TER General Board

Re: The wife or the cat?
ttcttc 138 Reviews 2227 reads
1 / 49

... a used condom in the toilet when you first arrive.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 980 reads
2 / 49

They will fuck up the plumbing because air gets trapped in them and they cause clogs.

Reminds me of a co-worker who came in glum one day:

Me: Hey, what's wrong? looks like you lost a friend.
Him: Wife clogged the damn toilet.
Me: What's the big deal? What clogged it?
Him: Condoms.
Me: well, quit throwing them down the toilet!
Him: That's the problem.  I didn't.  I don't use them

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 707 reads
5 / 49

I own an apartment building and I get cloged up toilets all the time with condoms. The single guys, I can talk to like a friend, it's the girls that I have a hard time explaining.They give me that look like, "Huh, what are you talking about?"...Now I just sic the manager on the girls.

tropicthunder 792 reads
6 / 49

and I left immediately.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 514 reads
8 / 49
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 493 reads
10 / 49

Since you have a different kind of session, maybe you don't know what all those towels are used for?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 590 reads
11 / 49

You mean to tell me that, the virgin you went to see, whom you brought no envelope with "gift" written on the UNsealed envelope, who you were instructed to leave on the counter upon arrival, and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to wash your hands while she made sure the amount was correct. That woman who you didn't meet at a bar, but after hours and hours of review reading and research... that woman dared to see someone else before your arrival?  

Please tell us that you let the detectives know and fast. :D

Life is funny. We take for granted that hookers see clients. Just don't let me find proof of it and I'll be good to go lol

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 553 reads
12 / 49

Sometimes those things don't flush very well!!! Lmfao

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 500 reads
14 / 49

So what's the mindset?

1) OMG shes a hooker!!!!

2) OH, so I'm not the only one?

3) at least flush the effing thing.

I am not proud to say this but I think we have all had a funny experience to share, and I had a similar story to which I was completely embarrassed for weeks. I eventually got over it. We live, we learn.  

I think if you are either a hobbyist, or provider, and you have had a similar story to the OP, and you were all dignified and disgusted... Stay at home with y'er freekin wife. :D Sasha out!.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 588 reads
15 / 49

Easy Tiger. I think the guys don't like having their fantasy ruined. I mean we all know.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 504 reads
16 / 49

Sasha ... don't flush condoms. Bad Hooker!

Tell us the story ... please. You're over it now so it's OK. Pretty please ...

I don't have a wife, or a cat, because I think they are evil creatures ...
Posted By: TS Sasha
So what's the mindset?  
 1) OMG shes a hooker!!!!  
 2) OH, so I'm not the only one?  
 3) at least flush the effing thing.  
 I am not proud to say this but I think we have all had a funny experience to share, and I had a similar story to which I was completely embarrassed for weeks. I eventually got over it. We live, we learn.  
 I think if you are either a hobbyist, or provider, and you have had a similar story to the OP, and you were all dignified and disgusted... Stay at home with y'er freekin wife. :D Sasha out!.

lopaw 29 Reviews 491 reads
17 / 49

You mean they aren't fresh and clean just having fallen off of the maid's cart by mistake as she was tidying up the loo before i got there? :

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 436 reads
20 / 49

Um no ... lets just say there is enough DNA on those towels to clone the entire population of a small country.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 471 reads
21 / 49

If it's bigger than your junk then ask for Greek ...

lopaw 29 Reviews 417 reads
22 / 49

Well in that case I would take my Bic, an aerosol can of whatever I could find as a blowtorch (providers always have something in an aerosol can in their bathrooms), and set the entire unholy mess aflame. Then I'd make a run for it.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 448 reads
23 / 49

Sounds like a good party to me ... I'm in!

Posted By: lopaw
Well in that case I would take my Bic, an aerosol can of whatever I could find as a blowtorch (providers always have something in an aerosol can in their bathrooms), and set the entire unholy mess aflame. Then I'd make a run for it.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 435 reads
24 / 49
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 439 reads
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Demcc3 27 Reviews 499 reads
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....or arriving and noticing 2-3 (or more) in the trash....lol

Demcc3 27 Reviews 479 reads
27 / 49

...or getting naked, hopping up on the bed and suddenly realizing you just landed on a somewhat large damp spot...

(no its never happened to me but still...)


Myskyns 47 Reviews 511 reads
28 / 49

Never encountered a condom in the toilet but once after a meet, when I was at home in the master bathroom with my wife and after undressing for a shower realized the condom was still on. Holy shit, I moved fast to dump that one!

Hnnnnng 513 reads
29 / 49

Pro agencies throw their trash away after each sesh. Newer agencies don't and once went to an incall and spotted 5 cups in the trash. Ruined the fantasy a little but what did I expect?

hbyist+truth=;( 478 reads
30 / 49

Some people are cat people and some are dog people and neither really understand the other.  

LOL I feel the same about husbands and dogs.

2236707 3 Reviews 438 reads
31 / 49

husbands understand dogs.  Cats on the other hand think their shit don't stink and belongs at home!   :-)

hbyist+truth=;( 399 reads
32 / 49
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 478 reads
33 / 49

Good thing you didn't try to pee with it on, but that would have been pretty funny.  

Posted By: Myskyns
Never encountered a condom in the toilet but once after a meet, when I was at home in the master bathroom with my wife and after undressing for a shower realized the condom was still on. Holy shit, I moved fast to dump that one!

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 387 reads
35 / 49

Drew perhaps some of the girls should get together and write a book call "All good things high class ho's should know".  Encouched in that book should be a chapter on proper disposal of prophylactics.  Evidently this is a subject that has not been addressed with some of our current practitioners.

Good! This is supposed to be fun.

octavia.lexa See my TER Reviews 402 reads
36 / 49

girl, you crack me up:))

Posted By: TS Sasha
You mean to tell me that, the virgin you went to see, whom you brought no envelope with "gift" written on the UNsealed envelope, who you were instructed to leave on the counter upon arrival, and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to wash your hands while she made sure the amount was correct. That woman who you didn't meet at a bar, but after hours and hours of review reading and research... that woman dared to see someone else before your arrival?  
 Please tell us that you let the detectives know and fast. :D  
 Life is funny. We take for granted that hookers see clients. Just don't let me find proof of it and I'll be good to go lol.  

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 380 reads
37 / 49

"How to forgive yourself and grow as a professional."

-- Modified on 11/19/2015 5:21:42 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 432 reads
38 / 49

Don't forget to be polite and silent about that towel you so vigilantly snooped out in my room."

Back in the day when I didn't say "no" to any clients, I seriously had dudes coming in to "check to make sure I made sure no towels were in the room." And if they found one, they questioned me on the towel.

Like - OK pay my overnight fee if you're managing all that I see tonight. By the way. I'll send you a picture of your leftover turd in the toilet and skid marks on the new towel you used. LOL

We're all human, and clients are just going to come across embarrassing moments, just as we do too. Best to not let them know and further embarrass them. If you do want them to know, leave the condom in the toilet and offer them to wash up first so they can learn from their mistakes.

Sasha you're funny lol.

-- Modified on 11/19/2015 5:25:32 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 375 reads
39 / 49

And I'm so excited. She's really feisty and pacing around howling, looking for a place to have her young ones.


Cats are wonderful. I love kittens.

FatVern 428 reads
40 / 49

Once I saw a reviewed lady, didn't bother reading her reviews so maybe it had been mentioned before. When I went to freshen up upon arrival and take a piss, there was excrement floating in the toilet. I almost wanted to leave after seeing that, I was going to say something but I didn't want to embarrass her. I'm sure she would have blamed it on her previous guest, and I thought if it was his that it would be more gross than if it had been hers.  I just flushed and went on with my scheduled time. Have I mentioned I don't usually eat pussy?... This is just one reason why.

Talking about towels, once I saw a gal whom wasn't reviewed or shouldn't have been in the business. She complained that I dried my freshly washed hands on her clean towel.  

I thought that was extremely funny, did she expect me me to use her hair?

2236707 3 Reviews 380 reads
41 / 49

"We're all human"?  Have you been READING this board?    :-)   Leave it at "many of us" or "ostensibly are"

2236707 3 Reviews 435 reads
42 / 49

hotel toilets often do not flush well, so you need to hang out, watch your stuff swirl around and then resurface, and then flush again.  Well I must say, we are making progress here.

-- Modified on 11/19/2015 10:42:09 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 338 reads
43 / 49


Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 399 reads
44 / 49

Dogs lick you because they love you.  
Cats lick you because they want to know what you taste like.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 416 reads
45 / 49

But you stayed and fucked her anyway? Think I would have left. I know everyone shits, but I just don't want to see it when I'm about to be close to the area it came from. Kinda kills the romance LOL

Posted By: FatVern
Once I saw a reviewed lady, didn't bother reading her reviews so maybe it had been mentioned before. When I went to freshen up upon arrival and take a piss, there was excrement floating in the toilet. I almost wanted to leave after seeing that, I was going to say something but I didn't want to embarrass her. I'm sure she would have blamed it on her previous guest, and I thought if it was his that it would be more gross than if it had been hers.  I just flushed and went on with my scheduled time. Have I mentioned I don't usually eat pussy?... This is just one reason why.  
 Talking about towels, once I saw a gal whom wasn't reviewed or shouldn't have been in the business. She complained that I dried my freshly washed hands on her clean towel.  
 I thought that was extremely funny, did she expect me me to use her hair?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 390 reads
46 / 49
68firebird 433 reads
47 / 49

Gets rid of any possibilty of leaving my DNA behind.  Besides, do you really think you are her first date?

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