TER General Board

UNcleaniness,how is it dealt with...providers and hobbiests
Todesengel 2595 reads

Sorry if this has been discussed on here before but here it goes.Guys and girls;what do or would you do if your provider or client wasn't exactly "Mr Clean" Would you just tough it up or would you discreetly tell them to wash "there" or what?I always make sure when my one an only regular provider comes by that I'm as clean as I can be.She is the same way.She is like "roses on a spring morning".I DATO with her too and have never been disapointd.
Just curious:I hope probably the overwhelming majority are "sqeaky clean"
Thanks in advance for the answers.

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 9:56:26 AM

Mr-Clean-Jeans1416 reads

-One lady, over $500 an hour, where, when I went down for some DATY, noticed a small piece of TP near her Greek port. It wasn't dirty. I didn't let on that I saw it but discretely removed it so as to not make her feel mortified.
-Noticed a slight B.O. on another lady, but this was after sleeping the night with her. Was actually a bit of a turn-on. We hopped in for a quick shower before proceeding in some morning dance.
-Had one who used some of that scented feminine scent spray too close to the clit. First taste with the tongue was icky.
-Had a provider show up at an outcall who had what I could best describe as open car window body oil on her. Almost like when you take a plane ride and feel a bit 'coated' by the time you land. Made the skin a little 'grippy' instead of smooth to the touch. Probably should have suggested we hop in the shower together but didn't. She didn't smell or anything.

For all of the above they were $400-$600 an hour ladies. Well reviewed.

If I notice right away a client is not smelling so fresh, I usually request they shower. In fact, even if I don't notice anything at all smell-wise, I will ask that they shower again for incalls, as many drive a ways.. If it's an outcall and I notice the shower hasn't been used, or the shower has been used but they still aren't quite clean, I'll also request it. If they turn it down, I won't push it, but I will do a CBJ and mentally grimace while smiling sweetly- my mouth doesn't want to be near the yuckies, but I've never called someone out on it. That said, I've never has a client who had visible uncleanliness, but the issue has been more a body odor and sweat thing.. and don't get me wrong, most are wonderful and well-groomed, but omg, the ones who aren't can be a real test of my sweetness.

On the flip side, I would hope that if I weren't fresh for someone, they would tell me and I could fix it.. Tell me respectfully/discreetly, but I'd still want to know. With a couple clients who wanted to see me again, I tactfully mentioned it via email, and it would make sense for a client to do the same if he wanted to see the gal again without having to mention it face-to-face, and deal with the awkwardness that could ensue..

As far as being a provider, I think one of the most important things in preparing for a date is to make sure you are fresh. Granted, all women are different, and hormones, body type, etc. can affect our smell/taste- don't expect us all to taste the same. But that's no excuse to be unclean. I always make sure that I clean very thoroughly down there with a high quality scented body wash first and last thing in the shower, and I always shower right before heading to any date. Then, after using the bathroom, another quick shower or if there's no time or I'm with the client, wash up with a towel. I'm anal about staying clean down there, lol, but there's nothing wrong with that. This should be a given in our profession. That said, I don't do anything greek, because the idea of that being sexy is just over my head, no matter how clean and fresh. Probably more details than you ever wanted to know, but there you have it.

spelling edit

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 7:30:29 AM

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 7:36:20 AM

I agree with Marere4...I always ALWAYS make sure I am clean and fresh before an appointment. I do request a client is the same. Although...there is a certain scent...earthy, slightly sweaty, that kinda turns me on. LOL It's the overwhelming ones that I have to point to the shower, or hold his hand and say...LETS go get all soapy an slick!! MMMM
Also...on the flip side... I believe if WE as providers smell STRONGLY of perfume, or body spray, that could be overwhelming for our clients also. Soft subtle scents sends shivers and saliva to all the right 'parts'.

Ana Lee626 reads

The majority of the clients I see are clean.

After encountering a few smelly men I implemented a MANDATORY SHOWER policy.

I have fresh towels, anti-bacterial soap (with no scent)disposable toothbrushes and mouthwash waiting for them.

I keep myself squeaky clean. I'm shaved and I think that helps.

I always wash after using the bathroom (I wish more guys would).

Being a former dancer (at Flashdancers NYC & Goldfingers) I look at my privates, LOL! I make sure I've done a great shaving job PLUS there will NEVER be any TP left there. ~ Ana

PS: I never see the smelly guys again (the ones I had to personally wash). I tell them, "For whatever, reason, I did not feel that we shared any special chemistry and therefore, respectfully, suggest that you seek another provider".

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 1:46:23 PM

How does one respectfully tell someone without hurting their feelings?  I once did DATY on a provider and noticed a certain smell.  She was clean but it was obvious she had done some sweating before I got there.  I went ahead anyway because it wasn't really bad but if it was, I'm not sure how I would handle it.

She's a really sweet person, my ATF in fact, who has always been clean.  Luckily, all the ladies I've gone to see have been clean.

Personally, I shower before I get there, if I can.  Regardless, I always offer to take one there.

lilli1123 reads

if i had a client come to see me and they were unclean in that special place, i wouldn't request that they wash or anything else, i'd just politely ask them to leave. if someone is unable to follow basic good hygiene, that tells me a lot about them and isn't the sort of person i'd wish to see. this issue actually came up once when a client undressed and i saw that his underwear was filthy (unexcusable for a grown man)...although he didn't look or smell offensive, he obviously had poor hygeine in general and i just can't deal with that. i told him i felt ill all of a sudden and that perhaps we could do this another time. of course, i never spoke to him again.

and of course if the person we're talking about is an all around loser, you should never waste time & just cut your losses.

But if the said person is salvagable, I think it's fun to show them how to do it - get rid of those icky skivvies, toss them in the shitcan & set fire to them, get a washrag & pump and douche the girl up (her's where you see about obvious disease)(and choose your gender) and cleanups give the chance to play with all parts of her body, and graciously teach her (because I don't do men) some stuff.  Some of the most amazing orgasms I've ever seen in women happened that way.

Now, if she can't take the hint, and you have to do this more than a few times, you gotta weigh the pros & cons.   Is she some sort of emotional Rainwoman, like my ex was?   Because women will do this all the time, eg you tell them how enchanted you were from the day you met, and she'll say "oh, so now I'm not blonde enough!"  Oh fuck, why do I mess with these head cases called women?  Why don't I just tape them up, fuck them over and put them out with the morning trash?   Well, because that doesn't do it for me.  That would be as sociopathic as some of them are, and I'm not that way.

Joe or Josephine Dirt need to hit the showers !!

If not, they need to hit the door..

You people ask no brainers lately..
Give us a good brain teaser !

Is that like, "No soup for you!"...? I hang out in lots of stripclubs and I love that faintly sweaty perfumed sex scent that strippers get after about 5 lapdances...

lotusling526 reads

I have had clients who pull their pants and expect me to give bj there and then. It smells especially by the end of a work day.

Then there are one who does shower before sex but ALWAYS uses baby powder on his dick and balls. I want to but don't know how to tell him... Can you quit powdering your dick... baby powder is not exactly a healthy diet!

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