TER General Board

Re:Is it just me or did anyone else pickup the part
whitenite 18 Reviews 1344 reads

In fact this city, which is both small[but densely populated]and poor, has an admirable record for helping SW's with rehab as a major part of the effort to eliminate street prostitution.

ScaredStraight2581 reads

Crack can make you do some dumb things, lol.

Bizzaro Superdude1571 reads

about the police trying to help the lady?  seems to me these are the good cops....

like she was very ill, and they were doing more to try and help her.

The smart thing to do would be to ensure that she is taken to a treatment center. If she was indeed using crack, it's not likely her first time. People who are hard core drug abusers do not need our scorn, they need the very best help that we can give them. The prostitution charge is laughable when you consider she was likely stoned out of her head and thinking only of her next hit.

-- Modified on 3/5/2006 10:58:50 PM

trustno203757 reads

Too often we see them as the bad guys. But the real truth is most of them joined to help people.

In fact this city, which is both small[but densely populated]and poor, has an admirable record for helping SW's with rehab as a major part of the effort to eliminate street prostitution.

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