The Erotic Highway

The point is..
Scaramouche 203 Reviews 24 reads

It doesn’t appear you can cancel if you’re on a pause, or even extend the pause. Not a huge cost but kind of sneaky

I've been taking a break from Seeking (with one good SB) and was about to cancel my premium membership, but I went ahead and accepted a 30-day "pause" as a precaution. I thought I could just cancel at the end of the pause but I don't see that option. It looks like I may have to resubscribe for at least a month to cancel. Has anyone else had this issue?

... I don't know the mechanics of an official "pause."  

If you have a payment card attached, you can always remove it. BUT that may make it rather difficult to restart your account with your current profile.  Of course, if you don't mind creating a new profile...  

For me, I just add my SA subscription fees to my annual budget, so I consider it "sunk" costs and I don't worry about it.  

Life is good

The Cat

You have to go a few more steps to discontinue your sub.  Careful if you pause, they will auto bill you.

I'm on basic status right now.  Not up for the drama and effort it takes to find another one.  Going well with what I have.  I do lurk from time to time.  I figure if I see a good 10-12 girls I'd like to reach out to I'll reactivate.  Not gonna for 1 with the flake/no response rate I've had.

It doesn’t appear you can cancel if you’re on a pause, or even extend the pause. Not a huge cost but kind of sneaky

AsianManNOVA35 reads

Seeking will not bill you and your profile will disappear once you deactivate your account. You can always reactivate your account. You can pause for 30, 60, or 90 days, but remember to do this every time your pause expires or you will get charged automatically.

I was able to cancel by sending a message to customer support. It took a couple of days and their email ended up in spam but it worked (I think).

Just to clarify: I'm still a huge believer in the sugar bowl and for the moment Seeking seems to be the only real game in town. I just don't hanve the bandwidth (emotionally, financially and time-wise) to keep pursuing SBs and am concentrating on the one I have now. My profile remains and I'll check from time to time but don't need the distraction at the moment.  Kudos to those going strong.

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