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One day I will learn how to spell (eom)
HotForPros 91 Reviews 2894 reads


And it says a few things about us, and BTW I voted #2

Hard to say.  My gut reaction is to say #2 as well.  

I haven't fucked my best friends wife but have fucked the wife of a friend that I have known for over 20 years.  This situation is not something I solicited or ever thought of.  It involved a lot of alcohol and a strip club.  She is a Civi but I guess they both are open to others?  My impression at the time, as tainted as it may have been, was that it was OK since he left on his own.  The next day I wasn't so sure.  We have seen each other since like old friends but the subject was never brought up.

My problem arose when she said things that were inappropiate in a flattering way towards me and a bit less than flattering way towards my friend.  

This caused a feeling in me that friendships are worth more than a piece of ass.  

Now if we met in a provider client situation, I think I would be OK with it.  As long as the boundaries are kept.  My reservation comes with the pillow talk not the act.

-- Modified on 8/21/2005 8:07:56 PM

As for the Pole...  Reach down just a short ways south of your belly button.  That massive thing whacking the underside of the desk is your "pole"

If you have a 10 footer, you often become picky what you touch with it.

-- Modified on 8/22/2005 1:37:47 PM

The cardinals got together and just took a Pole.


Emperor Palpatine3281 reads

...but a notch on the bedpost lasts a life time.

You choose wisely, my young apprentice.

which presumably she's been to before.  So suddenly she knows your secret hobby.  Now it becomes a matter of finding out if your best friend knows what his wife does for a living!  And if he already knows where his wife is today and with whom.
If she wants to keep it a secret then you've both got one with built in restrictions to keep it from becoming an "affair of the heart".
If she doesn't keep it a secret then you've got to wonder if the cat is out of the bag or if you care.

Yup, I'd fuck her.

But my best friend is gay.  My next best friend is a woman.  So I'm talking about the closest friend I have with a wife...she's cute but I'm sure she won't rim me.

Bizzaro Superdude2363 reads

I elect to run, after all - who really is with Lex Leuthor?  or the other super villians - really?  now that louis lane - or even better lana lang.... now those would make great escorts... kinda like....   um, eh,   who am I thinking of ......

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