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The bordellos in Tijuana, Mexico make it almost impossible NOT to see more than one girl. You can sit and drink in what appears to be a local bar....but you are surrounded by beautiful young girls that charge $60 for a 30 minute session. Very few GFE experiences available but these girls range from below average looking to true model material.

And the best part is that every cheesy pick-up line works as long as it is accompanied by $60!

EXCLUDING Doubles, have you ever been with 2 providers in one day?

Bushman2692362 reads

Yep, went to a place I used to frequent in Philly. When you went in all the available girls came out to meet you and you picked the one you wanted. I finished with this girl and left.

Went to have lunch and returned to pick another girl. When I knocked on the door the first girl I saw answered and thought I had forgotten something. I told her I was back again. She said she was just going into a session and I told her I would pick another girl which is what I wanted to do anyway. So I picked a different girl and did 2 sessions and lunch in 3 hrs.

Of course.  When I go to Brazil that is common until you find a girlfriend.  Usually about the first week for me.  One at a terma, then one from Help or somewhere for the night.  Sometimes, one from the beach, and escort or terma girl for the night.

Not in the same calendar day, however I have a couple of times been with two providers within 24 hours; two afternoon appointments on consecutive days.

Once was due to the fact I had scheduled the first appointment and then learned that a favorite of mine would also be visiting town during the same week. So I just had to see her too, but did not want to cancel with the other. The other occassion, I had not seen anyone for some time (read extremely horny), had saved up the cash, and while searching for my date found ads for two different ladies I really wanted to meet.

The bordellos in Tijuana, Mexico make it almost impossible NOT to see more than one girl. You can sit and drink in what appears to be a local bar....but you are surrounded by beautiful young girls that charge $60 for a 30 minute session. Very few GFE experiences available but these girls range from below average looking to true model material.

And the best part is that every cheesy pick-up line works as long as it is accompanied by $60!

RehabRob2274 reads

Yes, about 2 hours apart and quite by accident when I was going back to my hotel. I spied this rather shapely and cute lady going from the bar to the bathroom. I casually guessed that she was working and told her if when she got ready to leave and it wasn't too late that I was in room 345 and she could call. Well, she did and I was shocked and pumped... and she got the better ride...

tokai3333 reads

I did not plan it that way, but I lucked into it. Woke up with one provider, and ended the day with another. It was suppose to be 2 consecutive days. In a few days, read my review of Carmina in Chicago to get the details.

I recall I also slept rather soundly that night :)


-- Modified on 5/1/2005 1:03:38 PM

Big Squirter2585 reads

Poor "been there done that" feels those young whippersnappers PHO.
So I will to since I am not a young whipper snapper but an older one and have seen one in the morning and another that evening.  

So how do you feel now old timer!

BeenThere-DoneThat2424 reads

if I had the opportunity for an AM and a PM encounter I could probably make it happen.  At least it would be fun trying.

They were about 3 hours apart.

It takes a little while to recharge the batteries.

it is difficult, although I have done it with two providers only a couple of hours apart since I became a sexagenarian. It was difficult, but I did it and it was fun trying.

About 20 years ago I did it with no trouble, although it was not planned.   I had a regular that I saw in Vegas; I had seen someone else that night when I ran into my regular in the casino.  I couldn't say No

ma vie2151 reads

...and on more than one occasion.  What are you doing asking questions?  Just do it!

A couple of times I have stopped be an AMP after seeing a provider. I was hoping that I would last long enough to make it worth the money. Some how those AMP ladies can still make me pop after only a couple minutes.

Most in one day was 5 on a trip to Germany in 2001.

-- Modified on 5/2/2005 11:49:51 AM

GaGambler3683 reads

Most ever, 6 in Costa Rica. Most stateside, 5 on one very bad losing day in Vegas, $50K wasted on the tables, $3K well spent on the ladies. Nrxt trip to Costa Rica i'm going to try the little blue pill to see if I can get to ten.

VoyagerXII4507 reads

On a trip to Montreal long ago, I scheduled 4 appointments for one day, all 2 hour visits, with recovery time planned in-between.

The 1st lady was great. We had seen each other before and we always had a great time together.

The 2nd was a with a very nice young lady. This was our first time together and it was warm, intimate and extremely enjoyable.

The 3rd was with a woman I had seen on previous trips.  She was a very energetic & aggresive provider that completely wore me out.  She also extended our time together by about 45 minutes because she wasn't a clock watcher, and she also wasn't finished yet!

By the time she left I knew that I was in no shape to see #4, but I couldn't reach her to stop her from showing up!  She arrived and I couldn't believe that I was sending this beautiful woman away.  She couldn't either.

I think that I slept for 12 hours after that.  I should have taken the little blue pill instead of the stupid pill.  

Oh to be young again...



ode2253 reads

Once, when I was young and up to it, I had a good session with a provider from which I came home still hot and bothered, so I took care of the SO.

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