
Thanks and Happy New Year! to you too (eom)
TS Tempted 1859 reads


As I look back on 2006 and this board, the following observations:

1) The general level of discourse on the board
  improved markedly in the past year;

2) We saw more participation by more people on
  more important topics than just "411";

3) The old stalwarts, especially Piqued, Sailil,
  COL Obvious, HOF, and many others continued to
  bring their wisdom to the board;

But most importantly, the Board welcomed two
important participants, namely TS Alter Ego and TS Tempted. Last year, I hoped that the level of discourse on the board would improve. Thanks largely to these two individuals, it did.  

So to the two of you and all the others, a tip of TA's cap to you.....

May we all experience a Happy and Prosperous New Year...


Sailil2181 reads

Happy New Year Aviator.  Speaking of aviation,  flying last week frightened me for the 20th time or so,  From now on I'm driving.  
     Piqued is definitely a first class stalwart.  So is Star.

TS Alter Ego2312 reads

I've been a TER member for about three years and post regularly under my "real" username.  But my participation on this board has been much more interesting.  Not sure why that is, but one theory is that the TS world is such an unusual place that it attracts some unusually thoughtful comments by posters.  (Although whenever we get too serious someone will post about some girl's monster cock and get us all back on track ....).

I don't know if I'm a stalwart here anymore, or if I'm wise, but I'll try to come by as often as I can.

Good luck this new year, and maybe we can do Peanuts some time in the future again. :)

Are you still in Las Vegas?


Still in Las Vegas. Haven't gotten around to checking out the TS scene here as my job(s)here
keep me very busy ...... not much free time..LOL.

But, I do enjoy "keeping a hand in" via the board
and keeping in touch with friends. Will call if I get back to LA and would look forward to doing Peanuts in the future....:-)

Best wishes to you and all for 2007...


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