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Re:Why must I drink?sad_smile
GingerO See my TER Reviews 3502 reads

I'll never forget the time I declined a drink (tends to make me a little sleepy in the afternoon).  My client decided to consume most of the bottle of Merlot himself -- needless to say, the staying power wasn't there, but I was more worried about him getting home...


-- Modified on 12/10/2005 3:19:14 AM

Straight And Up5870 reads

Why is it that everytime I see a new girl she offers me a drink (alcoholic), and if I don't accept it I am left with the subtle impression that for some reason she feels I'm less safe to be with then if I take the drink?

Granted, I could care less if a girl wants to have a drink during our time together, but the fact is, I really do not drink. The only time I ever do it seems is when I see someone new, and that's only to try and make her feel more comfortable because those are the mental signals I seem to get from the overall picture.

In the last 5 years or so, I can only think of one and a half women that did not have a problem with me not wanting to have a drink.

It covers up bad breath.

Think of it as digestible mouth-wash.

Beatnik Poet1319 reads

I have never had a woman ask me tp have a "drink".
What kind of women are these? MILFs? GILFs? AILFs??

I hate not being aware.. 2 drinks for me,and im out like a light...

Ciaras review VIPS READ ON

I loved the way she drooled after that  First glass of wine and oh that snore !    I think she was faking it.

-- Modified on 12/6/2005 7:10:24 AM

There are few things that I excel at in life...drinking is one of them.

I would say that maybe a third of providers I've seen have offered an alcoholic drink, usually wine.  If we are staying for a while I would probably have a sip or two.  If I needed to drive anywhere soon, I would politely decline, and never had anyone say boo about it.

Bizzaro Superdude2034 reads

I've actually noticed that most providers will not drink - (if they did, they would not make it through the day!)  or I will have nothing but water.  Never had a provider be upset that I did not drink - or that I did drink - either way...  

now when I pull out the digital video cam.... and hook it up to the internet - they kinda get jumpy!  lol!!

Some girls think that if you take a drink of alcohol you aren't a cop, as cops aren't *supposed* to drink on the job...

We all know there are lots of things they aren't *supposed* to do though that they do...

It's an old school screening technique.

While I enjoy a glass of wine or a drink sometimes when trying to get to know someone, I usually ask someone ahead of time if they drink alcohol as I find that 50% of my clients do not partake in such beverages.  


Straight And Up1807 reads

Thank you. While I do have to agree, it's pretty silly, at least it's a reason I can wrap my brain around, and one I would have not thought of.

Loth_a_rio3000 reads

Some providers get horny after 1 or 2 glasses!

A glass or two of wine certainly helps break the ice and lessen inhibitions sometimes.  If I've had a few, I've been known to really crank up my verbal skills also.  My best dirty talk usually is when I've had a few...I usually laugh at myself the next day when I recount some of the f'd up shit I said in the heat of the moment. :-D  

Don't get too many drinks in me though, as I have a harder time getting off after a certain point.  I'll be off the hook in other ways, but sans orgasm.  I've had more then a few nights at home by myself that I couldn't even make it happen on my own with my most favorite toys.  The process is always fun though, regardless of the end result.


Excellent response - hadn't considered that, and it makes a great deal of sense.  I'll partake if it helps lower mutual anxiety...

 -- Deep 'Bottoms UP!' Heat

Straight And Up1759 reads

The "half" woman was someone that I had met once in a social setting and once in a semi-social setting before our first private meeting together.

Since one of the nights didn't go well we ended up having a great deal of communication before our first BCD meeting, so she knew me pretty well. Thus, I only counted her as a half.

-- Modified on 12/6/2005 9:28:41 AM

but honestly, I never feel weird if someone doesn't want to drink. That's silly. If it's the evening hours, it's always nice to have a glass of wine. It relaxes me and I guess it's a part of our culture -- kind of that old stereotype that a woman makes a drink for a man when he gets home. It's polite.


I'll never forget the time I declined a drink (tends to make me a little sleepy in the afternoon).  My client decided to consume most of the bottle of Merlot himself -- needless to say, the staying power wasn't there, but I was more worried about him getting home...


-- Modified on 12/10/2005 3:19:14 AM

If you want to ease her mind take a little sip and ask for a soda or water. And, encourage her to drink if you're comfortable with that.

I don't care that guys don't drink on an appointment but then I figure by the time that you get through my door you are safe and a drink is not going to change anything if your not.

Girls think that LE won't bust you if the take a drink but nothing could be further from the truth. If they are doing some serious drinking it might be possible to have it thrown out....but, it won't change the fact that you are going to jail for the night.

X's Summer

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