Washington DC

Re: Well, an old Waynes Brothers Quote Comes to Mind
NaughtyPiper See my TER Reviews 316 reads

And to be honest, I really think you hit the nail on the head here. If you want a quality girl find one who you click with in the hobby and try to work out an equal deal for both of you. Only thing I've heard of happening in this sort of instance is, unfortunately, the girls start to grow money hungry and then that's not enough either. In any case, best of luck in your searches!

I had recently started to shy away from the hobbying world in favor of trying out the world of SB/SD relationships. I had done this, because I was looking for more than I was getting out of the strictly transnational relationships I had found in the hobby. I did have an UTR ATF who truly spoiled me by checking in on me frequently to see how I was doing, and to let me know how her week was going. Thus, I was searching for something similar to this sort of relationship on an SB site. What I found was not quite what I was looking for. Admittedly there was some diamonds in the rough, but more often than not I ran into ladies who were either truly a mess in their personal lives; ladies that were escorts, but just refused to call themselves that and were not nearly as professional as the professionals; and ladies who were clearly misguided about who they were. The SB site became a lot of work sorting through these ladies and looking at pictures of them from 10 years ago.  

I believe there has got to be some middle ground. A way to get something more than just a completely transnational relationship without all of the craziness that comes from the SB sites. Does anyone have any advice

Partly in jest but may be more true than not. I suspect the middle ground you'll looking form is really just called a LOT more money. I suspect if you could offer one of the providers you really like what their average monthly income was -- or something close and allowed a little moon lighting --  you'd find the type of service relationship you're looking for.

And to be honest, I really think you hit the nail on the head here. If you want a quality girl find one who you click with in the hobby and try to work out an equal deal for both of you. Only thing I've heard of happening in this sort of instance is, unfortunately, the girls start to grow money hungry and then that's not enough either. In any case, best of luck in your searches!

imanalias240 reads

One refers to national boundary and other money, I'm confused.

Seems you had a good relationship with at least one of your providers why not propose the idea of a sb/sd relationship to her or another provider you feel you have a good connection with.

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