TER General Board

What makes a provider high end?regular_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 2681 reads

High-class escorts: Often associated with luxury and exclusivity, high-class escorts are usually well-educated and experienced in providing companionship to a more sophisticated clientele. They offer more than just physical intimacy; their services often include emotional and intellectual connections.

Please share your thoughts 💭 Besides rates…

-- Modified on 4/19/2024 2:05:55 AM

You ended the discussion with your final words.

Nothing. Take two providers. One charges $500. The other charges $1200. Then, you find out it’s the same provider, same service, just two different names. Not one person will see her as high end at $500. At $1200, even if she sucks at her job, she is seen as high end. Sorry but you really asked a question and tried to remove the most obvious answer out of the discussion.

I’m with Justice Potter Stewart on this one. In 1964 in Jacobellis v. Ohio when asked to define obscenity he wrote “I can’t define it but I know it when I see it.” Same for high end providers. It might be beauty, might be grace, might be sensuality, might be that she can suck a basketball through a 50 foot long garden hose, or it might be a combination of all of the above and more.  
But I do know that you won’t find a high end provider trolling for likes and customers on a fuckboard. And you won’t find a high end provider tooting her own horn on a fuckboard. These things I’m sure of.

Interesting article. It all boils down to the quality of the provider and the experience she delivers.

Thank you kindly for your candor. I totally agree. People who say nothing, but price obviously 🙄 have no idea. I have had the absolute privilege of meeting many providers in this industry & we are all not the same. Guys who post disrespect towards the Art of erotic entertainment as all the same are ignorant. Thanks for allowing me to add another member on my ignore list. No need to argue.  

For example:  

I went to get a reasonable massage at a local Asian massage place. I got all the upgrades CBD oil, hot stones, at a cheap deal compared to my usual high end massage place that costs 3 times the price. The provider was not easy on the eyes, so I decided to keep them shut the entire time. I did get a happy ending no extra charge. I prefer to get aroused when looking into the eyes đź‘€ of anyone who is pleasing me.  

* Any man who does not care & thinks all women are the same don’t deserve to be entertained by high end escorts because they don’t respect, love, and appreciate women. My Father taught me better. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. He explained to me that he prefers Morton’s, but every once in awhile he craves

-- Modified on 4/19/2024 4:25:40 AM

High end is about price. There is a fair argument that it should be price and quality of service, but no argument that it's just about service without the price. So, in the end, it's still price that makes the difference in the definition. Now, this is just about the definition of high end. Not more.

By no means does this mean all providers are created equal. There are providers who probably should be high end because they provide a high end quality service. But no one, for example, is going to call that one kgirl who is at the same rate as all other kgirls, but is providing expceptional service, high end.

On the flip side, there are providers charging a bucket load but not delivering as you would expect for the price. And, TBH, I don't see calling a provider who undelivers but charges $1500/hr not high end. IMO, still high end, but not worth it. But sure, some woould say if she is not delivering a good service than she does not deserve to be called high end. Rather, she's just a rip off lol.

Then, there are rock stars who charge more and deserve more. I'm not mad if I cannot afford you and you are just that good and deserve every dollar you get. This is the no debate zone. If she charges more AND delivers more, she is without question high end.

The problem I have, and some other clients have, is high end is often self proclammed. If I have millions to burn through, I might not care that there are providers ranging from $600-$2000 per hour who deliver equally. I might just want to experience them all, because I can. And, they all won't be equal, and it won't be the price that sets them apart as much as the service. In this scenario, because I have the money to burn I care less about that aspect.  

But most average Joes like myself have to make fiscally sound choices and see no reason to pay more for what we can get for less. We really feel the burn if we overpay and a provider underdelivers. And it's not always easy to tell. I have seen several providers with 100+ reviews with an average over a 9 that, quite frankly, shocked me that they managed to maintain such high scores.

That said, if you are happy and you are getting the clients that make you happy, you don't need to make every other client happy. Be you and be happy with what you have.

I could not agree with you more that all providers are not the same. Very true statement, you’re not all the same.  

I also think that men who show respect and appreciation for the women they choose to spend time with deserve to have that respect returned to them and to have great experiences with those women.  

The gatekeeper way in which you equate these things with expensive service is a little sad.  

You have a polite, almost sweet way of expressing condescension towards providers who don’t run their business like you do. It’s sort of fascinating in a strange way, but it wears quite thin.  

The people who “have no idea” are saying that the difference is price because you are using two distinct terms interchangeably. “High end” is just another word for expensive, no matter what product or service is being discussed.  

Whether or not a person has CLASS has nothing whatsoever to do with cost, despite the constant efforts of businesses charging high end prices to get us all to believe it does. Class is about having character and grace.  

Class is about how you treat others and yourself. Class is “showing some upbringing”.  Class is manners and respect and humility and empathy. Class is the ability to be confident and love yourself while remembering that you’re not “more than” anybody else.  

I really think Fisher and Helixer said it better than I can, but a lot of $300 gals have got class in spades.  

As much as you may want them to, high end and high class do not mean the same thing. It appears to you that some people here just don’t get it, but that’s because you have started two different conversations. One about high end and one about class. It would seem that you have fallen into the same trap as the author of the article; you’ve created an equivalency in your mind between class and money.

They don't troll around punter boards day-in day-out, re-posing the same question over and over just do their name stays at the top of the page.

see they exact same topic you posted months ago: http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion-boards/ter-general-board-

A lot depends on how she markets herself .For example blonde hair,  anorexia/ petite ,  good looking and  high priced , constitutes  " High Class" for some. Service may not be the greatest, but can't  blame her if men buy into this.  

" High Class " for me is an 'all round ' provider, with the ability to make a guy wanting to marry her, can't get enough of her . She is not cheap , knows her worth, but at the same time is humble and 'down to earth'  , without the added cockyness and drama.

and that word is integrity.

It matters not how much the gal charges, or her looks, or her fancy apartment/hotel room.   What I care about is that she deals honestly, responsibly, and puts her whole self into the job of making me feel like her only boyfriend (if only for a few fleeting minutes.)

I"ve been blest to know a goodly number of such gals, and in return I go back to seeing them over and over.

This has put my hobby experience right up there with my family, friends, and career as the best parts of my life.

RespectfulRobert35 reads

The girl that can take a transactional lifestyle like this one and can make it feel as close to non-transactional as they can is the one that is "high end." To me, it has nothing to do with what she charges, but more so how she makes me feel after the date is over.

There was a lady I saw many years ago and when we parted our assignation had run into the 30s or 40s. And she was fabulous every single time. She started at 300 and by the time she quit was at 500. Worth every penny because I was the only man in her life each hour we spent together.  

Compared to a chica I saw for 1200 who wouldn't have spit on me if I was on fire.

Look, I don't know about emotional connections and spiritual engagements and whatever. I know when a woman takes care of herself, takes the time to put herself together for a date, and stays in the moment for all 60 minutes. I really don't give a fuck about her travels to Paris and Geneva, about her degree from the London School of Economics, or about her ability to read Ovid in the original Latin. I don't expect her to soothe my troubled mind, introduce me to the healing powers of Zen meditation, or enlighten me with the secrets of Zoroastrianism.  

If you have to tell me you're high end or price your time exorbitantly as a proxy for what you think high end means, you're probably not the girl for me. Because you care about labels more than about shtupping with passion. If you are blessed with grace, charm, confidence and a good sense of courtesanship, that's all the high end I need.

-- Modified on 4/20/2024 12:06:05 AM

-- Modified on 4/20/2024 12:09:29 AM

to determine who is "high-end" and who is not.  It's a matter of opinion, not fact.  More often than not, the "perception" of a provider being "high-end" is based on looks, not service.  We all know that looks are a matter of opinion, but service can be quantified, so it's ironic that MOST providers who are considered "high-end" are drop-dead gorgeous, but are often lacking in service and attitude.  

In addition to reading TER Reviews, I ask potential hostesses to send me blood, urine, spit, hair follicle, finger nail clippings, and other samples for screening.  The factual data doesn't lie! ... I just haven't figured out how to interpret it yet.  
My quantitative screening process also serves as a more qualitative psychological evaluation. One potential hostess sent me samples from her pet poodle. Maybe she thought I wouldn't notice. Psych eval: I can't trust her. ... The poodle, OTOH, tested as being AKC high-end championship material!

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: There is no factual test  . . . . .
to determine who is "high-end" and who is not.  It's a matter of opinion, not fact.  More often than not, the "perception" of a provider being "high-end" is based on looks, not service.  We all know that looks are a matter of opinion, but service can be quantified, so it's ironic that MOST providers who are considered "high-end" are drop-dead gorgeous, but are often lacking in service and attitude.  

I am pretty sure we have educated Mr. Lester on this before. Sex workers (providers) provide a service that you are paying for, you are not purchasing a product. Sexual providers are a part of the service industry, they are not akin to entering a retail store and leaving with an item.  

What is a service industry?
A service industry is any business that provides or offers a service to the benefit of their customers or patrons. The service industry is incredibly diverse, covering a wide range of job sectors like communications, hospitality, banking,  education and more. A developed economy experiences high job activity in the service sector because of all the readily available job opportunities.

RespectfulRobert29 reads

For a guy like Lester, when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Yes, he confused a product with a service to be sure, but he also fails to understand the unique, intimate service that is p4p which makes it unlike ANY other service oriented business in the world.
He callously compares flesh and blood to brick and mortar. Education alone will not solve his warped world view of providers, sadly. Your post was well stated as per usual. I hope Lester can learn from it but excuse me for having my doubts.

As an alleged libertarian I suggest you reread von Mises "Human Action" if you think your service is some how morally or ethically superior to that of the store associated helping you check stock for your shoe size.

No Lester, not morally or ethically superior at all. That has got to be the most bizarre off topic comment I have ever seen in awhile. The OP asked a question about how to determine is a provider is "high end". I in turn posted what constitutes the service industry and how you could in turn do a more fair comparison of a sexual provider providing services as compared to other services industries that may be considered higher end and how you could compare and contract those two. Also this has zero to do with my political or philosophical life ideologies as a libertarian, yet here I am actually making a comment on this silly post.  
And no....selling someone shoes is not a service. There are of course service elements here, but the key would be if in the end someone leaves with a product.  
There is going to be overlap of course, but a little handy dandy reminder:  

leaves with no product but paid for a service: SERVICE INDUSTRY  
leaves with a product that was paid for: RETAIL INDUSTRY

I think the overlap is greater than some may think. I get what you’re saying in how you distinguish the two. However, I would argue the service can significantly impact the product in retail. If you like the service, you are more likely to come back to that store and look for that person. If not, you may go elsewhere to get the same thing. A salesperson who understands their role in providing a service will sell more. These aspects are very similar in the service industry. You are more likely to return to service you like. Less likely if you don’t like it. The providers performance directly impacts her demand. Demand can also directly impact her rate. Many providers raise their rates because they are so in demand. In essence, if a provider raised her rate because she is so in demand because her service is so good, she’s the exact definition on what high end should be.

She's just being argumentative.  Of course a store associate is providing a service.  For instance, she could go to a store and have the assistant help her try on several shoes.  Then she decides she didn't really like any of them and leave the store without making a purchase.  According to her logic, since she didn't actually walk out of the store with a product, the assistant's action didn't exist.   We know they did, the assistant provided a service (that went unpaid, actually.)
I don't go into high end stores, but is the service level really more friendly and helpful than most any other store?  I mean the snob customers are probably self-entitled and rude.  I'd hate to have to work there.  

OK....you are actually getting on track here with the point I was trying to make!! No, I am not being argumentative. But yes, I am 100% a stickler for the actual meaning of words.  
I also seldom go into high end stores (grocery = ALDI and basic clothes and household = Target or Kohls) but I do love Coach shoes and purses and Trina Turk dresses (not super high end, but high end for me!!) so I will visit the stores whenever I see them. Is the service better? No, but I live in the midwest so pretty much everyone is nice here. Are the products higher quality? Yes.  
A better example would be when you get your hair cut. I have gone to higher end salons and paid $200+ for a basic cut and dye. There is a gal I found that does it out of her house for $80. She has a coffee machine and bottled water but it of course is not as fancy as the expensive salon. There are people that want all of the bells and whistles of the $200 visit so for them it is worth it. There is of course the psychological perception people have as to what others will "think of them" if they go with the lower cost hair cut vs. the higher cost. This is often the reason someone will spurge for something they believe is "high end." Even if the service is actually identical they will perceive as well as want other to perceive they received something much better than someone who spent less.

the latest "designer" accessories they sell in Wisconsin are from three or four seasons ago, right?  

Is it your opinion that all of this  penny-pinching you describe makes you a more attractive option for customers than women charging more than you do because they might be getting their hair cut in a salon rather than a trailer?  I don't see how this would motivate business in your direction.  You should learn to "read the room" before you get carried away like this.  

I see you still enjoy trolling Scarlet for a life style and honesty that does not have her nose turned up at her clients and seems to be more then real and honest. I would also guess that well more then half the thousand and dollar plus providers are more comfortable in a setting with beer and burgers then caviar and cognac when on their dime. Of course I out with “THE CDL “ will gladly let him entertain in the royal manor.
Excuse me he mostly sees the high volume Aldi/ Target K dolls.
 That being said nothing wrong with beauty, sensuality, and affordability.

not turning her nose up at her clients.  When you're living in the "projects" of Providerland, you need to keep all of the clients you can get.  Plus, you missed the point . . . . . she doesn't HAVE to take premium care of herself because the level of clients she gets are not expecting a $1000 a night supermodel.  They are expecting a country bumpkin, and she delivers.  

Ha ha ha. . . . .  You have just exposed yourself as being completely ignorant of the Kgirl scene.  The top Kgirls I know have closets full of designer shit, and they don't pay for any of it.  Their adoring regulars think nothing of gifting a $3000 purse or $4000 designer shoes.   This result comes from the consistency of their services, and their work ethic.  Whatever is on the menu, is on the menu for everyone , with the only exceptions being gross-out issues, like gum disease or an STI, and the service is always delivered with enthusiasm and good attitude.   Kgirls don't discriminate against fat or obese guys like Scarlet does.  Great service and reasonable price = Kgirl.  Ask anyone who sees them.  

The laws in most states treat goods and services the same when it comes to the rights of the seller and buyer.  MissScarlett is  making shit up again.

The rights of the buyer and seller???  Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. Please explain. Are you on the right thread? I would like to know what shit I am making up.....also my name is with one "T" not two.

Scarlet, I don't give a damn.    

-R. Butler  

FlaNoName34 reads

YES, you do!   If you didn't, you wouldn't inundate us with your drivel and engage in the manner you do.  And for one who has criticized so many about their spelling and grammar, too bad you don't live up to your own standard.

FlaNoName30 reads

I knew it... you do care!  I'm so touched.  Thank You!

Sorry you’ve had to stoop to alias bashing like Her Majesty.

It's from the movie Gone With the Wind. Rhett Butler says to Scarlet O'Hara, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." As he walks away forever.

MTV.  Lol   He clearly lacks sophistication and probably uses the alias so we don't find out he's not really a monger, just a poor-ass board jockey.  There are more alias posters lately who have little to no experience in P4P, and it's revealed in their posts because they don't have anything to share from their own experience in the way of helpful content or tips about navigating this business.   "Anyone can join, and it's FREE!!!!!"

Right??? You are obviously the most sophisticated person that posts here. And everyone knows that it is super complex to pay someone to suck your dick, and the fact that ANYONE thinks they can just contact a sex worker without any experience at all and pay them to do this just by following the directions on their website is quite infuriating. And the fact that anyone, as in ANYONE, can create an account and post on this board is nonsense. I personally think we should put an end to this because at this point the thousands and thousands of people that post here everyday really dumbs down the validity and necessity of this website. THANK YOU again, as always, for pointing out the obvious!!!  

from someone who is an unsophisticated small-town girl.  If you moved to NY or LA, you would die a quick and speedy death as a provider for multiple reasons.   That may be why you are stuck at a $400 price-point while other providers here charge much more because they understand it's not just a suck and a fuck for most guys, it's an experience on multiple levels.  Personality and joie de vivre count for a lot.  If the suck/fuck is all they want, they do get a LITTLE better price from streetwalkers, although I heard that everybody gets the full menu that others get with you.  Nevertheless, it's nice to know your take on this biz.  It explains the second-tier review scores, which were undoubtedly written under pressure from some reviewers.   Lol

420Smoka4Eva25 reads

Dude you're going to sit here and crap all over this woman and her price point when your review history is filled with K-Girls charging $300/hour. You literally scrape the bottom of the barrel. Get a grip on yourself. You drink Miller High Life's but act like you're drinking Dom Perignon. I know its called the "Champagne of Beers" but that is mostly a joke.

I felt sorry for you so I gave your post a like.  :)
Have a good night!!  

OlympicGold29 reads

She seems like a troll, I’d suggest you ignore her

HEIDEN36 reads

Spot on Lester. End of discussion

a term used by providers to justify their high rates, and by clients to justify paying those high rates.

Yet another pointless, repeated topic by the OP.

AllTheTimeBaby31 reads

Hi eastside70,

Dang, you got that right!  

Bottom line: With some research, you can find amazing escorts for $400 an hour.

I am a "regular" with 4-5 of these outstanding women, and won't be leaving soon.

I treat these women with great respect and tip generously.  

Sorry, no need for "High End" here!

I have provided More then just sex and did not get as much as  these other females. Therefore it's more then what you provide. Your looks also have a lot to do with it. 80% to 90%  LOOKS and  10% to 20% OF WHAT  YOU PROVIDE. That's a fact !!!!!  

You make a fair point. A provider that looks like a model, can charge more and still not deliver on service and get away with it, because clients often foscus first on looks. But it can't happen the other way around. If you are average or below in looks, you will be hard pressed trying to pull off high rates because of exceptional service.

However, the model looking provider who provides average or below service and charges a high rate will have a hard time getting repeat customers. There are enough ones who look as good that charge less and provide better service.

My sessions are almost always one hour, so a high end provider is one who leaves me wanting to return for more again and again after each one hour session!  What factors work into the equation? Beauty, sexuality, experience, mutual attraction, setting and personalities! As a one shot guy, I find an hour to be ample time for plenty of foreplay, lots of intercourse, a thrilling finish and a little warm down!  For me, 15 minutes of “get-acquainted” time feels more like a delay tactic than an upscale provider game plan!  All of my upscale favs have upgraded sexy wardrobes to jumpstart the attraction! World class bbbj - a must! CIM- a must! Sexy talk and compliments a must! All of these providers have convinced me a am a sexy talented lover, AND they love my cock! They also let me go long and deep with daty! We move effortlessly from position to position and from bench to couch to bed! The apartment must be clean but doesn’t have to be luxurious!  Many of my favorite upscale providers do have more spots than just a bed for sex! Is price a factor? It certainly prevents me from seeing many girls on the high side. It also may limit my repeats on the high side. However I have not found that higher price ensures a more upscale experience overall.  In some cases you may get a more attractive provider if you pay a higher price, but there are plenty of upscale providers at a lower price, in my opinion!

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