The Erotic Highway

I am supposed to enjoy the following:
xpehbamxyu 3 Reviews 16473 reads

I was get Full Service with a provider with her on her knees. It was all great until she reached under and started grabbing my balls. I did not enjoy that too much (not painful, but not pleasant). I also got the impression that she was trying to get me to cum. I am actually more curious if my impression was correct.

. . . with her on her knees?

-- Modified on 8/3/2006 7:03:14 AM

Fcuks2Mcuh16130 reads

She was doing that because some men enjoy it and she thought you might too.  If you thought that she was trying to help you finish than you're probably correct.

If you see her again tell her that it wasn't enjoyable and surely she won't do it again.

There called genitles for a reason.  You have to be gentle with them.

I Love Pink Toes13235 reads

but don't get too close to my bunghole.

frankcastle11440 reads

I second a god sack tugging, especially right at climax, it sends me way over the top.

Love Goddess13599 reads

Dear xpehbamxyu [indigenous user name?]

If anyone causes you pain or discomfort, even a provider, you need to establish some immediate limits. Usually a sincere "ouch, that hurts a little," or "umm...perhaps not there because I'm sensitive," should be enough. As to if she was trying to make you ejaculate, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe she was just thinking of fun things to do while you were at it. But yes, some men appear to enjoy getting a testicular "massage" so much that they do orgasm quite rapidly.

Remember that there is never a "supposed to enjoy" anything in sex. Everyone is a unique individual when it comes to sexual behavior. What works great for one person may not turn on another. But do not ever feel obligated to participate in something you don't enjoy. And that goes for hobbyist and provider alike.

More fun next time, xpehbamxyu [irresistible!]
the Love Goddess

PokerRed11536 reads

Sounds like she was getting into it or trying to make it better for you, like a girlfriend would.

I agree that the girl was just trying to give you pleasure.

If you're pessimistic that the glass if half empty then yes, in your mind, she was just trying to get you to cum faster.
But in reality, as I said, I believe, she was just trying to stimulate you and see if you'd enjoy it.

What feels great to one person feels awful to the next one....

Having good communication is the key to having fun. If you tell a girl what you like or don't like before you start having fun, it will go a very long way to your own pleasure.
There aren't too many mind readers out there so it's best to just communicate easily for best results.


I have had that also and it felt great. The balancing act the escort has to do is quite hard to perform.

Dah dude

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