Washington DC

Re: I'm happy to offer customized, personal referrals for my clients...
AmberAffection See my TER Reviews 602 reads
1 / 11

I whitelist all gentlemen who review me and after I verify that they are the person I saw.

My issue is that I have been asked to whitelist a few times before a gentleman has posted a review.
After a wee chastisement from their end, two agreed to review. One said 'Alright, I'll let you know when it's visible to you."

I have never whitelisted a client whom I have seen, but who has not posted a review of me.

My logic on this is, maybe they had been using that persons TER ID and the ladies assumed it was them and just said they were ok to meet, ... And I got lucky.

Have yall ever encountered a weird situation with whitelisting? False identities for TER usernames? Do you trust whitelisting of clients? Are you an avid whitelister or do you just not see the relevance

Tabu See my TER Reviews 285 reads
2 / 11

but the only "blanket" OK I give or accept is on P411 and Date-Check, where I know the fellow has a profile.

I recently had a potential client who wanted me to "verify" him based only on his username (JoeSchlong, or something like that, LOL) and his 3 whitelists from sketchy sources. He had no reviews, offered no real name or any other info. So, really?? I can see me inviting him into my room: "Please come in, Mr. Schlong!"

Unfortunately, I've seen the whitelist system here abused by both clients and providers alike, which makes it a no-go for me. Other ladies may feel differently, of course

AngieSummers See my TER Reviews 305 reads
3 / 11

If you have email correspondence from him and to him, that pretty much verifies that he is the same person as on the TER profile.  If that matches up, and he proves to be safe and reliable, I see no reason not to whitelist him....especially if he has few or no other whitelists.  

Some gentlemen do not feel comfortable writing reviews here on TER due to the explicit details required.  Their preference for discretion should not be a factor when deciding whether or not to whitelist him to let other ladies know he is safe...IMHO.

Catalina_Rizal See my TER Reviews 272 reads
4 / 11

I agree with Tabu,
Whitelist are often abused and I don't base my screening on those most of the time. Unless...it helps to see a well know providers that whitelisted the gentleman. I don't take the whitelist from sketchy providers either.  

I had a gentleman that after meeting him (ONCE) asked me to whitelisted him and he will write a nice review for me. Unfortunately for him I explained him that I am very picky on who I submit a whitelist, I only refer those that I meet regularly and I am 100% sure that are 100% safe.
He wasn't happy about it and need post a review either. LOL.
Posted By: Tabu
but the only "blanket" OK I give or accept is on P411 and Date-Check, where I know the fellow has a profile.  
 I recently had a potential client who wanted me to "verify" him based only on his username (JoeSchlong, or something like that, LOL) and his 3 whitelists from sketchy sources. He had no reviews, offered no real name or any other info. So, really?? I can see me inviting him into my room: "Please come in, Mr. Schlong!"  
 Unfortunately, I've seen the whitelist system here abused by both clients and providers alike, which makes it a no-go for me. Other ladies may feel differently, of course.  

Tall6969 44 Reviews 248 reads
5 / 11

The Whitelist has served me and the providers I've seen splendidly!  TER is the only "clearinghouse" I use when verification is needed (I don't use P411 or the like).   Some ladies request direct verification from previous providers I've seen and I have no issue with that.

I have had no instance where a  provider has said "no" your Whitelist is not sufficient.......that I can remember.  I've been a TER member since 2001.  And I actually only relatively recently made use of the Whitelist.  

I even had one lady tell me there was no need to provide a review as she had pages of them and that she will gladly Whitelist me.......at her offering.  The trade requirement of a Review will get you Whitelisted is the first I've heard of.  Never had a lady suggest "you give me a review I'll Whitelist you and/or; if you want me to Whitelist you you gotta do a review of me."

If a lady does note that my Whitelist is insufficient and I get the sense that it's simply a ploy to find a reason not to see me and/or create hurdles to arrange an appointment then I'll simply move on.  I will offer to provide and/or suggest a direct verification if the vibe is a good one or she requests it......in the proper manner.  One would be surprised at how rude some ladies can be with making the various verification requests.

My .02

Catalina_Rizal See my TER Reviews 193 reads
6 / 11

I meant to say " he wasn't happy about it... That I told him that I am very carefull on whoO whitelist.
And he never wrote a review".

And to me doesn't really matter, since I don't need to "exchange" reviews.

Sorry that you had a bad experience when providing screening information. I'm  sure you will have and idea on how rude some gentleman can be as well

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 189 reads
7 / 11

that the abuse has made the white listings almost useless even for those who use it properly.  

I generally send a lady an email, and send her a PM listing my email in the PM to verify that I am me. All of my whitelists are from very reputable ladies and several are recent. A few were put there unsolicited by the ladies.  

However, I have not been able to take full advantage of this, due to the abuse by others. The white list has worked for me on occassion, but it is not as useful as I believe it was inteneded to be.

wrps07 250 reads
8 / 11

Plus providers have been known to whitelist guys that have not seen an actual session.

AngieSummers See my TER Reviews 136 reads
9 / 11

But if the client has 15 whitelists, and I check with a couple, I am pretty sure he is OK.  I do not need to check with them all.  Also I have had clients say they have seen other ladies but do no know who would be a reference for them.  When I look them up and see whitelists, it give me a starting point for screening.

wrps07 256 reads
10 / 11

They use it to say guys are cool politically correct. It is an abuse of the system when they have never meet the guy in a session. They may have seen him a hobby function. Should not be allowed IMHO.

ranilane702 See my TER Reviews 148 reads
11 / 11

It's something I do for gents I've seen & enjoyed, because I know it can be helpful for them when attempting to schedule with certain other ladies. I don't use whitelists or references to screen, so it's of no use to me. I have experienced dishonest behavior in regards to the whitelist on multiple occasions.  I solved that problem by not using it for screening.  We all have different methods; do what makes you feel safest :)

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