
Re:When feelings interfere with bizness
TS Star 9487 reads
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A recent situation has me thinking about many conversations I've had in the past.

It seems in the "normal, straight" world, the ritual seems to be that people date, get to know eachother, and if they like eachother, then they go to the next level.

In the TS world, it's just the opposite.  It seems that the business comes first, THEN people find out if they like one another and want to have some sort of relationship.  It gets further complicated when the girl continues to escort.  Isn't that doomed from the start?

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but from talking to a lot of my friends, this seems to be the norm.

Do you find this to be true?  Are any of you in a relationship with a TS now?  Is this how it happened?

cruiser1 7567 reads
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Interesting topic of discussion.  The "friend/clint" lines are so blurry and situational it can be very confusing.  This would seem to apply to both GG/TS.

LuvEmLong 1 Reviews 8870 reads
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It has been my experience that meeting a TS outside of the escort world can be tricky.  

For a number of reasons, many t-girls find themselves working in the escort world.  As if being open about being a t-girl to a guy you meet isn't difficult enough, revealing that you are an escort will probably be even harder.  If you meet as an escort and client, there is no need to worry about going down that road in conversation.

There was one time when I ran into a very beautiful girl in Palm Springs who I thought might be a TG or a GG.  Either way, I was interested in her.  As I was talking to her and not making much progress, I found myself wondering how hard it might be for a TG to be open about herself without worrying about repercussions from someone who is not into girls like her.  The only idea I could come up with to let her know that I was ok with meeting a t-girl was to suggest that she looked familiar and I asked if she had ever been to a club in Hollywood called Peanuts.  If she was a GG,, she probably wouldn't have heard of it.  If she was in fact a t-girl, I thought this might be a good subtle way to let her know I was interested in t-girls without coming out and asking or saying anything directly.  In the end, I didn't get much conversation from her at all so it didn't go anywhere.

Anyone have similar experiences they would like to write about or suggestions of how to handle this type of situation?

There have been a handful of girls that I met as a client and we became friendly.  We went to dinner and/or a movie or just hung out, but the relationship never progressed very far.  At least one of the girls was looking for a sugar daddy and that's not something that I'm interested in being.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 7872 reads
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Having just "crashed" in the above referenced situation, a few observations:

With Christy Delight and I, it started as a business.proposition. But,her close proximity to my then-office location (walking distance) led to casual lunches, then drinks after work, then dinner dates, then weekends together.

Her sunny, light, open personality, her sense of humor, and her great beauty soon had me entranced.

At some point, a relationship developed. We fell in love. She asked me continually if her "escorting" bothered me. She also asked me how I felt about dating a t-girl socially.

I told her that being with HER socially and romantically felt like the most normal and natural thing in the world. I did my utmost
to convince her that I ACCEPTED her...that her
profession and her "t" status were, to me, no
barrier to being in a normal relationship.

In retrospect, I was wrong. I overlooked two issues. First, that escorting requires that there be a certain emotional distance between the client and the provider. Breaching that distance doesn't necessarily harm the client but can be devastating to the provider.  Emotional entanglement can mean that the provider just can't get "into it" to provide sex on demand anymore. Whethter or not that proved true in her case I don't know ..... but, I feel it weighed on her mind.

The second issue, which I think is more specific to the TS world, is one of validation....that a TS woman, can in fact be accepted as female by normal heterosexual men both socially and sexually. To the TS escort, I feel that this may mean that the "civilian" (i.e. non-client) heterosexual male is the "gold" standard ...his presence means acceptance as a woman, and his "civilian" status means no "escorting" issues
to deal with.

Christy and I certainly had our discussions and issues...but, I feel that in the end, not being civilian (being originally a client) meant the relationship was doomed. My personal problems (trying to turn around my business) didn't help. Finally, to preserve the sanity of both of us, I made the choice to pull the plug.

Was I right or wrong? I don't know. Was this whole thing a wise decision? Don't have the answer there either. Were the odds with me on this? Probably Not.  

I would be very interested in hearing any "lessons learned" from anyone else who has a similar experience....

Sory to be so lengthy, but for me it's therapy...


Horizononfire 3 Reviews 8625 reads
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All the reasons you list for the break up seem to be insecurities manufactured in your own mind and you are now living in regret.

transexpert 8728 reads
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I can't say I've ever been in your shoes, I've had one tgirl that I was pretty good friends with, we did a lot of stuff together, but she always got paid, so no line blurred.

The tough part about your situation is that you've been so public about the relationship, that perhaps the separation may hurt a bit more.  

Your insight to why it didn't work is instructive for everyone.  Thanks for sharing that.

TS Star 7895 reads
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I don't think it's ever wrong to try and find love.  It's only wrong when we stop and give up.  Are the odds against us?  Yes.  It's hard for ANYONE to find love.  And looking for love in the TS world makes it 1,000,000 times more difficult.  But it's that thought, that one-in-a-million chance that keeps me going.

Trust and openness come to me very slowly.  But when I give my love, I give generously.  Sometimes it comes back to haunt me.  Lately, I thought I had a chance at love.  It turns out he was playing me and another girl (a friend of mine, but she didn't know either) at the same time.  He got what he wanted from each of us and then disappeared, not even a phone call, tearing a piece of my heart out with him.  

But after crying, cursing and calling myself a fool, you realize you only have two choices;  Give up or keep going.  I try not to have my heart hardened by such experiences, and in truth, I find myself less willing to open up to people.  But I also know that love is the one thing that we can give all we have, and still have more.

I guess what I'm saying is, although it's a long shot, and sadly, it may never happen, don't give up looking for love if that's what you want.  Although I admit I don't always follow my own advice sometimes.  I have times where I give up, too.

I know that this doesn't apply to most people here.  I fully understand this is an escort board, so I appreciate everyone putting up with this topic.   lol

TheAviator 2 Reviews 6795 reads
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Thanks for sharing. Transexpert is right in that
"going public" with the relationship makes it somewhat more difficult.

But I was, and am, very proud of Christy. She took an equal chance with me to find love. That takes GUTS...the kind that is rare in the escort world and, unfortunately, sadly lacking in much of the "straight" world as well. That it didn't work out is, I believe, not her fault and I pray will not blemish her wonderful character or harden her heart to other opportunities.

I will heal after doing some work on my issues and after the passage of time.... but my grief
and sense of loss would be too much to bear if
I were to hear she has been damaged or injured by this in any way.

I won't give up...I'll go on. And, I hope she does too.

We'll find love...upon that distant shore someday.


wladimir 13 Reviews 9635 reads
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Where is TS Star from? She sure sounds like a wonderful person :)

cruiser1 7484 reads
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cruiser1 10057 reads
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The Aviator;
    The second issue you've brought up is of interest to me.  I've seen the general theme brought up on another forum by more than one TS escort in a string dealing with escorts/clients developing relationships.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 8118 reads
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Very True.

But it doesn't change things either way. I guess the best I can say Is we had a glorious eight-month run and let it go at that.


TS Star 9414 reads
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Thank you for the compliment!!!!   :)

I live in good old, glamorous, Hollywood, CA.

And just to make things clear... I am NOT the same "TS Starr" that is on eros right now, and if anybody is trying to talk with me via private message, I'm sorry, but I can not access that because I am not a VIP member.  So it's not that I'm ignoring you or being rude, it's simply that I can't see them.

Thanks for your interest!


Horizononfire 3 Reviews 8667 reads
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I do not understand the convoluted reason listed for break ups.  If a provider willingly sees a client for free, then an 'emotional barrier' does not exist between the former client and provider.  In my experience the vast majority of breakups occur when one or both parties:  1)  Get bored   2)  Start hating  3)  Find another which is often the by-product of points 1 and 2.

TS Star 8426 reads
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"At some point, a relationship developed. We fell in love. She asked me continually if her "escorting" bothered me. She also asked me how I felt about dating a t-girl socially. I did my utmost to convince her that I ACCEPTED her...that her profession and her "t" status were, to me, no barrier to being in a normal relationship."

I am wondering about her always asking you if her escorting bothered you.   Could she have taken your acceptance of her escorting as a sign that you didn't care enough about her to want her to stop seeing other men?

Could she have WANTED you to tell her that you wanted her for yourself?  

Aviator, please don't take this as an attack on either you or her, (I really don't know either of you, so I have no idea what arrangements you both worked out) but that comment stood out to me.


Sylynce 12 Reviews 6414 reads
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I cannot comment on if what I experienced was doomed or not. Let me begin.
When i first moved to Houston, I met quite a few TGs in the club scenes. Began a combination of friendships and as client to a small few. One night while being involved in the hankypanky side of things,a beautiful young TG walked into the room on her way to the one bedroom apt shared with 2 other TGs. The LEGS caught my attention immediately. By the next weekend I introduced myself to her out in the clubs.She and I hit it off socially and we enjoyed a night of partying.At the evening end, she asked if I was interestdd in a 'date'. I was and I said so. So we began a series of dating that went into months and months. The sex was incredible as was her demeanor for just hanging out and cutting up. We had become friends rather easily. We  called each other and talked alot.One night she called and said she needed a place to stay for a few days. I let her stay with me a week until she could get herself a place. Our arrangement was not of a business one but as a friend helping out a friend. She ended up slipping in the bed with me most every night because she didnt like feeling lonely. This is when the sex became intense beyond a client/provider provider. We actually started kissing and stuff. She confessed to enjoying feeling like my little housewife while there. One of the nights she was there I had just melted in her wonderful sweet ass sans condom and both our feelings just came bursting out. I told her how I felt as did she and we both agreed we had crossed a barrier of some sort. What do we do about it we wondered. We decided to let it continue as it were.Friends,lovers,client,provider. She spent many a night with me from then on and I left her that space when she was in working mode. Th understanding was she could stay in my bed most any night she wished and I could see other providers if I chose to. I chose other providers because she was not a top. She had no problem with this arrangement. Time passes and we all find other love interests. She fell for some guy and became totally involved with him and moved from Houston. Understand that I was much older than her and I knew that we would never become a true romantic commodity with our age gap. We had emotional and sexual needs and mutually helped each other with those needs. I have no regrets other than it didn`t last. Hindsight being 20-20 we both knew it would not. I still consider her a friend and would welcome her back in my life at any level we or she chose.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 7491 reads
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Well said. With a few minor detail changes (we never lived together) could have been us.

It was a glorious eight months, and she will go into my heart as one of my most deeply felt and appreciated loves. I hurting...but I wish her well and will be "in her corner and have her back"  wherever she goes.

Farewell, Christy... I loved you truly, but it was not to be.


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