The Erotic Highway

Input needed from girls and hobbyists...
Lardvador 61 Reviews 3902 reads
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Hello all. I just need some insight on two things.
I plan on visiting Vegas and setup a few appointments with an ATF during my stay. I plan to stay about a week and see her let's say 3 times, with maybe 2 days in between to space them out. Would it be best to prebook all appointments before my arrival? Or should I just book the first one and then book the others as the week goes on? Ladies would you consider it an infringement to prebook all the appointments ahead of time? Or play them by ear?
And another thing is just theoretical as I never encountered the situation and had me curious. What if someone booked say a 4-4 hr appt. then midway through something had come up for the girl and had to leave prematurely. Would it be disrespectful to ask for a return of the difference? I know I would trust the lady would offer it, or maybe credit for the future?
Thank you.


mrfisher 108 Reviews 1143 reads
2 / 3

not want to have all her appointments scheduled in advance.

If it was someone you are meeting for the first time, then that is another matter.

I am a bit confused on one thing:  If Vegas is not your home, and this gal is an ATF, I presume she is also not a Vegas gal.  If that is so, is she coming to Vegas just to see you there?  If so, then you do owe her some consideration for that fact.  On the other hand, if she is a Vegas gal that you see a lot on frequent Vegas trips, that would be different.

As for her having to leave in the middle of a session, that is pretty weird.  I can only recall that happening once in my lifetime.  And yes, she would owe you the difference or more likely, makeup time.

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