TER General Board

Cities with Worst/Most Difficult Screening?
rspanda 7 Reviews 2281 reads

What cities would you avoid due to independent providers with the most difficult screening?  (e.g. Require a combination or all of your Real Name, LinkedIn, Deposit, Selfie, Home Address, Work Address, Personal Cell Number, Work Number, Work Reference) ?  

For me, it's Las Vegas and Chicago.  
Nearly every provider wants real world information and doesn't care about hobby references or P411.

Best cities for me have been Orange County/LA, Seattle, Dallas and Toronto, but probably because all have a local/regional hobby board.

Chicago has gotten very bad with escorts wanting deposits so I just move on after I see that in an ad.  

It’s because Chicago used to be the best city for me. It started to get very dangerous. Every time I went something new happened. You guys don’t understand what we go through and why we ask for that. If it’s a reputable provider, asking for those things shouldn’t be an issue.

Also without PI being required. So the question is (and it's probably unanswerable): are there now fewer guys flaking? Or are certain girls who require deposits getting less business? I don't think we'll get any definitive answers.

420Smoka4Eva47 reads

The problem is that there are many documented cases of reputable providers quickly losing that reputation. There are plenty of documented cases of "reputable" providers keeping and stealing deposits, and getting ripped off is the least of our worries. There are also numerous stories involving reputable providers harassing clients, extorting clients, exposing client PI on social media over mundane disputes....  

I understand that providers have way more to risk than clients and providers have had to change screening/booking procedures. However the clients still face risk. Giving out personal information increases that risk. Clients should be reluctant to hand that out.

In our little regional group, we've heard stories of Clients being assaulted and robbed. Crazy

I *do* require information for screening, not as much as you have listed, but the problem is you really should be pointing a finger at your fellow hobbyists instead of saying that providers are being "difficult". I no longer accept references for the simple reason of guys lying. This has happened more than a few times. It takes time and effort on my end and when a prospective client just coughs up several random providers that he has never seen as "references" it is a waste to everyone. Even when I was accepting them I needed a day/time/location that you saw the provider as well as let the provider know that I will be contacting me which seldom happens.  
P411 is becoming the same. I do still accept it but I have had way too many guys that are abusing this as well by letting their account expire but still thinking they can use the ID #, or another favorite is using their buddy's number and then showing up and none of the info is the file matches the guy that showed up.  
Obviously screening is done for our safety. As to date I have had guys submit their screening info and upon researching this history I have found child porn, animal abuse, domestic violence, rapists, and my favorite: a former priest who has been moved from multiple churches because of molesting kids. I would have not found any of this info without doing the proper screening. I am sure you have no desire to share intimate moments with any of these unsavory individuals and neither do we as providers.  
And last but not least it is rather silly for you to post this on the general board as few providers on here that post and read the comments are not magically going to change their screening because of your post. You already know who asks for screening and who does not from their website. If they are asking for info you do not feel comfortable giving then move on. Obviously they are getting enough quality clients to send in the info as they are still in business (as I am in the middle of no where Wisconsin) so it is rather a moot point.  
If you are looking for providers that forgo most safety screening protocols there is a hobbyist only board that I am sure some of the life long residents who eat and breathe to post here can give you all of the info you need to carry on.  
As always,  
Stay sane and stay safe

....I've been around long enough to that I think you may want to consider at using references differently.  Speaking for myself, I don't see any benefit providing references of women a person has not seen.   Seems like a one way street to a dead end to me.  Maybe not as quick as "I wanna fuck" in the first sentence but close.   I have a pretty good idea who will provide honest references and those gals usually fall in the sweet spot for ladies I enjoy seeing.   If they've provided a working email for the references, it shouldn't take any more time to send a brief request for a reference check than it would to take a deep dive into whatever platform you use to pull up arrest records and/or credit reports.  But in your own words, you seldom try to verify so what is the point at all?  

Also, you forgot your usual "if they don't want any persona info, they're likely LE because they won't ever ask for it"

Sounds to me that the hesitancy for references might be more about being able to trust your fellow legitimate providers.  

rcragmc56 reads

Hi Ms. Scarlet.   So my question to you as a provider is whether or not using the White List for a referral is even a thing.  Sure, it's there, but does anyone really take it seriously?  Of course, using it as part of the screening process means giving up one's handle to the provider.  There are mixed reviews on that issue as well.  

Well honestly for most guys that post on here on a regular basis and have a lot reviews unless you post like Robert and a few others on here I would not recommend it. I have turned down several gents who contacted me and said that they were members of TER with multiple white lists yet upon reading their posts as well as their reviews it was a giant no go for me. You of course have every right to disagree with someone or write a review if you had a bad experience but derogatory name calling and just vulgar and rude comments and reviews will get you no where. Yes, we read them. All of them. This website could be amazing and very helpful to providers and clients but until then it is just going to be a few providers who take the time to read and post and the clients that want to see a positive change vs. those die hards who think they can continue on as it always was and we will just see a giant decline of provider participation.

However, both of us must have a footprint in the hobby and is established. I won't  give personal information to  just anyone asking for it.
In my opinion,  if someone wanting to date but  refuse to provide information about himself/herself  is highly  suspicious  and dangerous.  

While not perfect , everything   from whitellisting, references, etc..do help to eliminate  a large number of  unscrupulous creepy characters.  I always encourage  ladies  to make sure someone have  your back  - meaning, that person  know  who you're meeting, where,when, phone contact before and after the date. This is probably your best bet.That person 'having your back'  don't have to be a pimp.  
Even if it's going to cost you a portion of your proceeds ,your life and safety should be of utmost importance.  

Yea the screening is such BS. For one if law enforcement is coming after them they will easily pass any screening. Providers really need to get over the screening its easy to defeat for law enforcement and for anyone else really. Plus cops are lazy they aint going after providers unless they have another reason 99% of the time. Yes there is hard case sheriffs ie the asshole in FL that do go above and beyond the call of duty to bust providers. But its rare and providers need to relax a little.

 If they want to much I move on to someone else who wants my money.  I am hard to verify anyway. I work overseas and I dont have a work number or work address. I got a cell number and a home address i get mail at and visit maybe 2 months out of the year.  No social media at all that usually freaks them out.LOL But I really dont the work I do discourages it so do I give up a 6 figure a yr career or social media.  

But I have found just being direct works most of the time and if they want to be bitches about it. I just  say hey if you change your mine i got the $$$ give me a call. You be surprised how many will call the next day  and want to schedule.  

 Its funny they want the day and time of past provider references. UNreal!!!

That is stupid hell most of the time I make a appointment usually in the morning for a afternoon or evening appointment.  i forget their  name before i even get there. Happens alot once the girls fucked with me and had a different girl answer the door. I knew she didnt match the pics and she asked who I needed to see.I was clueless and had left my phone in the car. I just turned around cussing walking back to the car to call the damn agency. But she chased me down and had me come in laughing. They knew I never remembered their names.  Never failed at that agency I be banging away and the chic would always ask me what her name was. I never knew and they knew it damn little smartasses.  

My suggestions deal with a agency they may say they do verification but my experience they want money and will always work with you. The Asian places work the best hands down, plus cheaper, less headaches and for the most part always great service.

First of all, deposits the worst. I do not screen & I will never ask for a deposit. For the simple fact that I will put it out there to all clients that if they do not show on the exact date & time that is agreed upon, then I will never deal with him, because he just wasted my time and I loss money. I'll put my whole self into sexually satisfying a Client, but never will I tolerate a Client wasting my time, then being expected to get a place for us to do it again.  

First of all, the only things a provider should be giving a client is her name, phone number & an address (Not their personal home address, but a motel address).

I have canceled dates when a girl was staying in a motel because it's very insecure. A cop in the parking lot can watch people leaving motel rooms. You are MUCH more likely to get busted at a motel.

she has a right to run her business the way she wants.  Lol

you understood.    (When I lay a bag of shit on the sidewalk, I never expect YOU to be the one to step in it, but today, you surprised me.  Lol)

-- Modified on 6/5/2024 3:11:02 PM

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