TER General Board

Re: What I always wonder, is why the guys who complain about that are even here?
hbyist+truth=;( 2500 reads
1 / 66

I have seen this commonality over the months and wonder why guys are not communicating this  discreetly of course.

In other words in an email, why not just say "hey Sally hooker, I am a man of action, all action and very little chit chat, how does that fit with you"? Or something similar. That way, she can say, "great Mike the Monger, I love that style, what day and time suits you", OR " Sorry Monger Mike, I am not up fore that type of thing, hope you find who you are looking for".  

It seems that it would benefit both sides. I know I would very much appreciate that type of communication.  

And before the monkeys descend and start throwing fecal matter, not all hookers can take that kind of date. And not all tricks perform like that. All I am saying is find a good fit and have fun.

JohnyComeAlready 1398 reads
2 / 66

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
"hey Sally hooker, I am a man of action, all action and very little chit chat, how does that fit with you"? Or something similar. That way, she can say, "great Mike the Monger, I love that style, what day and time suits you", OR " Sorry Monger Mike, I am not up fore that type of thing, hope you find who you are looking for".
Which do you prefer?

Subject line suggests you want more action.

The rest of the post gives the impression you prefer more talking.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1375 reads
3 / 66

Not only for a guy to learn about "Sally Hooker," but for her to learn what kind of session he likes.  Lots of gals have read my reviews and figured that out.
Of course, if he doesn't review...which is most guys...that won't work.
So why not just rub up against him and ask him what he wants?
Then the only problem is guys like Tidwit who are too shy to tell you they like CG.
Bottom line: if a guy is too dumb to tell you what he wants or just do it (assuming he wants to do BDSM with a GFE) he's just plain too dumb for this game

inicky46 61 Reviews 194 reads
4 / 66

The only time I've had problems is when there's a language barrier.  My Spanish still sucks.  But, as you know, most Ticas speak acceptable English.  I do love it when a mutual friend of ours starts yelling, "Duro! Duro!" That's one word I do know.
That and "leche." LOL!
Pura Vida!

JackDunphy 134 reads
5 / 66

They just don't want to accept that they are the customer and the gal is the business. It would ruin their illusion, or in many cases, their DElusion.

The guy needs to run the date re: time. Some of these gals as you state, would love to run the clock out, keep guys from getting a second SOG, do less "work", etc.  

It starts right from the git go of a session. Most newbs don't control the clock and that is to be expected at first but the guys that have been doing this for awhile and STILL complain they got too much yapping is a disgrace and squarely the guys fault, not the girl.  

Treat them with respect but at the same time, treat them like a business. The two are not mutually exclusive but the softer guys here will never grasp that concept.

LeanMute 1593 reads
6 / 66


LeanMute 727 reads
7 / 66


yadirf 14 Reviews 1443 reads
8 / 66

Could not agree more it bothers me as a hobbyist a bit when they want to sit and chat for 20 minutes then take that off your time. We book an hour for an hour of fun not chit chat. I like to chat in between rounds to regroup. I had one provider sit down and want to talk first to "get to know each other" before I know it she was telling me time was up! I was a bit put off by it and started to read reviews more carefully so I know who likes to talk and who likes to get down to business.

Blowing Chunks 1209 reads
9 / 66

Not that I don't like reading her posts, I do. But it doesn't change the fact that she talks a lot and whines about a lot of stuff. lol

But she's still PM proof.  It's a mystery

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1430 reads
10 / 66

There is a reason I come to TER and places like this and look for GFE escorts. If I just wanted to fuck, I could save a lot of money by sticking with streetwalkers and AMP girls.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1355 reads
12 / 66

to be comfortable continuing the conversation -

I simply read reviews and take my chances.  I'm not going to force anyone into an extended
high energy romp - it does take two to tango....

but you know what?  A bit of kissing and making out,  running my hands all over her,  giving her a lot of stimulating attention in a naturally easy progression - and in the overwhelming majority of cases, she's ready to roll with me.

I am not against taking a break between rounds either :p

my only issue is when I occasionally can't get her to stop *talking* -  telling me about all of her personal shiz and drama.   If she feels the need she can make a appointment with me for that - but my rate is higher than hers.....

Dr Who revived 1789 reads
13 / 66

Don't you run specials so they can afford you?

Or is your rent always covered?  ;)
Posted By: MarkusKetterman
to be comfortable continuing the conversation -  
 I simply read reviews and take my chances.  I'm not going to force anyone into an extended  
 high energy romp - it does take two to tango....  
 but you know what?  A bit of kissing and making out,  running my hands all over her,  giving her a lot of stimulating attention in a naturally easy progression - and in the overwhelming majority of cases, she's ready to roll with me.  
 I am not against taking a break between rounds either :p  
 my only issue is when I occasionally can't get her to stop *talking* -  telling me about all of her personal shiz and drama.   If she feels the need she can make a appointment with me for that - but my rate is higher than hers.....

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1064 reads
14 / 66

Posted By: RobbinYoung

 There's a big difference between a bit of interesting "chit chat" and providers trying to run out the clock, by talking for most of the rendezvous.
Yes there is and that is not what I am talking about, and I am pretty sure that is not what H+T was talking about.
BTW, what makes you think "streetwalkers and AMP girls" just "fuck" and don't talk?  
I have been with many streetwalkers and AMP girls.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But in general, the standard M.O. with SWs is pay, fuck, leave. With AMP girls it is pay house fee, shower, massage, fuck, pay girl, leave.

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 9:34:26 AM

Dr Who revived 1261 reads
16 / 66

So you always run your ads with that VIP thingy?

But are you well traveled as well?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1661 reads
17 / 66

Those who cannot chew gum and walk shouldn't be fucking anyone. I find it sexy to be talking and fucking at the same time. BJ' s work well too.  

Stop pulling shit out of your ass and generalizing.

hbyist+truth=;( 1395 reads
18 / 66

There is no pij tin me rubbing up against him if he wants what I can't deliver once he is there. The whole pint is to get this ironed out BEFORE anyone wastes anyone s time.

And just doing it won't fly either. I will definitely put a stop to something I can't handle.

hbyist+truth=;( 1033 reads
19 / 66

However some of us are not into non stop action for the entire hour. My body cannot deal with that and so I seek clients who are not of that mindset. This advice is to aid us all, those that want it and those that can deal, time limits aside.

hbyist+truth=;( 1481 reads
20 / 66

Be civil or I will yank your scrote sac over your head to make you look like an uncut prick.

hbyist+truth=;( 1293 reads
21 / 66

Ahh I just know what i like and what I don't and those that feel it's whining, well clearly I don't like what they do. Good thing there are other hookers and other tricks for us to choose from.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1361 reads
22 / 66

It will almost always result in the woman canceling.  This is one reason why it's a good idea to link your reviews to your web site.  You can even attach the link to any correspondence you have with a client.

hbyist+truth=;( 903 reads
23 / 66

I am not about chatting the time time away but nor am I able to take a 59 minute vag drilling either. I like a mix and some time to let the money maker cool off. I want to know about the 59 minute dudes in order to let them find someone who can and be very willing to meet their needs.  

I just don't see the issue of a lady not wanting to get her pussy pounded the entire time and wanting the guy to find someone who will

inicky46 61 Reviews 1343 reads
24 / 66

And he promises, "if the pix aren't me, it's free."  That one aways brings them in in droves.

hbyist+truth=;( 1509 reads
25 / 66

There are guys who feel not fucking for the entire time is not getting his monies worth...those I wish to avoid like bubonic plague.

hbyist+truth=;( 1525 reads
26 / 66

I am not reviewed and many ladies are not or have been de-listed by choice. You are only really referring to hookers who have active reviews.  

Some forethought and creativity can get the job done without asking "can I fuck you for the entire time because that's how I roll" type thing.

Dr Who revived 1048 reads
27 / 66

That way we can get to know each other.

Posted By: inicky46
And he promises, "if the pix aren't me, it's free."  That one aways brings them in in droves.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1567 reads
28 / 66

Where else would she pull it from, fungus?  Gawd you are one sour, negative butt-wipe.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1176 reads
29 / 66

But I'm not responding just to you.  I'm responding to the general question.  And, sure, there are always ways of getting the job done if people are reasonably mature and intelligent.  But, as you can see from this board, an awful lot are not.

Dr Who revived 1229 reads
30 / 66

There would be quite a few here happy to pay to see you work him over.

But it has to be real...none of that fake shit  ;)

Maybe offer an undercard of Tobi ripping JCA a new asshole too?

Did you get my email?  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Be civil or I will yank your scrote sac over your head to make you look like an uncut prick.

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1148 reads
31 / 66

a little bio in his initial email (I'm this ethnicity, this age, blah blah for a living…) and I've screened him then by all means straight to the action, but if I don't know whether Bruce Lee or Michael Jackson is walking in I expect a little get to know each other time. Like 5-10… other than that I over time get to know more about the clients I like immensely.  

The rest I hug goodbye and keep it pushing till the next time they email.
If you're not smart enough to know when someone is running out the clock god be with you.

hbyist+truth=;( 1739 reads
33 / 66
hbyist+truth=;( 979 reads
34 / 66

Didn't know you had my addy although I did post it on here a while back...fyi:
staysafeladies at gmail dot com

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1103 reads
35 / 66

I can see your point....   especially if it is a first meeting there are benefits to being a bit patient and giving the lady an opportunity to feel you out, get comfortable, perhaps even find something to like about you....    :p

hbyist+truth=;( 1150 reads
36 / 66

Those guys is not because I feel they should not do that but because I physically cannot take it. Even  IRL. Not built that way. And I have tried everything known to man and beast...metaphorically speaking.

In pretty much all aspects of life for me, too much of anything gets boring and depending what it is, mildly annoying to down right painful. Too much chocolate, too much exercise, too much shopping you name it, a lot and I am done, lose interest and bail.

I much prefer short bursts of really cool stuff in pretty much everything I do. So it is really quite important that I know certain things about my dates if at all possible to make sure we both are happy.

TiffaniJameson See my TER Reviews 1227 reads
37 / 66

If we get the small talk out of the way via email before we meet, have a great phone conversation to flirt a bit. I can see where it's highly possible. The issue is with pseudo streetwalker last minute be-there-in-an-hour type of appointment. A truly GFE encounter cannot be rushed. Either you're the kind of man that respects that things are sweeter when she's comfortable, or you don't care.

Blowing Chunks 967 reads
38 / 66

Just talking with an intelligent girl and having brain sex gets me off,  
especially when girls spill their life stories and drama to me,  it's a serious turn on.  
she doesn't even need to touch my weewee.  Lo

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1119 reads
39 / 66

to try to find clientele who are compatible with your personality and your own needs - best all around....

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1200 reads
40 / 66

I now have to be a total experience kinda gal now. Anything else and I'm ruined for several days on end. It sux but it is what it is and I don't want a guy to be disappointed that he chose to see me.

Steph xoxo

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1513 reads
41 / 66

This shit is on you..
If you don't like the customers you are getting..
Change your buisness plan...

You are like MacDonalds complaining that they serve fat people.
Just sayin'
I never had any of the problems you seem to have in this game..
And I set the bar pretty low sweetheart...

skarphedin 1088 reads
42 / 66
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1185 reads
43 / 66
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1285 reads
44 / 66

It's just not natural for me to start banging a total stranger the second I meet him. It just weirds me out. The funny thing is, most guys don't want that (most of the ones I've seen anyway).

 I can think of one time when I got a guy like that. He walked in, I turned around for one second to start the coffee maker and when I turned back around he was sprawled out on my bed in nothing but his socks. At first I was just really confused as to how he managed to disrobe that quickly, but that wore off pretty fast and I just felt annoyed. He then proceeded to tell me exactly what he wanted and in what order, plus how many pops (I fucking hate that word) he expected to get in his 90 minutes. The funniest part was that he couldn't even get it up for a second round, most likely due to the fact that he had convinced himself that he had to meet some arbitrary quota of sex acts in order to get his money's worth. That kind of self-imposed pressure is a total boner kill. Plus I wasn't a very enthusiastic partner given the fact that he clearly saw me as a pile of flesh with a couple of holes. That shit makes me dry as a bone. I did my best and "performed," but he had really fucked up the mood from the beginning.  

If I've seen someone before or if they book a BDSM/fantasy date, I have no problem doing mostly fucking. But if I'm in a mindset of creating a GFE experience for a complete stranger, it needs to unfold organically or I'm going to feel weird and neither of us is going to have much fun. I have yet to hear any complaints that I try to run out the clock with chit chat. In fact, one of the compliments I get most often is that I'm genuine. That's something I like to live up to.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1345 reads
45 / 66

Girllllll I'mma start sending you cat pictures and chain letters.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Didn't know you had my addy although I did post it on here a while back...fyi:  
 staysafeladies at gmail dot com

Arovet 62 Reviews 1114 reads
46 / 66

I thought you provided a nice balance of everything.  And as I recall I took my socks off...it was cold as fuck, too. :-)

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1423 reads
47 / 66
Arovet 62 Reviews 929 reads
48 / 66

There's no worse look for a guy than naked with socks...it's the equivalent of granny panties on a girl

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1635 reads
49 / 66

Thanks, booboo. You saw me in rare form though since it was the ass crack of dawn and fucking -30 outside. Thank you for losing the socks. ;)

Posted By: thehumanist
I thought you provided a nice balance of everything.  And as I recall I took my socks off...it was cold as fuck, too. :-)

skarphedin 1197 reads
50 / 66
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1585 reads
51 / 66

Nothing in my marketing strategy or my reviews would suggest that a GFE date with me would go down like that. Like I said, I soldiered through the appointment and did my best even though he made it awkward as hell.  

On another note, I liked you much better when you were less cunty.

skarphedin 1594 reads
52 / 66

Tobi, you are an escort, you are paid for sex. If what you were doing did not heighten his "sexual" experience then it was not part of the gig...  

And you didn't allege that he was abusive or aggressive or behaved badly. He just wanted to have sex with you. And he wanted to do that because you are outrageously attractive...  

Did he violate the categorical imperative? I don't know, but from what you alleged it doesn't sound like it... The categorical imperative does not enshrine your cultural or social preferences...  

If one is an att'y, one has clients who just want you to lawyer for them and that's it... no friends, no personal relationship at all... They want x,y and z and want it cheap and fast and top notch...  

If one cleans pools, one has clients that don't want to talk to you or really see you or your truck or hear you... They just want the pool cleaned really really well...

From what you alleged (and there may very well be more and there are very very bad customers in your line of work) the guy just wanted a service you provide: sex...  

And honestly, this whole GFE thing and reading the ad copy thing is goofy, right?  

I get it, all the screening is to get a type of client more than anything... Why is the john not allowed to maximize his experience like you are maximizing yours??

Arovet 62 Reviews 1318 reads
53 / 66

If a guy just wants to strip down to his socks (yuck, but whatever), jump on the bed and start ticking off the acronyms there are many, many options that are frankly easier on the wallet than Tobi. I don't get why anyone would want to push that kind of session with her...she's pretty clear on her site about the approach that puts her at her best, and her reviews back that up, so why anyone would book with her and push a different agenda is baffling to me.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1418 reads
54 / 66

Sex is part of what I'm paid for, sure, but it's not the sole basis of what I'm selling. If someone is interested in nothing aside from getting the ultimate nut, then he should buy a blow-up doll (it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper too).  

Pool cleaning is not a service that entails such a degree of intimacy so that analogy really doesn't follow.

"Abusive" is obviously not the term that I would use to describe this guy, but I did fine his attitude demeaning and insulting.  

And if you think that reading ad copy is "goofy," then that's on you. Why would I put all of the effort into writing it if I didn't want people to actually read it? If your idea of getting the "most bang for your buck" (literally) is ticking off a checklist, then there's no point in bothering with me. Like I've said a million times, that's fine if that's your thing, but in those cases I am clearly not the girl for the job. On the flip side, if you want an actual GFE (emphasis on the 'E') with a chick who will make you laugh, engage with you on an intellectual level, and give a kickass bajowski, all with a genuine attitude...then I'm more than happy to oblige.  
Posted By: skarphedin
Tobi, you are an escort, you are paid for sex. If what you were doing did not heighten his "sexual" experience then it was not part of the gig...  
 And you didn't allege that he was abusive or aggressive or behaved badly. He just wanted to have sex with you. And he wanted to do that because you are outrageously attractive...  
 Did he violate the categorical imperative? I don't know, but from what you alleged it doesn't sound like it... The categorical imperative does not enshrine your cultural or social preferences...  
 If one is an att'y, one has clients who just want you to lawyer for them and that's it... no friends, no personal relationship at all... They want x,y and z and want it cheap and fast and top notch...  
 If one cleans pools, one has clients that don't want to talk to you or really see you or your truck or hear you... They just want the pool cleaned really really well...  
 From what you alleged (and there may very well be more and there are very very bad customers in your line of work) the guy just wanted a service you provide: sex...  
 And honestly, this whole GFE thing and reading the ad copy thing is goofy, right?  
 I get it, all the screening is to get a type of client more than anything... Why is the john not allowed to maximize his experience like you are maximizing yours???  

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1747 reads
55 / 66

And that is exactly why you got a much better experience than that guy did.  

Posted By: thehumanist
If a guy just wants to strip down to his socks (yuck, but whatever), jump on the bed and start ticking off the acronyms there are many, many options that are frankly easier on the wallet than Tobi. I don't get why anyone would want to push that kind of session with her...she's pretty clear on her site about the approach that puts her at her best, and her reviews back that up, so why anyone would book with her and push a different agenda is baffling to me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1518 reads
56 / 66

I think it was Oscar Wilde who said something like the worst thing is when the exceptional becomes commonplace.

Those special moments are special exactly because they are so rare.

So, we should all relax and learn to savor in slow and thoughtful ways in between the hot action.

skarphedin 1506 reads
58 / 66

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Sex is part of what I'm paid for, sure, but it's not the sole basis of what I'm selling. If someone is interested in nothing aside from getting the ultimate nut, then he should buy a blow-up doll (it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper too).  
 Pool cleaning is not a service that entails such a degree of intimacy so that analogy really doesn't follow.  
 "Abusive" is obviously not the term that I would use to describe this guy, but I did fine his attitude demeaning and insulting.  
 And if you think that reading ad copy is "goofy," then that's on you. Why would I put all of the effort into writing it if I didn't want people to actually read it? If your idea of getting the "most bang for your buck" (literally) is ticking off a checklist, then there's no point in bothering with me. Like I've said a million times, that's fine if that's your thing, but in those cases I am clearly not the girl for the job. On the flip side, if you want an actual GFE (emphasis on the 'E') with a chick who will make you laugh, engage with you on an intellectual level, and give a kickass bajowski, all with a genuine attitude...then I'm more than happy to oblige.  
Posted By: skarphedin
Tobi, you are an escort, you are paid for sex. If what you were doing did not heighten his "sexual" experience then it was not part of the gig...    
  And you didn't allege that he was abusive or aggressive or behaved badly. He just wanted to have sex with you. And he wanted to do that because you are outrageously attractive...    
  Did he violate the categorical imperative? I don't know, but from what you alleged it doesn't sound like it... The categorical imperative does not enshrine your cultural or social preferences...    
  If one is an att'y, one has clients who just want you to lawyer for them and that's it... no friends, no personal relationship at all... They want x,y and z and want it cheap and fast and top notch...    
  If one cleans pools, one has clients that don't want to talk to you or really see you or your truck or hear you... They just want the pool cleaned really really well...  
  From what you alleged (and there may very well be more and there are very very bad customers in your line of work) the guy just wanted a service you provide: sex...    
  And honestly, this whole GFE thing and reading the ad copy thing is goofy, right?    
  I get it, all the screening is to get a type of client more than anything... Why is the john not allowed to maximize his experience like you are maximizing yours???    

VOO-doo 888 reads
60 / 66

A guy saying to a waiter, "Hi, I'd like a ______________ martini, straight up, with three olives, please. Oh, you don't have __________? Do you have ____________? That will be fine, then. Thank you very much."  

And a guy saying this, "I want a ___________ martini straight up. What? You don't have ____________?! Then can you do _______________? How can you not have __________. Grumble, grumble. Now, listen. Put three olives in it. Don't spill it and I get very grouchy if I have to wait too long. And don't forget the _______. Got that? Good.'

One method treats the other person with respect, a fellow human. The other looks at the other person as a means to an end, a convenience.

skarphedin 1120 reads
61 / 66

Fuck but more typing = more trouble but you and Tobi are worth it!  

Moreover, the imperative flows both ways, no?  

Perhaps the bartender is in violation? Perhaps she/he refuses to engage with with the person as able to believe in and desire things different from him/her and still be fully human?  

Holding everyone to one's own social mores and policy preferences is not allowing the full flowering of humanity?  

And this really does come down to detailed factual analysis as your very relevant and almost fair example shows... At bottom the sale (commodification) of labor is a violation of the categorical imperative... But we all agree to that, no? Even if one does not sell one's own labor, one has to accept that it is ok for others to do so and also ok to buy the labor of others...  

Per Tobi's own relation of the events, it appears that the john engaged her in a "pure" capitalist transaction (note she did not indicate that her john ever grumbled or made veiled threats of grouchiness!) that was $ in exchange for sex. That is the essential nature of this business...  

Does it violate the categorical imperative, well yes, but we all agree to allow that breach because we are capitalists. no?  

In that sense, it is only demeaning and insulting to the extent that it is a per se violation of the imperative... Or put another way, that the imperative enshrines Tobi's idiosyncratic social ideology...  

That was my point, that it was just as likely Tobi violated the imperative (based on the facts given) as that her john did...  

Based on the eagerness of people to put opinions of others in my head I will say that I feel no negativity towards either escorts or johns qua their being escorts or johns...

VOO-doo 1180 reads
63 / 66

Who said that the categorical imperative was even relevant here? Even the question of whether it is relevant or not is irrelevant. One of the central tenets of this biz is...I think Mr. Fisher said this...for ever hat, there is a head. But not all hats fit on all heads...

In this business, we get to choose to offer or not offer our services to a client, pure and simple. If i knew ahead of time that a guy would treat me like Tobi's did her...like a hole, fit for being ordered around...I would not see him. Nothing in my job description says that I have to offer my services to EVERYBODY or to jerks or people who would make me feel demeaned or insulted.

Arovet 62 Reviews 899 reads
66 / 66

But I think he picked the wrong girl and didn't have as much fun as he might have.

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