TER General Board

Okay F-F-F. lol. e.
hbyist+truth=;( 259 reads


Hobbyists and providers. What's ur preference?  

Don't be coy in ur answers

Haven't u seen lesbian porn? There's always a scissoring part lol. That's when I change the channel lol.  

I knew that was gonna make u chuckle ๐Ÿ˜„โœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธ

All those long ass fingernails...yeah I don't think so.

I am still fucking laughing.  

Reminds me of a threesome I had with two athletes...oh that was amazing, they were a married couple and I was the third. Must look them up again......

It's the "-" and "/"s that are confusing me. I count more than 3 people in the group so the only thing I can think of is the "role" that the TS takes? But I'm really not sure. I wish there were notes or pictures for us dummies. For example, I can understand M-M-TS(F) or F-F-TS(M), but I get lost with all the - & /s when there is no continuity of use. Ooh ...flow charts are good too ๐Ÿ˜Ž

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 2:32:14 PM

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 2:34:06 PM

Meaning : male - (female or ts) - male  

Or (female or ts) - male - (female or ts)

It's a threesome question. But since I'm a ts. I'm including myself as girl in the threesome. Doesn't mean that by choosing either you will be trans friendly or not. GeeZ people are taking my innocent question with the typical level of transhpobia

No transphobia I really didn't understandโ€ฆโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜ž

.....but I'm having trouble figuring out the guest list so I guess it doesn't really matter.

FatVern256 reads

I'll be sure to fill up on pussy before I arrive, that way you can still eat all you want and wont have to share.

Afro-desiac234 reads

You silver-tongued devil, I'll bet Lopaw just can't wait to have you slobber all over her lil' va-jay-jay.
Don't hold your breath.  On second thought!

I heard Lopaw say,
Ain't enough alcohol in the world ...  

Posted By: Afro-desiac
You silver-tongued devil, I'll bet Lopaw just can't wait to have you slobber all over her lil' va-jay-jay.  
 Don't hold your breath.  On second thought!

Maybe he hes not found the right guy yet. Lesbians hear "the right guy" shit over and over and there is no right guy, like there is no right guy for a heterosexual male. That kind of comment is asinine and juvenile and completely ignorant.

You're saying it's supposed to be a threesome question, but the first option looks like a fivesome and the the second option looks like a sevensome.  So I'm going to attempt to answer your question by assuming hypothetical threesome scenarios.  Me and 2 girly girls = kosher.  Me, a girly girl, and another man = kosher (as long as the swords don't cross).  Me, a TS, and another man =fuck no; I'm not interested in fucking a man, and have no wish to put myself in a situation where I might be perceived as bisexual, and expected to perform that way.  Me, a girly girl and a TS = kosher.  I picture a "choo choo train" where I'm giving it to the girly girl doggy style, while getting it from the TS, doggy style.

Kosher threesomes? I can't picture Rabbi say "sure"!

Posted By: vantheman666
You're saying it's supposed to be a threesome question, but the first option looks like a fivesome and the the second option looks like a sevensome.  So I'm going to attempt to answer your question by assuming hypothetical threesome scenarios.  Me and 2 girly girls = kosher.  Me, a girly girl, and another man = kosher (as long as the swords don't cross).  Me, a TS, and another man =fuck no; I'm not interested in fucking a man, and have no wish to put myself in a situation where I might be perceived as bisexual, and expected to perform that way.  Me, a girly girl and a TS = kosher.  I picture a "choo choo train" where I'm giving it to the girly girl doggy style, while getting it from the TS, doggy style.

Posted By: TS Sasha
Hobbyists and providers. What's ur preference?  
 Don't be coy in ur answers.  

I am yet to do F-M-F , F-M-TS

threesome can be fun, but it is never as intimate as one-on-one sessions  and chemistry and dynamics can be awkward sometimes...

often fantasy of certain action is hotter than the reality

I've done three FMF threesomes in P4P. One was great, one was OK, and one was terrible. So ya never know. I still like them tho.  

Posted By: octavia.lexa
I am yet to do F-M-F , F-M-TS  
 threesome can be fun, but it is never as intimate as one-on-one sessions  and chemistry and dynamics can be awkward sometimes...  
 often fantasy of certain action is hotter than the reality

Skyfyre236 reads

I just love watching MFM double penetration action in porn. IMO nothing is more erotic and exciting than that.

Unfortunately I'm not sure if I would indulge given the chance. The thought of crossing sword with another dude just seem kinda awkward and uncomfortable to me

I never do TS so that's not on (my) table
FMF for me

M-F-M under the right circumstances (no crossing swords as its been said)
Group - again under the right circumstances (preferring F out numbers M)

MFF is the only multiple partner arrangement that I have ever participated, and I cannot imagine ever wanting to add another M to the equation.

Skyfyre219 reads

Yep I would love to do a F-M-F action with me being sandwiched in between but only in civie action or I don't have to pay for it.

IMO if I have to pay for it it's just not worth it. Very, very inefficient use of money.

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