TER General Board

Question for providers
Goldstrike 3798 reads

I am posting under my alias in hopes of eliciting responses from providers I have seen and also fellow hobbyists who know me but might spare my feelings if I posted under my real handle.

Many hobbyists have different fantasies when they see providers and they range from BDSM to PSE to GFE. With that in mind, is it out of line for my fantasy to be about a provider role-playing a honeymoon type scenario? I am a longtime married hobbyist who has no intimacy within my marriage, and that type of mellow and electric sex is what I miss and crave. What I would like to find out is if this is out of line with the majority of people here, and if you think my fantasy is something that should not be pursued within the hobby. Bear in mind I am speaking about a sexual fantasy, not a situation where authenticity should exist, it is just an act of intimacy.
 I have seen some providers who are only too happy to give me this fantasy, some are very famous providers.
If anyone thinks I am asking for too much, please let me know.
 Thanks for any help or advice

does that mean you want to be  hit by a tazer gun when you climax:"electric sex"

followme3055 reads


Plug me in ! ! !

Thank you

"I have seen some providers who are only too happy to give me this fantasy, some are very famous providers."

See them.  They obviously don't think it is too much to ask, and neither do I, if you communicate well with them.

mmmmmm hot tub etc? sounds like a great fantasy if you ask me.

Hedonist:)2617 reads

Not only did you answer your own question but for all here, if a hobbyist has a fantasy and he discusses it wit hthe provider beforehand and she says let's do it regardless of the fantasy then it is a safe bet she has done it before or has the same fantasy to try it.

Go for it and enjoy the results.

suggestion is not to try to discuss such with a lady you have not seen in past. Good way to get door closed in your face before you reach it.

How funny that this came up... I just recently was at one of my favorite places...a dollar store and they had a bridal section.  So I picked up a veil, a garter, and a couple other things figuring they might come in handy some day for some role playing.  So there's my answer...Sounds like fun... plus I have never had a honeymoon. Might never... So you ever get to san diego.. maybe you could look me up... Have fun.  

-- Modified on 5/1/2005 6:06:15 PM

Especially when you consider that the majority of married hobbyists hobby due to
lack of enthusiam or participation in some cases I would think that was the basis for wanting the GFE provider in the first place not strange at all actually logical.

...and providers are great to help act them out.

A few years ago, with my now retired favorite, I wanted to walk into the room, and have her dressed in sexy lingerie.  Nothing was to be said throughout the whole sex act, kind of like two anonymous people just screwing without any care about emotional and thinking issues.  Just two people..

I was alot of fun for both of us.  Of course it would never happen with a new provider, because you need that "connection" first.

Are you guys gonna register anywhere?

You know, just in case the rest of us wanna send a gift.    :)

Goldstrike2814 reads

Thanks everyone for your input and insights. I learned that I will need to word my posts more carefully and also that I was not in the wrong on my fantasy.

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