up set of morals that I've ever run across... you disdain your clients as "normal scumbags" and feel guilty about fucking the lawn guy who really isn't a lawn guy that has a wife that lives three blocks from you... you won't fuck a married man unless he pays you first.. I don't think even madiba could analyze this one with his psycho babble...

i'm pretty sure you'd make a great graduate level "case study" for sexual morality in 21st centruy anglo saxon America and I'd love to read the "experts" analysis when it's published...

muffmonster735 reads

Let me firs start by stating that the man is not happy with what he is getting at home. In any instance what you experienced was bliss to most.  Lets not say that this is something to feel guilty about.  It was obviously enjoyed by both parties.  I, as a man, could only wish for something like this to happen. Secondly, I happen to be a proff healthcare worker...lol.  In any instance him not knowing you escort is not a big deal unless you liked it to the point of wanting to start a relationship with him.  Obviously, if this turns out to be a steady thing, letting him know your profession would really be the best thing to do.  Considering that he lives so close, it would probably not be a good idea to even start a relationship with him.  It could possibly blow up in your face.  
I feel that deep inside you do long for this.  I may not be  completely correct, but I feel that many escorts choose the profession to be free from feeling obligated to a man.  There are many successful relationships born out of a combination of financial fidelity and true love.  Let's face it, we all want to be loved.  There may be some sociopaths out there that are naysayers, but deep down we all need a loving and trusting relationship. It all depends on the couple.  I have had friends who were swingers, and others who had open relationships because this is the lifestyle they chose.  I can tell you that both couples are together and very happy after many years.  I can tell you that after only 6 years in the hobby, I have yet to meet an escort, or as you put it hooker, that has shown any interest beyond the bottom line. It amazes me that more relationships are not born from the escorting world.  I have heard stories from escorts that some men spill some of their most intimate secrets to them.  The physical act is not all that some guys are after.  Many guys just want to be heard.  I have friends like myself who feel so trapped in the relationship they have with their spouses, and I can relate. It is one thing to be married, but another to live in a "loveless" marriage.  I have seen men I consider to be successful and good looking become completely ruined by women they married for no other reason than they were not home enough because they were working harder than a dog to provide a comfortable lifestyle to their spouse.  This is why I feel that if you meet the right person it could work well.  Now don't get me wrong, many would prefer you change your path, but there are guys out there that would understand. Being up front is essential.  Unfortunately, many of the very same men are your customers.  The ones who P4P would surely be more apt to understand.  I have had guys tell me that they would pursue relationships with their regular escort, but refuse to do so because they feared it would end the great sack time they were getting.
The bottom line is that the lawn guy is a bad idea because he is so close to home.  Nixing that would be best unless you plan on uprooting and moving.  Have you ever had a customer you have had any interest in?    It would be breaking the number 1 rule, but let's be honest they have no room to talk.  M .  I have had a few extend my time even though I was ready to leave.   Almost as if they were vaguely interested.  Ultimately, you have to do what you are comfortable with.  The Profession is your bread and butter, but we all "catch feelings" every once in a while.  It is only human to want to share your desire, dreams, and insights with an intimate parter.  I hope I helped a little.  On a side note, I can say that I have " caught feelings"  or  at least the desire to delve deeper with a girl I was seeing regularly, but I live with the realization that the possibility of it turning out well is small.  It would lose me my favorite, and cause me a seemingly endless search for another that I enjoyed as much. I have some ideas that might work from a man's perspective if you ever want them.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 10:07:46 PM

ASSume they can know what is inside another's head and heart from postings on a fk board. Your post had truth, logic, and was consistent. Bravo!

Believe me, i know how u feel. But i'm done trying to explain myself about my past issues!
Some of us do know what's in your heart and head....it's all good.
I think some, just weren't sure if this thread was for entertainment or, if you really did want our honest input!
As far as not cheating on your mate, if you were in a relationship...well that tells me all i need to know about you. ( and i'm not just shilling or kissing your ass )

muffmonster661 reads

Take it easy. As if escorts had no feelings. I find it interesting that so many on here live in glass houses yet throw boulders. Take care and remember......"no lawnboy for youuu" ;0

muffmonster839 reads

Wow...for someone who is apparently educated you do sound judgmental.  I think the guilt stems from the fact that the guy said she was the first he had cheated with, and that she has seen him and his family around.  The real point here is not the apparent barter.......not really a barter.  It is the fact that she went outside her norm and realizes that she liked it.   It is ironic in a way.  The "normal scumbags" comment was a little rough on her part.  Maybe an excuse to see her clients as objects to avoid putting her means for supporting herself at risk. Maybe she was cheated on by someone she cared about.  In any instance, she was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of what she think she might want.  Trust me....if more wives treated men like escorts in the sack these problems would not be so common.

Come on man, wives are not in the biz of selling fantasies! ( so, give them a break ) My X was good in the sack, just a bitch!!
Do you think for one minute, that escorts are not women also!!
You would be dealing with the same relationship issues with one of them, if it were not P4P.

so many assumed I meant a hobbyist though. I never said that...someone else did. That's why I said it was projecting because I never mentioned a "hobbyist" in my post at all. Had I said, "average scumbag client" some might have had a point to get all in a tizzy, but that's not what I said..they ASSumed. Says a lot about what one must think of themselves though I will admit.

"The life of London" would make a great movie.  Maybe Lindsey Lohan could star.  So many great stories to tell.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 9:19:11 AM

bullshit..until you have met london in person..dont judge her..her morals are fine..she should be on everyones bucket list..never judge a book by its cover..i have read the book..i enjoyed it from beginning to end..she is a joy to be with..i love outspoken sexy women..if you guys cant handle the real deal..shop somewhere else..

Posted By: LoboGris
you have the most fucked up set of morals that I've ever run across... you disdain your clients as "normal scumbags" and feel guilty about fucking the lawn guy who really isn't a lawn guy that has a wife that lives three blocks from you... you won't fuck a married man unless he pays you first.. I don't think even madiba could analyze this one with his psycho babble...

i'm pretty sure you'd make a great graduate level "case study" for sexual morality in 21st centruy anglo saxon America and I'd love to read the "experts" analysis when it's published...

you make retarded arguments and try to pass them off as how I feel. I never said I felt any disdain for MY clients...you're projecting. I said I wished he was the average scumbag, meaning just that. Please show me where I said my clients or any of the men here are scumbags....I didn't. Excuse me for feeling a bit more guilt about fking a guy when I actually have seen his wife. I love the way you try to turn genuine concern and guilt into a bs attempt to question my morals. Unlike you, at least I still have "some" and don't try to sugarcoat every dirty deed I do. I own up to my dirt.

The reason I won't fk another man's wife for free is because he does not deserve it, nor do I! I don't find anything secure about letting a married man or a single man for that matter use me for sex...I will get mine. Is that a clear enough picture for you now? You seriously know NOTHING about me, because your post is contradictory crap that does not in any way conincide with what I have expressed. If I had no morals, I would not give a shit about anything I do and chalk it all up to "Oh well, it's just human nature bla bla bla" bs. Sound familiar?

The reason I can make a correlation between sex for pay leading me to feel less guilty is the same damn reason YOU DO! When you pay, you don't feel like it is an all out affair with someone you have a chance of falling for...those are my reasons as well. The money keeps things in perspective for both parties. I would never fall for a guy who paid me to fk him, just like many men here would never fall for a hooker they pay. That was the basis behind me using the pay for services trade in this situation...it blinded me to the fact of what I was really doing. Sorry, not many here seem to get that except the ones who have been through it.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:14:10 PM

I agree... I know nothing about you except your posting history... you exhibit a consistent low key disdain for married men that participate in this game... NOW I understand that does not include YOUR clients.. just the rest of us run of the mill scumbags...

I didn't say you had no morals, I said you had fucked up morals.. my opinion only... and we all know about opinions... and yoou come back and tell me I have no morals when, to paraphrase you, you know absolutely nothing about me nor my moral compass.. that in itself was humorus enough to be worth the effort i put into responding to your soul cleansing post...

as for my participating in pay for play to avoid emotional attachment of an affair, again you know nothing of my history nor what does or does not trigger any guilt feelings or emotional attachments to anyone in my life be it spouse, mistress, hooker, stripper, or one night stand picked up at the local pub... or should I say landscape and gardening company....

keep it coming... at least you're more entertaining than another enhanced vs natural boob conversation

for IDIOTS who participate..big difference. Just because I pounce on a dumb ass does not mean I have comtempt for every guy here. Freakin duh...I see the guys I do because they have no delusions about the relationship or lack thereof, that we share for a few brief moments. You may not see hookers vs. having an affair but news flash...that's why most guys here hobby!  It has been said A MILLION TIMES THEY FEEL LESS GUILTY WITH P4P!

It is less threatning and farther from home than an office affair of fkin the nanny! My reasons are no different so saying my morals are fked up because of it, is saying every guy here is fked as well. Brilliant! I said the very same thing in this post, so wtf! You act like you have never heard this before. No, I will not fk a married man for nothing...so what! Why is that concept so hard for you to grasp? I don't let men use me unless I am getting something in return, and I need an orgasm like another hole in my head!

Stop putting words in my mouth and creating a straw man...there is only one in your freaking head! I never said or insinuated any of the things you're trying to suggest! Just because I get in arguments with guys does not mean I think what they do in the hobby is altogether bad. It's two different things. Just because I choose not to fk around when I am in a relationship has nothing to do with what others do in theirs. Don't tell ME what is right for my own life please. Make your own decisions and don't worry about wtf I do and why, if you can't at least be consistent with the point you are so desperately trying to prove. You are failing.

The ONLY point of my post was that for the FIRST time ever, I felt something about what I did in a way that made me look within. If you don't like it, I don't much care. If you or anyone else thinks I am full of it, I really don't care either. Just because some of you are so jaded that you can't feel a damn thing, does not mean ALL of us are that way. Done.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 3:36:40 PM

MyDrunkAliass728 reads

We'll cure those guilty feelings...

In the big scheme of things, paper money is actually worthless and is only a method of exchange.

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, so this guy is not really a lawn boy but does it on the side one day a week for all the houses on the lake...guessing he and the crew pull in like 2 or 3k just that one day, so not bad. He works a pro job in Health Care which is how we first met, and he asked if I wanted someone to cut the grass when we moved in.

He was always flirting with me every time he came around, making little comments about this and that, til finally I thought hmm..I won't fk a married man for free, but what if I did it to get my lawn done for free? That way, it's not like he is having an affair...just getting paid for services and he can treat me like the hooker I am only he does not know lol.

Anyway, was supposed to be a quickie that turned into 3 freaking hours. Long story short, I think I may have liked it a lil too much. He was stroking my damn face for pete's sake, licking me from my neck to my ass, cuddling with me...not what I am used to I guess. I feel guilty about this one. Anyone want to tell me why?

Could it be because deep inside I am longing for that type of relationship but can't because I am a hooker? Could it be because I really do feel freaking bad that I was the first he cheated on his wife with? I think my conscience is starting to get to me, and I wonder if it is because no cash exchanged hands. I certainly don't feel guilty when the envelope is on the table, so why is this so different? We traded for services just like I do with my doc, my dentist, etc.

This is not the first time I have felt guilty but it was for another reason the last few times. It was because I truly could not keep taking money from those guys knowing I could no longer provide what they needed...we just were better off as friends with no p4p. I can't be this guy's friend though. He and his family live like 3 streets over from me and I often see them out at the local bars we have in walking distance from the Marina.

Just confused I guess...

about the hobby lol. Very few men who hobby even know about review boards, so not so much of a stretch to think one who does not partake at all in this business would not know either. He is not the only guy around to work in healthcare and cut grass lol. There are 3 crews to be exact, so it would be a guess of 1 of 15 guys this could be if anyone happened to stumble upon it. I did not say his age, weight, or anything physical that would give away an accurate picture of who this is.

to find a GOOD man, that is not married?
I'm not judging, just an honest question.

ps, how about trying a dating site?
pss, honestly, it's not that easy for a divorced, 56 y/o male to find a GOOD women, to be honest with you.

Maybe, we are just not looking hard enough, because honestly, it can be alot of hard work. ( or hassle )

Do you really exchange services with your lawn guy, your Dr and your dentist? So you basically dont pay for just about any service you get? No offense BUT I call bullshit on your entire post. Why would a hooker that charges as much as you need to exchange for a $50 lawncut AND he is not your type?
If you say so but I honestly think you are full of shit.
Hugs and kisses

1) London can take care of herself, but...
2) How many of the threads here are bullshit?  I'd say a very high percentage.  So this thread has about as much credibility as any other.
3) More important to most of us, it was very entertaining.  That's why we're here.  So I don't especially care if she fucked the lawn boy (or the pool boy, or the cabana boy) or not.  
4) I am much more sure she fucked ChgoCPA, but who knows?  Or cares???
We're all just havin' fun here...

So you are here to hear a bunch of bullshit? Ok then! I think I can have more fun with the actual truth.
I really dont care who she fucks but lets atleast be honest about it.
Hugs and kisses

I believe EVERY single word written here...

Don't you?

Is there a site that we can go to that only tells the truth?  I doubt yours does...starting with your name.

I doubt it's terri...and the rest is just as phony I suspect.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  Just sayin :D

but I was too wimpy to say so on here, so I backchanneled by own skepticism as well to others.

On the other hand, we will never know, and really does it even matter?

I don't hold anything against LR.  If the story is true, I hope she finds the best way to satisfy her libido and conscious.  She's smart and she'll find a way.

If it's all BS, then thanks for the enterainment.

As for TL, I give her props for being forthright.  Nothing wrong with that either.  She was classy in how she expressed herself.

fisher doesn't strike me as being into the "little boys"

no, but, mrf would make a good, "Legitimate" priest or preacher.
I've never seen him put "Anyone" down and that's VERY hard to do on here!!
Listening to him, would of kept me out of hot water.

But he is the most mellow person on TER and a great guy. I for one am honored to know him, even if he is a piss drinking pervert. He has helped me in the past and is a great guy. But I have seen him go after a few that really earned it.

You can't buy publicity like that.


Thanks buddy!

I did too MrF.
We all like london, she's a good kid.
I agree with you, TL was just being forthright and not whimpy like you and I.
BTW, TL, is about as erotic as they come..IMHO :)

He knew I was having some issues over it, because we spoke about it over dinner. Imagine that. If I want to make up a bs story for a fk board, I would say I fked Brad Pitt and Angie begged to join in....and he still paid me lol. Gimme a damn break.

saturnsky434 reads

A post that says something to the contrary of everyone else but expressed so very well even if I dd not agree, I might now....;)

Paypal :D

True...he is a man for all...seriously  :D

Oh...and mrfisher...I get my cut on those commissions...right?

or "I have a hard time thinking this happened." Saying someone is outright full of shit when that person has PROOF is a bit naive and far from classy. Anytime I call someone on a post that contradicts itself, I have links to back it up to show where they are full of shit. In this situation, there is simply no way to say either way...it's only a guess. The mere fact that two men can confirm I was thinking and talking about doing this, on Thur. night only reiterates I did not pull the thread out of my ass. If you guys want bs, I can come up with some in the future lol. Maybe it is really that hard to believe London the bitch, actually has a softer side? Guess so.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 3:55:35 PM

Yes I know this is TER worldf here and no Terri is NOT my name BUT I assure the rest is not phony at all. I am as real as it gets. Sorry ChgoCPA didnt mean to offend your little GF there but I call it like I see it. I also dont make up shit on a fuck board just to simply get attention either.
Hugs and kisses

Sorry terri...or whatever your real name is.

But once "lies" start it's tough to keep stories straight.  And I absolutely believe you when you tell me that everything but your name is phone.  But I'll bet your age isn't real either.  Where do the lies end and reality begins?

And you didn't offend MY little GF...you offended every gal on this board.  Except of course the couple that you chat with regularly that buy your POV.  The rest...well let's just say they get what this is all about.

You're really a bright guy there ChgoCPA! LOL I am 40 and that what my age states. I really dont see that I have offended any other ladies here by just telling one she is full of shit! I dont have any ladies buying anything but a new outfit for themselves when we all go out. And since you are so smart there big boy why dont you please do tell what this is all about since you say "They get what this is all about"
Hugs and kisses

Sure...every fella believes that what is on your TER profile is the gospel LOL

And you apparently missed London's posts here...and I would "guess" that she isn't the only gal that felt that your post was highly offensive.  But you keep living in your little world with those rose colored glasses on...it's safe in there.

You might want to quit on trying to back track your lies as well...that hole is just getting deeper and deeper.

Me lying? WOW! Are you serious? This is really some HS BS here! why in the hell would a lady lie about being 40? Back track what lies? Stop trying to make up shit thats not there.
Im not in a hole (except a GF here and there) I am not up here posting BS stories just for attention. I have a wondeful idea though. Maybe you and London should date? You are both delusional as hell.
Hugs and kisses

So are you saying that what you write is NOT the truth?

I need to know what I can believe you write...or maybe what you mean?

It does tend to get clouded...doesn't it?

I update my pics on my site every 2-3 months.  I am an older lady that is 40 and I am as real as it gets soooooo if you dont like me OR my OPINION then I hate it for you. You two are the ones that really should grow up :)
Hugs and kisses

This is a fuck board isnt it? I swear you two should marry. LMAO!!  BTW when did I start a BJ thread?
Hugs and kisses

is about fking. Thanks for FINALLY paying attention. Bj thread was in ATL...where else? Your motives for posting what you did are abundantly clear now, and make you look even more off. You want to talk about honesty, well how about the fact that you let one dumbass convince you to post this way about me? You're a sock puppet honey, and don't even realize you are being played but that's ok. At least now everyone knows your post was not about anything other than bs.

I post what I want to post. You really are a stupid girl if you think anyone put me up to posting anything. As for Ansley, I have never met her but she has always been sweet through pm. You and your bf are just bent out of shape because I MYSELF said I think you are full o shit. As fot my site well if thats all you two have to try and cut me down for speaking my mind,.well thats just classless as hell and stupid.

If there was ANY questions about who and what you are....YOU have certainly cleared that up for any reader here.

And congrats...YOU have made it as a qualifying question on "TER jeopardy"

You can find the answer a little further down on this thread :D

And are you sure you and your partner in pathetic posting had a long enough nap?

Please pay attention...I said NOTHING about your damn site. I have never even seen it sock puppet. You girls should stick together bwahahaha. Same mentality really. CPA is my BF now...last week it was one of 7 other guys who speak the truth. Interesting. You think I am full of crap...great. You simply have no FACTS to back up your bs, unlike the guys around here who do. I am done here. I have a new website to work on now.

And she is now speaking to ME through YOU.

And we're the delusional ones?  LOL

Thanks teri...you're making up some great new questions for "TER jeopardy".  I couldn't pay folks to come up with this crap.

But YOU never lie...great stuff.  Keep 'em coming :D

just participate in all the "show us your ass, tits, kitty" threads, so all the boys could come tell me how hot I look lol. Nope..not my style.

Posted By: London Rayne
just participate in all the "show us your ass, tits, kitty" threads, so all the boys could come tell me how hot I look lol. Nope..not my style.
You've never needed photos to show your ass.

Ansley ILU :) Straight crush! lol
Hugs and kisses

Good call on that one.

Strength in numbers...yep :D

Maybe Ansley would like to play "Hooker Jeopardy" with me?  Oh ..can that.  Her TER page is listing her as over 45.  Soooooo...that means that she is near ???  And I like to play with gals that aren't sitting with the grandkids.  So you and Ansley can have your tea together and play cards.

harshness? WOW, talk about calling a spade a spade and then she shows up!! Just priceless! I will send you guys some links to old threads on another board that will clear this one up. Ansley needs more than attention trust me. Funny how when women "get" attention it is because they ask for it or need it, and those accusing of such are the very ones who really do need it but can't seem to get it. Talk about INSECURE!

That would be like me getting pissed when Julia got some attention and accusing her of being desperate...the girl just gets attention because she is funny and hot! Funny thing, she is NOT intimidated by other women because she is secure. Women never cease to amaze me, on how they can show every card in their lousy hand by the very accusations they project on others ha ha.

and the beat goes on....

No London, you don't have it all figured out.  I have spoken with Terri a couple of time, the last time was about 6 months ago.  I posted a one liner because I knew how easy it would be to get you all worked up.   Okay so you send links from another board about me.  Knock yourself out.  I'm guessing most people have better things to do than go read some old threads from another board.

Attention?  It's pretty obvious that I don't thrive on attention, or I would go looking for it.  If that was the case I would post more often.  Desperate?  If I was desperate I would post more often.  Insecure?  If that's what you think, so be it.  I really have nothing to prove to you.

Posted By: London Rayne
harshness? WOW, talk about calling a spade a spade and then she shows up!! Just priceless! I will send you guys some links to old threads on another board that will clear this one up. Ansley needs more than attention trust me. Funny how when women "get" attention it is because they ask for it or need it, and those accusing of such are the very ones who really do need it but can't seem to get it. Talk about INSECURE!

That would be like me getting pissed when Julia got some attention and accusing her of being desperate...the girl just gets attention because she is funny and hot! Funny thing, she is NOT intimidated by other women because she is secure. Women never cease to amaze me, on how they can show every card in their lousy hand by the very accusations they project on others ha ha.

All you ever do is post your stupid crap in threads when the players are women you don't like...over and over again honey. Played out. Be more original at least please. Your maturity is showing as always. You are insecure..big time. Even your own friends have said it, which is why you have issue with so many women who are younger than you. You have no problem sucking up to those you feel are beneath you though do ya? Just sad.

You are still following my posts like the rest of the OHC, which is rather funny to be honest. You guys are still talking about me and I have been off the other board for over six months. Now, who needs attention and who can't stfu about other people who are not even around? Thanks. You have tried to post more remember? You run off when other women are around who you think look better than you...that was obvious on the other board. The only women you are ever nice to are those who kiss your ass and deal with your obvious psychosis, and even some of those boys told you where to go.  When all those who intimidated you left, you were posting up a storm so nice try.

Welcome to GD Ansley...it gets better than this.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 2:01:44 PM

So I make a post in GD for the first time in over a year, I all of a sudden need to get a life?  That really doesn't make much sense.  London you don't know who my friends are, just like I don't know who you are friends with.  I don't have issues with women that are younger than me.  Why waste my time worrying about something I can't change.  

This is the first time I have posted in one of your threads.  That hardly constitutes following you around.  I saw this thread, and out of curiosity, I wanted to see if one of my one liners would still set you off.  Yep, it worked like a charm.  Maybe other people are still talking about you, but it isn't me.  Please feel free to send me a link where I have said anything about you lately.

Posted By: London Rayne
All you ever do is post your stupid crap in threads when the players are women you don't like...over and over again honey. Played out. Be more original at least please. Your maturity is showing as always. You are insecure..big time. Even your own friends have said it, which is why you have issue with so many women who are younger than you. You have no problem sucking up to those you feel are beneath you though do ya? Just sad.

You are still following my posts like the rest of the OHC, which is rather funny to be honest. You guys are still talking about me and I have been off the other board for over six months. Now, who needs attention and who can't stfu about other people who are not even around? Thanks.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:27:24 PM

But you certainly make no sense either.

You don't make a post in over a year on the GD thread...and then throw your "zinger" here.

Why don't you and the other grandma take your naps now?  It's been a tough day for the two of you.  And maybe call some of the "younger" and "hotter" gals to help you get yourselves out of this train wreck?

Come on back tomorrow after you rest up and take some Metamucil and we can tee this up again.  But let's start a new thread please.

Can we call it "Am I still hooking into my 60's"?  OR we can go with "Hookers never lie...EVER".

That should be a lot of fun :D

saturnsky435 reads

How old are you? I mean you seem to have a real thing against women that are not young...what is young to you? I guess it's all relative. If you're 70, shit 45 is young, if you're 40, then 25 is young.

I have no dog in this exchange between these ladies. I am more interested in your aversion to older women, or is it just these ladies (minus LR)?

Or are you just having some of that peter pan fun you were chatting with me about yesterday?

If you look over my reviews I've seen gals from 18-60.  The only issue with the 60 y/o gals is that they advertise as 45.  And inherently nothing wrong with that as I typically build that into my TER age conversion.

The gals who are typically 45+ (in real years) often deliver a very different type of session.  And mainly it is an oral type of session.  One gal I never reviewed and has recently retired performed what I would say was the most incredible T&D BBBJCIMNQNS for two hours (a couple of years ago).  And one of the sweetest ladies you would ever want to meet.

When a wreck like this one happens it is interesting to see who is in the pile.  And when terri came out and decided to make her post heard, she became "fair game" to take responsibility for her posts.  However, after repeated attempts to get her to argue and defend her posts, it became pretty clear to me that whatever issues she has with LR are fairly deep seeded.  And as the thread degraded into a "name calling" was even more clear to me that terri was getting VERY confused about who (LR, CPA) was posting to her.  Why this was happening I can't be sure.  But I moved on when it was painfully clear that terri was having serious issues in being coherent.

I have no issues with terri or anyone on these boards unless they truly pose a serious threat.  And if you re-read the posts terri brought up her age as an issue (never a good idea to do BTW), so that just opened up the door for me to explore.  Which I did :)

Hopefully terri and her pals come back to play again.  And after this little escape from reality she might learn if she wants to play this way...how to play.  

You did  :D

saturnsky544 reads

Sort of like a person voluntarily going to AA or being court ordered to show up. Both are there, but one is there under sufferance.

observe how others play...read the rules..and get your ass in the game :D

BTW...we both misspelled agist...it's ageist  (might come in handy if you and I ever play "Hooker Jeopardy"

And thanks for giving this the old college try.  I'm enjoying you...and that's what this is really all about :)

London I could fuck circles around you and believe me I was not napping but out enjoying friends and family today. You see I have a life and just because I said you are full of shit doesnt give you OR your BF the right to call me names and start your stupid shit. OMG you DO love the attention! lol!! You two are so damned above us all! I am 40 and proud of it! You have some really bad karma and I truelly feel so sorry for you both.  Now that you and you BF have had your words and insults why dont you just STFU and shove a cock in your mouth. BTW Thanks you two for bringing all the attention to my site!!! Nice job helping this old hooker out! lmao!!
Get me out of what? lol this train wreck is on you little girl!
Please try to have a good day and I sure hope you get the attention you think desreve :)
CPA comment all you want on my site because you really are getting brighter and brighter by the post. Um I have to approve your comments :) as do all other ladies on there sites.
Ok I am done here because I just think its a waste of time and energy to keep going back and fourth with you two oh so smart and beautiful people. LMAO!!!
Hugs and kisses

Your attempted insults are a lot more effective when you can actually pass yourself off as even remotely intelligent..just saying. Why are you directing what CPA said about you to ME? I did not say you were napping, he did.

You have issues babe...I did not say a damn thing about your age, how you look, or your damn website! WTF...can you read? Paint fumes getting to your brain cells again?  I find it funny you address these accusations to me when I am not the one who said a damn thing about you other than the fact that you are confusing your facts with a guess. I am not mad..you are just an idiot lol. Look the words up before you try to pass one off as the other. I am not the one who needs business, attention, or a shrink...thanks. My reviews, and repeat clients speak for themselves...just like yours do.

Trust me babe, I have NO DOUBT you could fk circles around me lol.  I never claimed to be able to take much cock hon...That was great! You're right, arguing with an idiot is about as fun as watching paint dry which I am sure you do quite often whilst waiting for that phone to ring lol. Bye now. In the future, if you don't want to be attacked why not shut your damn pie hole when you have no clue as to what you are talking about. Novel idea. Don't blame me for what other people post to you and about you..you brought it on YOURSELF!

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 8:46:19 PM

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 8:56:49 PM

I'm very accustomed to posting and being around young beautiful women.  The boards are full of them.  I stopped posting because I didn't like playing in the mud.  It had nothing to do with anybody's looks.  I don't recall anybody ever kissing my ass.  Psychosis?  I didn't know you were qualified to make such an evaluation.  Yep you are right, I did had disagreements with some of the guys.  The cool thing is, I am back to speaking to some of them.  If I remember correctly it was pretty much a whole forum that left.  Nobody was insecure or intimidated, we simply didn't like the way things were heading.

After this whole thread, GD can't do anything but get better.

Posted By: London Rayne
Now, who needs attention and who can't stfu about other people who are not even around? Thanks. You have tried to post more remember? You run off when other women are around who you think look better than you...that was obvious on the other board. The only women you are ever nice to are those who kiss your ass and deal with your obvious psychosis, and even some of those boys told you where to go.  When all those who intimidated you left, you were posting up a storm so nice try.

Welcome to GD Ansley...it gets better than this.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 2:01:44 PM

So you are planning on playing our game more often...always fun to have gals like you to play with.

Can you give me a heads up tho when you take your naps?  I'll make sure to not post till I know you're alert and ready to play.  Not like how todays banter went.

exchange a few PMs about having drinks, and now you call me a liar? Wrong girl hon. I don't have to lie on a fk board. You missed the entire point about why I made it out to be paying for services, btu that's ok. You just missed it is all. Go back and read the OP and then come back and see if we can understand better. I don't need to fk for a lawn cut...I wanted to fk him, and tried to turn him into a client to feel ok about it. It did not work which is why I am here feeling guilty about it.

Oh yes I did welcome you to Atlanta and I meant it BUT this post here of your just seems like a bunch of BS. I really dont care either way who you fuck but lets be real here.
You obviously have a few guys here that think very highly of you (enough to totally insult me) but hey check this out, I just stated MY opinion of this post and nothing more. You people that want to start calling names (including you London) need to get out of HS. If you think for one minute it bothers me then thats where the truth must be brought out because I wont loose any sleep or money for people calling names and I damn sure wont be upset. LMOA!!
If one woman speaks her mind she is alll of a sudden fat, old and sucks? Yea ok lol!!
Hugs and kisses

and that is all it is. You did not get the point of the post which is why you think it is bs. The very fact that you assumed I have to fk for a lawn job, reiterates you did not really read the OP before spouting off your bs. I don't condone men making fun of how another provider looks and you won't see me chime in on that. They are not under my spell, as you may think but don't get pissed because I get attention...I can't help it.

Had you bothered to READ what I said, you would know WHY this played out the way it did, but you did not do that. You made bs assumptions rather than realize that I not only tried to justify this in my own mind to feel better about it, but ADMITTED the wrong and guilt after the fact.  How is that for being such a bitch? I FELT something in this situation that I never felt before...damn! For once, the wrong I have done was in my face in a way I could not excuse my way out of it.

Asking if you're biploar is not name calling hon...it is in line with your behavior of being so nice one day, then going ballistic and calling me a liar the next. You could have simply sent me a PM if you had "genuine" concern...your post was obvious in its intent, but you missed the mark.

Now...see, people actually read your posts too lol.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 3:18:04 PM

Did you happen to notice that my PMs suddenly stopped? Do you want to know why?
I really dont think you do.
Also I never said you HAD to do anything. I just see your post and I think its BS. No hard feelings its just I think you are full of it.
Hugs and kisses

of the post. Yes, I agree that girls charging what I do and having to fk the lawn guy would be a bit farfetched...that is NOT what I said. That is what YOU made of this post, and had nothing to do with my reasons for being with him.

No, I don't much care why your PMs stopped as I was nothing but nice to you. I don't need friends that bad. I am not going to bash you for thinking I am full of shit, because I don't much care who does. I don't need to make up stories to get attention..I could just show my ass if that were the case. If I did want to make up a story, trust me it would be better than this one. I know what happened right down to what he was wearing, how he smelled, and the funny red light I had on in the den to let him know I was ready. There is a bit more to this I left out, and it will stay that way. Besides, I am full of shit so would not matter.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:30:27 PM

"If one woman speaks her mind she is alll of a sudden fat, old and sucks? Yea ok lol!"

And since you don't ever lie here....and you have the pics to prove it as well.

Glad there's one gal that is willing to stand up here and speak the truth!

Suffice it to say, I think you are awfully naive.
hugs and kisses!

so there goes the "BS" theory. I was already planning on doing it, and it happend the very night I got home from Chicago. Why the hell would I have to make up a story about screwing this guy? I don't make up shit, don't have to use an alias, and have never been one to not speak all out on subjects around here. I find it funny a person who knows nothing about me would just assume I "have to" fk a guy for 50 bucks lol. I made an excuse and a justification that since he was trading services for play, that he was only a client so I could feel better about doing it! It did not work, I will not do it again, end of story. I don't know why it is so hard to understand that.

And to comment on know it all responses, from CPA and inicky, I don't understand their point to you.  "hey, let's keep it lowbrow and stupid?". Wtf?  This London person is desperate for attention and I guess those guys don't want their little developing clique vibe messed with.

And terri won't be sucking you for free either...

Do you still believe the moon landing wasn't real?

I fucked Teri on the moon, six ways to Sunday, and she had drinks with me off the clock at Lunabar.  Then she stole my oxygen tanks and headed back to earth with some fat guy that has more money than me.  No lawn jockeys involved!

And she expects total honesty...just like she has on her website and reviews LOL

And FWIW there is NOT one reviewer that discussed her fucking on the moon :D

WTF is wrong with some honesty around here? Are you really saying that my site is BS and my reviews? Really? LMAO!!  Now thats some funny shit!
Hugs and kisses

situation before I ever went through with it? NO! So your so called honesty is total bs..thanks. You don't know what happened, so while you are certainly entitled to call bs passing it off as honesty, makes you look a bit nutty. It started a bit after 11 p.m. and did not end until after 2 on Thur. night. I find it retarded this is so hard to grasp that I wanted to be with this guy so I had to make him into a client to avoid getting too close. I guess I am not numb enough yet to just do it. ALL you are taking from this post is that someone who makes the money I make (which is not much btw) had to fk the lawn guy because I could not afford to pay 50 bucks lol.  You totally missed the entire point. In the future, try some reading comprehension classes before taking one thing and passing it off as logical. That in itself has ZERO logic as you said. I DON"T have to fk for a damn grass cut...I make myself believe it would be like being with a client if I did that. Damn.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:35:00 PM

when someone says you are full of shit. Me saying that makes me look nutty? AGAIN you and you BF are so very dillusional. I never said you had to fuck anyone because you couldnt afford a lawn cut! You and your BF just keep on trying to twist things up here. The ONLY thing I am sying is that I think you are full of shit! Does this make me crazy? Does this mean my site and all my reviews are a lie? Talk about crazy lmao! That is just plain stupid. Hey I am sorry but there is NO cure for stupid HUN!
Hugs and kisses

You were not there, don't know what happened, so YOU are the only one who is full of shit! I did not say anything about your age, looks, website...please get your facts straight. Your very first post said and I quote, " A girl who charges what you do has to pay for botox and the lawn boy...I call bs." Those were YOUR own words, so no one has it twisted! You flat out tried to suggest that, and I clued you in on the fact that you missed the damn point.

You're still missing it. You think my post is bs..great. Cry me a river already. While we are at it, don't you think if I needed attention I might post in my regional board where I live? Hmmm...find me just ONE post other than in the ad section thanks. I believe that's where you post most often though right...on your regional board where your clients LIVE? Nuff said...please stop projecting your bs on me honey, because it won't work. YOU may need attention, but I have enough of it which really just annoys the hell out of some women around here. Same old story.

All I said was I think your full of shit!! LMFAO!!!!! You really cant take it can you when someone says that to you. It was MY opinion and when it comes to my own opinion it is what it is. Just that my opinion
LOL you crack me up freakin out like this! Let mne say it agian I THINK YOU FULL OF SHIT!
are you  mad again?
Not one time did I stoop down to your level with the name calling and all that stuff. This shit is really funny that you and CPA have started a complete train wreck by saying shit about me and my site. lol
All for just saying I think your full of it. I dont need proof of something that is just my opinion.

grammar if you're going to try and play with the big boys. I stand corrected...you ARE bipolar. It is no longer a guess. You need not feel sorry for me hon...my reviews and repeat business speak for me. Sorry you have to try so hard...must suck. BTW, since you brought it up Teri lol...according to YOUR review scores, you don't look or fk better than anyone on this thread.

Just sayin, and YOU brought that up. You sit here acting as if I said a damm thing about you other than the fact that you are wacko, and I did not. YOU are the only one tossing insults here about the way people look and perform and telling them to shove a "cock in their mouth." Damn...somewhere there is a trailer park missing an idiot.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 9:09:52 PM

LMAO!! I am a hooker not an english professor! Do you really think I am jeleous of you or life? All you do is post on the boards ALL THE FUCKING TIME! That is fucking hillarious!! I do feel sorry for your karma because you certainly have some really bad karma. I am not the one on here making up BS just for attention. Thats you not me ;)
The only thing that sucks in my life is my mouth on a cock! Must be hard for you missing that in life :(
Especially if your banging the lawn guy that makes 4K a day! REALLY LMAO!!

Yep I made it up for attention lol. Funny, I got in long before this thread while you were out having to post pics of your ass and everything else to get anyone to notice you. How's that for HONESTY? It is time for your Prozac..please take it before anyone else notices you missed your meds today. And wait, I am not fking the lawn boy remember...I made that up. Make up your mind crazy girl. I need to go work out so I can still fit in my house...heh.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 9:19:06 PM

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 4:19:38 PM

Fucking her on the moon...hell, i would fuck her anywhere!!....Just my opinion, but, she is HOT!!

I definitely wont be sucking for free. LOL
Hugs and kisses

to me and struck a personal chord, and now I am desperate for attention? WOW....I have heard it all. Trust me, I will just stick to telling people to go fk themselves in the future lol. I got all the attention I needed in HS thanks. I don't "need" shit, but I think what bothers the insecure, is that I just seem to get it. Same story on every board, and not much I can do about it.

And I DO call bullshit on this thread.  Dtnot, out.

There are gals here who are posing as "writers" and you're not calling them liars?

Be consistent Dan...and take a hard...very hard look at terri's site and let me know if you honestly believe a word on it?  Check that...take your rose colored glasses off first and get your dick out of her mouth...then tell me LOL

Why do you keep bringing my site into this? I dont really care if YOU believe my site or not. I am only concerned with the gentlemen I fuck. Go ahead take another look at my site. Look all you want. Maybe you can find all kinds of lies on there! not sure what BUT go ahead look and try all you want lol!! So I guess your saying that all the guys that have reviewed me are all liars? You and your GF are so very dillusional. BTW I LIKE a dick in my mouth thank you very much!
Hugs and kisses

I didn't put up the site.  YOU did.  Why can't I bring it up for discussion?  Are you embarrassed by what YOU have on it?

And your reviews are public as well.  And of course everything a reviewer says is the truth....no one ever lies there LOL

Maybe you need to call in the rest of your gal pals to help you out...you're just not doing too well here by yourself.  You do have more than just one friend here...right?

has always needed a puppet to say what she is to "prim and proper" to say. Did I not just send you this very same message lol, then she appears ha ha ha. Talk about ironic. If anyone needs attention, it's her so please boys...give her some before she slits her wrist. This is so old it is like a broken record. Terri welcomes me to ATL, and Ansley tells her how bad I am. Boo effin hoo, I have enough hookers as friends already lol. Ansley was called out by her very own friends on another board about her hypocritical, insecure bs. She acts as if she is the sweet hooker that stays out of drama, yet she only shows up to post one or two lines that never have anything to do with said topic. Must be a sad life for you Ansley...I feel for ya girl. Get some help k.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:40:53 PM

Anyone assuming I have to fk the lawn guy to save 50 bucks is delusional. I said more than once WHY I tried to justify him being a client by "playing for services." Had nothing to do with money, and everything to do with the fact that I wanted to hang out with him but could not do it totally for nothing without feeling like an even bigger whore than I already am. The point of the thread is that IT DID NOT WORK AND I STILL FEEL GUILTY! I realize that can be a hard thing to grasp on a fk board full of people who feel nothing wrong in what they do, but sue me. I did and still do.

Redemption is sweet, lying in the weeds on the far side of the seven deadly sins...

Nowhere does it state or imply I want to "keep it lowbrow and stupid."  I simply pointed out that this thread is no more or less credible than most others.  How does that equate?  Answer: it doesn't.  Are you really on this board for hard information?  If so, you and terrilynn should form your own clique of the naive.  The only one I belong to is a clique of former posters and mods.
As for London, yes, I do like most of her posts because she can mix it up and is funny.  Sorry if that combination offends you in some way.  This board is primarily for entertainment, as I said.  If you're looking for something else, you're in the wrong place.

around here giving me attention because it bothers some of the hens. Fkin retarded lol. I don't know why I am so shocked really.

was because I was trying to justify it by making him into a client. Do you get it now? If I had just fked him, in my mind that would be crossing the line. By making it appear he was collecting for services, I could rationalize it as "Oh well he is just a client and no one I can get close to."

No, I don't pay for botox or dental work and have not in 3 years. I have a local Dentist who barters with me and a guy from Arkansas who does my Botox and Juviderm every 4 or so months. What is the difference? Many men don't want to blow that much cash on a hooker, so many women barter. I did not think this was so uncommon. No different than having a SD that buys you gifts vs. handing over straight cash. You do realize some hookers can do both?

Just because I charge what I do does not mean I am making 10k a month here...I could only wish. As you can all see, I don't work very often and I have a lot of bills. If I don't have to spend an extra 2k a on cosmetic stuff, why would I? That money could go to pay my mortgage, student loans, or private school for my child. I would think it a bit selfish to spend endless amounts of money on designger hand bags when I could just fk the guy at Louis Vuitton if I REALLY wanted a damn purse.

I am not an idiot when it comes to investing and finances. That money I save on bartering has really helped me in the long run. I have more important things to spend money on than that, but why not barter for it when I am fking anyway? I am not saying this to justify the small amount for grass cutting..that was just my way of feeling better about being with him, but the other things YES. I barter..wtf. I had an entire paragraph on my wesbite about barters, so assuming this is so out of line of what I have done in the past, is just stupid. It was right there in print for the world to see that if you are a Doc, Dentist, or Car Dealer, I would barter!

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:00:44 PM

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:51:26 PM

Considerthis601 reads

Posted By: London Rayne

I feel guilty about this one. Anyone want to tell me why?

You might be a narcissist...

not feel a thing.  Ok you guys got me...CPA made me post the thread. It's all bs. There ha ha.

Really everyone?  Can't we just all get along :-)

I was just looking to see if there would be other candidates that might be considered as "bat shit crazy" gals on TER.

I've got my answers now :D

what happens in the bedroom of someone else when they are a thousand miles away...yea, and we are the dElusional ones lol. I have heard it all. Please give those two some compliments before they have to head to the bar.

it's far from the stupidest ever.  Just read back over the past couple of days!

Can't we have a new thread that asks "Where is the best place to put my cum"?

I wouldn't even use that with the dumbest contestants on "Hooker Jeopardy".

BTW...Do I have to return your dues on the "Tell it like it is club" membership?  If so, can I borrow some money so I can see another hooker?

The video is glitchy, but worth a try.  My bonus question is: who is the celebrity who plays "Coco?"

When something like this gets discussed on a fuck-board, we all know it's gonna turn into a train-wreck. Believe me i know!
I don't think that was London's intent, but if you want honest, healthy answers, this is not the place..IMHO.
The opinions were bound to be varied, some good, some bad.
So, i know it's entertaining, but, do we really need to bash. Hell, people are starting to make things up, just to bash....NOT GOOD. Especially when you bash others, with no truth behind it. Now, that is HS!!

Is that if this fight were live , the ladies would be rolling on the ground, pulling hair and ripping at - and maybe off - each others' clothes, and we'd get to watch!  Then again, with CCPA maybe in the pile, I think I'll just stay here

since I won't be seeing him anymore. She seems more sensitive than me anyway. Gosh, this thread was great guys. Thanks for sending in the mouse so the cats could play. I have to actually get something done tonight like oh I don't know...tan lol.

Um Its TeRRi. Learn to spell my name and no thanks. I dont want to fuck the rich lawn guy. Thats on you lol! I am so glad you are so focused on my site. Well since mine is updated with new pics every few months maybe you should focus on your own ;)

Here is my NEW site with 2012 pics since you're so concerned. Sorry, it's not done yet, but I am sure you get the gist even with the corrections that have yet to be made.

Pathetic ha ha. Now, as I said I need to work this ass out so I don't end up having to fk for peanuts. Maybe lawn boy can be my sd. You're so retarded. He works in Health Care hon...cuts grass ONE day a week for only the people who live on the lake which is where he does. So now, you're choosy about which weenie goes in you? Yea right lol. Your reviews speak for themselves.

Oh, and FYI honey, if I really wanted attention I could have just as easily started a thread about my new website, not fking the lawn boy. Check Mate.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 9:51:07 PM

BTW is this an ad? lol I see my reviews are so horrible! OMG!! What do I do now? London doesnt like me :( lol
I prefer not to play with weenies, I like a real cock :)
Hugs and kisses

Amazing thread.
The CPA as a WK???  Who would a thunk?
All I know is this thread made me want to check out your website/reviews.
Now I want to play! mmm mm mmmm.
Any chance you and LR would double?

But if that is what you took from the diatribe...OK

FWIW little LR has NO need for anyone to WK for her.  Perhaps you didn't notice (and I can't imagine how you could miss it) she is quite able to argue her own points.

Perhaps you were getting confused (sort of like terri was...unfortunately) about the posts and who they were intended for.  But terri kept on replying to LR about posts from ME to terri.  Didn't seem to confuse most readers however, but then I suspect those folks weren't sitting there with their best pal Jack Daniels either.

But I know that wasn't YOUR problem :D

The WK reference was only tongue in cheek. So was my whole post really. Guess that wasn't so apparent.
But I know that wasn't YOUR problem, lol :D

I don’t know who you are and never met you neither have I met Ansley or Terri Lynn one thing I do know is that both of them are well respected in the Atlanta board for their no nonsense straight forward posts. I know this from their posts over the years and my monger friends.

I have no dogs in your fight but just letting you know if you ever decide to visit Atl in a future date, this drama may not bode well.

well respected "In Atlanta." You might want to notice that I never uttered a sarcastic remark towards Terri until THIS very thread. So I agree...the drama won't help business, but hey...I don't work a lot anyway lol. I did not go into ATL and attack Terri or Ansley, so if you're going to WK at least consider the facts of what happened and pay attention.

Even after Terri posted to me, I still remained cordial and did not call her names until she continued to show her ass.  Even then, I did not comment on  her age, looks, or whatever.  I happen to think she is very attractive and looks nowhere near her age, and I can say that about a woman attacking me because I am secure and quite frankly don't give a shit about her.

I was not the one attacking people, and I think this thread has run its course.

I have spoken with lets just call him Chris, and this thing will not continue any further. Sorry, I bothered a fk board with it, as it's obvious only a handful know what I am going through. No love lost.

-- Modified on 6/10/2012 11:35:09 AM

I received a phone call last night from a friend that was getting a huge laugh from this thread.  MP67 would love to get in his 2 cents.

Posted By: ChgoCPA
No dogs in this fight?

I'm assuming yesterday was exhausting for you.

So now you need to "name drop"?

I expected more from you...much more :(

Posted By: ChgoCPA

So now you need to "name drop"?

I expected more from you...much more :(
You replied to my post, so I guess it got your attention.  Sorry, I didn't live up to your expectations.  But then again you really don't know me at all.

Don't worry sweetie...he's not two timing on you LOL

Why would he want to "play" with you?  In my book a man that makes fun of a couple of women, has no game.  Therefore very boring.  If you are wanting to play,  send me a pm with your email address.  From what I know of him, he prefers a bigger challenge though.

Now we can get to the nitty gritty :D

I tell ya what would be hot, watching London, Terri and Ansley, kissing and making up!!   Yummy!!!

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