The Erotic Highway

Wife loses libido and does not care.sad_smile
defcon 48 Reviews 17846 reads

My wife does not have libido - sex urge- any more although she will lay there and not complain too much. That is so much fun - NOT!! Whenever I have mentioned this she is non-committal. I have basically given up and resorted to the HOBBY.

Welcome to the club, I'm in the same shoes for many years now, and if you read a few messages lower, it's nearly the "end of days" for our relationship.
Good luck!

Love Goddess15478 reads

That's really too bad, defcon, both for you and for your wife. There isn't very much information in the posting beyond the overriding issue, so it's hard to go into more detail. But I would suggest a checkup with a gynecologist/endocrinologist first, and then even maybe a psychotherapist for your wife. It could be a hormonal issue or an emotional one. In any case, it's very sad that sex drives go downhill like that. Sad and difficult for the partner.

Perhaps you'll need to ask yourself if your wife's asexuality drove you to the hobby as "a last resort," or if there were other, deeper issues for you as well. Only you will know. In the meantime, you could probably both use some time to discuss your sexual issues in a very serious manner.

Please try talking about it some more,
the Love Goddess

I have had a number of clients tell me the reason they are with me and other providers is because their wives are not at all interested in sex and could go the rest of their lives without it. Almost every one of my clients who've told me this have told me their wives are either going through or have gone through menopause. The Love Goddess is right, she should see her gyno and discuss this with him/her and if her hormone levels in that department are okay, an endocrinologist should definitely be in order as she may have a sluggish thyroid or early stages of diabetes.

If all of that checks out fine, you two may need to sit down and really communicate. I've always learned that a lack of sex in a relationship is NOT the problem. It's the symptom of another, deeper problem that needs to be drawn out and discussed. Only you and she will know that, and maybe only she knows it if she hasn't communicated it to you. Maybe she doesn't feel sexy anymore or perhaps the romance has gone out of the relationship. Women, especially those in marriage, do have a tendency to feel unloved or unsexy when the romance goes out of the marriage. There are a few things I always suggest to my clients to do to inject some romance into the marriage and make your wife feel loved and sexy and special. I'll give you (and anyone else interested) a few ideas that are really tiny in the grand scheme but what really rev our womanly engines:

1. Write, "After all these years, I still love and adore you! I'm so glad you're mine and I'm yours!!" on a post-it note and before you leave for work, stick it to the bathroom mirror. This will really melt her heart.

2. Get her a really sweet Card the next time you're in the grocery store or Target or Wal Mart. Instead of just signing the card, in the blank space on the card write your own little note to her telling her how much you love her, what a wonderful wife she has been and still is and how much you cherish the day you said, "I do!" Now, this is important: Instead of just handing the card to her...send it in the mail and don't write your name or address on the "From" area of the card. This way it's a total surprise!

3. Flowers. If your wife has a favorite kind...get them. Not on Valentine's Day or Mother's Day or some other holiday when you're supposed to get them. Get them those days, too. But on some random Tuesday bring home flowers and keep them behind your back until you give her a kiss, tell her to close her eyes, that you have a surprise for her, move them from behind your back, kiss her several times on the lips, on her cheeks, on her neck, teasingly and say, "I love you so much, you are a wonderful woman and I am so lucky to have you!" Grab her hand, kiss the top of it, and turn it sideways, put the flower bunch into her hand and close her hand and tell her to open her eyes.

It's the cheesy little stuff like that that melts our little hearts and restores that sense of passion and love and adoration. Married women and women in relationships have to feel loved and adored and cared for in order to feel sexual because in a realationship, sex is the physical display of emotional love. So, while you guys typically don't need a lot to rev your engines, we women do because sex is directly linked to our brain and our emotions. :) Yeah, we're weird you think, but if we didn't have those emotional roots, there'd be a lot of kids running around who don't feel loved and cared for and comforted by their mommies.

Love all of you,

Andi Ryan

PS Love Goddess, if I'm overstepping my bouds or if there are rules that only you can answer, please let me know. I looked but I didn't see that written anywhere, however I realize this board is for you to give advice and if I shouldn't be writing anything like this, please just tell me and I will discontinue doing so. I don't want to do anything more than just give ideas, but if I shouldn't be doing that, I just need you to tell me and I'll refrain. :)

Love and much respect,

Andi Ryan

I am going to assume that you treat your wife kindly, and the dynamics of your marriage have not changed significantly.  When a spouse (man or women) does this, they are voiding the marriage.  She should not expect manogamy, and should not be suprised if you do want to stay in the marriage.  
A spouse had the duty to see to it that their partner is sexually satisfied.  This goes to any commited relationship.  If a spouse has lost their desire this does not prevent them from providing satisfying and loving sex.  This business about flowers and counseling is nonsense, providing their are no other underlying circumstances.  Having worked with a lot of guys older than I, I was wise enough to make my expectations clear on this to my finace before marriage.  It was the wisest thing I have done.

Love Goddess16584 reads

My dearest Andi,
it's so great that you found this board! It is very, very wonderful that providers reply and voice their opinions! Heck, what would TER be without providers? Nowhere!

Just one little rule, and that is my preference for no excessive "provider advertising." In other words, I prefer if providers don't overdo it with links to their own websites and/or profiles. There are other clever ways of doing that (using the local discussion boards or the designated advertising space is always good!) But other than that, I would welcome MORE provider participation. I take this board and its participants very seriously and I try to answer the questions to the best of my ability and within the scope of my practice. There are some deep feelings and issues brought up here. Many posters, although anonymous, are very brave to open up so much. We can all learn from each other. There is, to my knowledge, NO OTHER BOARD LIKE THIS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Most psychotherapists have been schooled in "family unification" and they sometimes have a very hard time refraining from judging disclosures from both hobbyists and providers during therapy sessions. The fact that we can get past those judgments on this board and get to what really matters is a privilege. So come on over, more providers, and LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!

Group grope :-)
the Love Goddess

My wife and I are in our mid-thirties, healthy, and physically active. We're still the best of friends, and work hard at maintaining communication. However, she's in a stressful graduate program. Sex was falling off for a year, and I finally asked her about it. She replied that she was glad I asked, and said she really didn't feel like sex anymore, was too stressed, and could we just not have sex for the next two years, until she finished grad school?

That finished it, right there. I had tried to be open, and kind, and patient. It sunk in that my spouse was sexually abandoning me. I cried. I raged. So, I started hobbying to avoid divorcing her, because I DO love her, but I'm still alive and I NEED sex.

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