TER General Board

Of course it's not fair, but this is as useless as arguing about bbfs...it is going to happen!
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 335 reads

And stop dodging the issues. You claim you "know" other girls with only real reviews and I call bs! THere is no way for you to "know" anything other than them telling you, which is naive. Women LIE...duh. I did not ask you how you knew about women having fake reviews...I asked you how you knew other women did NOT. Can't answer it, because you don't know.

serpius2738 reads


... Your Fake Reviews Up?

I have read 2 providers that have admitted they have kept their fake reviews up on TER.

So, my question is:

Why? Why keep those fake reviews up?

Obviously, it's against TER rules and you can be banned for keeping those fake reviews up. Why not come clean with TER and let your guilty conscience go free. Possibly, the worst thing that TER will do is slap your hand and tell you not to do it again.


I have read where a provider knew she has a fake or two, but since they were good, she decided to leave them alone.  That would seem to be the only reason to keep them that makes any sense.  Not all providers take the time to read their reviews, and may not even be aware of a fake review.  Remember, some guys do not give out their TER handle, so she may have no way of knowing if a fake one pops up.

TER is not going to know about a fake review unless someone submits a problem report outing it.  Then there is the challenge of proving it's a fake.  With admin moderating all the posts on all the forums and approving reviews, it seems to me that ferreting out a few fake reviews is not really worth the time and effort it would entail.  The only thing TER is losing is a few free VIP days.


after the provider requests it.  This is true even for good fake reviews.

One gal got in TER's face about it and she got banned.  (She is the excitable type, if you know what I mean.)

So if some gals decide to not rock the boat, I understand perfectly.

Don't misunderstand that I am saying that fake reviews are fine, no problem. I have no love for guys trying to scam free VIP time, shill reviews, or fake bad reviews trying to harm a girl for personal reasons.

But what if they are accurate? Personally, I don't read the reviews for the "juicy details". I don't care how many times you super-studs made her cum, how great you were in the sack, or how many times she told you that you were the best she ever had. All I want to know is if she is really as pretty as her pictures, whether or not she is relaxed, friendly, and affectionate, and specifically what services she provides. All the things I cannot ask her on the phone - "will you suck my cock without a condom", "do you offer anal sex", "do I get multiple shots on goal". etc, etc. So if the "fake" review accurately portays all these things, what do I care?


serpius336 reads

Hey Clarence,

Ok, what IF the fake review does NOT accurately describe the provider in question.

Then what? Is that fair to all of the providers who have worked hard for their reviews and NOT have one single fake review?

I don't think so.


Posted By: clarence37
Don't misunderstand that I am saying that fake reviews are fine, no problem. I have no love for guys trying to scam free VIP time, shill reviews, or fake bad reviews trying to harm a girl for personal reasons.

But what if they are accurate? Personally, I don't read the reviews for the "juicy details". I don't care how many times you super-studs made her cum, how great you were in the sack, or how many times she told you that you were the best she ever had. All I want to know is if she is really as pretty as her pictures, whether or not she is relaxed, friendly, and affectionate, and specifically what services she provides. All the things I cannot ask her on the phone - "will you suck my cock without a condom", "do you offer anal sex", "do I get multiple shots on goal". etc, etc. So if the "fake" review accurately portays all these things, what do I care?


IMHO ... fake reviews are like counterfeits. It devalues the real one and the site.

serpius244 reads


Very well said!



Posted By: mocha272
IMHO ... fake reviews are like counterfeits. It devalues the real one and the site.

HookerCops384 reads

Hello Mensa

Providers don't decide if a review stays up or not, admin does. Providers can't take a "fake" review down, admin does.

Providers are not responsible for closely monitoring their own reviews and alerting admin every time some random guy writes a fake review to get his free 15 days of VIP. They are not TER employees. They may do so if they wish, but they are under no obligation to do so. Lots of providers don't use or care about TER, and don't even read their reviews or know they exist. Providers ARE banned for posting fake reviews about themselves using the same IP address. If they are smart enough to use a different location or ISP, they will never be caught unless they confess.

Why do they let them stay up? It's not rocket science. Fake reviewers usually give very good scores so the lady has no incentive to dispute it. Why get in a back and forth debate with admin to dispute a review with nothing to gain from it? If they wrote it themselves then ... duhhh!!! I wonder.

Now go get me a spicy chicken sandwich and large fries. I'll pay you when you get back ... you trust me to pay after right?


While you are literally right about admin controlling what happens to a review, they can be lobbied by a provider quite effectively.  In my case, I gave a well-known gal a 7/7 when she usually got 8s and 9s.  Nice gal, we just didn't click.  She asked me to have it removed.  Admin said "no," once approved the reviews are TER property.  So she went to Admin and told them the date never happened and they took it down.  A lie.  I guarantee you Admin knew it was a lie, because if they believed her they would/should have banned me for posting a fake review.  But all my other reviews stayed up.  This is how girls "manage" their numerical scores.
Another time I was reading a review of my ATF and I see it's lifted word for word from a review I wrote on another site.  I contacted her and she said she didn't want a fake review and I should get TER to take it down.  They did, and that handle was never seen again.
In other words, shit happens.

HookerCops223 reads

Yes, I know all about how providers claim real reviews are fake. I have experienced the same exact scenario you described. I didn't bother to forward my emails to prove the meeting happened because the continued drama wasn't worth it to me. How far would the provider go next to discredit me? However, that has nothing to do with the OP or my response. He is talking about fake reviews.

Also, I'm positive some ladies do report fake reviews even when they are "good" ones. I never said they didn't. I did say they are under no obligation to do so, and therefore won't be banned for not doing so.

It is a crap shoot. If TER pulled every bad review a girl said was fake, there would never be any. I would imagine they have a hard time trying to keep up with that. I have noticed that a veteran reviewer's word stands more than a newbie. If I get a bad review from a guy who only has one or two reviews and just joined, they are more likely to pull it...hardcore hobbyists, not so much.

I just got a fake on another board and I firmly believe the only reason he did not try that here is because TER has his IP address and would know right off who it was. It was so vague, it was hilarious. He did not describe one thing about me because he is not a paying member of TER or any other board so he can't even see the damn juicy details. Just made some statements that were off the wall and what's really comical is he must not have known I just had new pics taken over the past three weeks ha ha.

The only time in my life I have ever weighed 130 was over a year ago when I was still in grad school, but my ads and website always noted that change. Had he written it then, I would have said sure thing, but he claimed to have seen me at the end of April after I had dropped 15 lbs and just posted new pictures ha ha.

Add to that I had just gotten 10 reviews from guys in Ohio at that same time, so I am quite sure they would have mentioned something. I mean lets get real here...all I had were refs from these guys and nothing else...not even a first name, so if anyone had the chance to say something it would have been them.

He claimed to have seen me at my "incall" (singular) in New Orleans, but I have not seen a "new" client in nola in over a year...at least not one that I had not been exchanging serious emails with and would recognize.  He did not even give a general location of where he saw me or any other details about my body, face, etc. because he is too cheap to pay for access that would have clued him in.

I know exactly who it is, and why but fk it. No one ever looks at that site anyway, which is why he did not think it would be caught. All the guys I have seen from there are regulars anyway...have not had a "new" client from there in over 2 years.  So you see, it's not always easy to have reviews pulled unless they are positive which I have done, and been called stupid for.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 1:55:19 PM

just pointing out there are numerous iterations and nuances to this subject.

for you to come back now and complain about it after you acquiesced to having it removed is wrong.  

Here's the procedure for disputing a fake review:

Girl gets new review she thinks is fake.
Girl tells TER it's fake.
TER tells girl to contact reviewer to be "reminded" of the session
If reviewer doesn't respond to girl's request, review gets pulled
If reviewer responds to girl's request with evidence of a real meeting, then review stands

It's really not rocket science.

If you write a review, stand by it.  If you don't stand by it, then you're part of the problem you're complaining about.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 11:40:38 AM

serpius355 reads


Thank you for clarifying this!


Posted By: natashalynne
for you to come back now and complain about it after you acquiesced to having it removed is wrong.  

Here's the procedure for disputing a fake review:

Girl gets new review she thinks is fake.
Girl tells TER it's fake.
TER tells girl to contact reviewer to be "reminded" of the session
If reviewer doesn't respond to girl's request, review gets pulled
If reviewer responds to girl's request with evidence of a real meeting, then review stands

It's really not rocket science.

If you write a review, stand by it.  If you don't stand by it, then you're part of the problem you're complaining about.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 11:40:38 AM

make them keep lies up. If your review was honest, it should stand. Most guys don't want to go through a public humiliation like one on the Ohio board had to go through, so they just have them pulled. He stood his ground and all the white knights who never even met this woman bashed him. Funny thing is he has about 6 years of reviews.

But I am sympathetic to the guys' complaints that some providers cajole / bribe / threaten / blackmail for better reviews.  It pisses me off that other girls do this - their inflated reviews "cheapen" mine, all of which I received honestly, without any conversation with the reviewers about them.  And it amazes me when I see girls admit to pressuring the guys -- somehow they really do think it's okay.

Nonetheless, just because an issue is complicated or messy doesn't mean that taking the easy way out is the right thing to do.  I will agree that it is unfortunate that the stakes are so high, and that we all have so much to lose if someone else is a drama queen / king.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 12:44:48 PM

Blacklist sites like NBL love to destroy guys, they even brag about the damage they can cause in their you can't get it removed unless you can prove beyond any doubt that it didn't happen page. Some sights even out there family. It is hard to stand your ground when it can cost you half of what you own, your kids, your wife, and your job. I understand why guy cave. I am ashamed to admit I did once. Some ladies are evil, plan and simple. What is worse they often manage to use the very tools designed to protect guys from hoes like that to lure us in.

HookerCops300 reads

... that are claimed to be fake, I'll explain why I didn't bother. First, it's just not worth the effort to me ... I don't care enough to keep arguing with a provider and/or admin whether or not the review is real or fake. It's not like whether a provider is fatter or older then her pics REALLY matters in life. I have to partially take the blame for not doing enough back channel research in that instance.

Second, she has my real name and TER handle. If she's willing to go to enough trouble to lie to admin and then fight with me over its validity, I have to assume she's willing to go alittle extra and throw my info up on some blacklist sites. Why take the chance?

real info. to use against you. It makes it harder to screen when they manipulate others. In your situation, I would probably have done just what you did. I mean if all she has is your handle no love lost, but ruining your marriage or job over some nutcase is not too smart....agreed.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 12:50:18 PM

There is some corruption inherent in the review process.  That isn't going to change no matter who complains.  So the key is to do your homework, which in this case means relying on reviews done by people with credibility, and back-channeling.

Perhaps I should have made it clear that it was only my supposition the gal in question told Admin the date never happened.  All the Review Gods said was "Your review is not verifiable."  I put 2 and 2 together.  Had I gone back to Admin, it would have accomplished nothing.  She's a well-reviewed provider with dozens of reviews.  At the time, I was a Newbie with 4 reviews.  What do you think would have happened?  I don't know about you gals, but I've got better things to do with my time then pound sand like that.

serpius261 reads


Just like I responded to Clarence...

Is it FAIR to the providers who have worked hard to get good legit reviews and NOT have one single review?

I don't think so.

It doesn't matter whether the fake review was self-written or not, it's still a FAKE review. The scores will be tilted in a favorable light to the provider and that's not fair to the providers who do not have any fake reviews.


Posted By: HookerCops
Hello Mensa

Providers don't decide if a review stays up or not, admin does. Providers can't take a "fake" review down, admin does.

Providers are not responsible for closely monitoring their own reviews and alerting admin every time some random guy writes a fake review to get his free 15 days of VIP. They are not TER employees. They may do so if they wish, but they are under no obligation to do so. Lots of providers don't use or care about TER, and don't even read their reviews or know they exist. Providers ARE banned for posting fake reviews about themselves using the same IP address. If they are smart enough to use a different location or ISP, they will never be caught unless they confess.

Why do they let them stay up? It's not rocket science. Fake reviewers usually give very good scores so the lady has no incentive to dispute it. Why get in a back and forth debate with admin to dispute a review with nothing to gain from it? If they wrote it themselves then ... duhhh!!! I wonder.

Now go get me a spicy chicken sandwich and large fries. I'll pay you when you get back ... you trust me to pay after right?


serpius376 reads


The providers freely gave that information in the forums.

In fact, you freely admitted in the forums to having fake reviews --- good or not.

Do a search! You'll find them.


Posted By: London Rayne

I am not going to yell at Admin. about a couple of obvious fake reviews, but they were both reported. Keep in mind this was in 2009, so if they have not pulled them they have their reasons. I have enough honest reviews not to keep hounding them. Your argument does not hold water either. If girls have bad fake reviews up, that in no way affects those "honest" providers you claim to not have any lol. If they were good fakes, yes, that would be unfair but you are naive to assume this is not a common thing...it is, and there is not much we can do about it. You think I don't want to report reviews I know are fake from ladies I know are 10 years older than what they claim? Sure I do, but it's none of my business.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 11:17:51 AM

HookerCops259 reads

We are on a fuck board discussing an illegal activity with no set of rules or code of conduct. IF a provider wants to monitor her reviews and try to get every fake one that pops up removed, good for her. As you can see from the many responses from the ladies, that's a futile effort anyway.

IF a provider doesn't care enough to bother, good for her. She has no obligation to spend her personal time arguing with hobbyists and admin about reviews she had nothing to do with in the first place.

YOU are obviously confused on how a provider's profile works. A provider doesn't create it, it is created by her first reviewer. She could have 1000 reviews on TER and never once have logged onto this site or even know it exists. She also might know of their existence and just not care. She might look at her reviews once every 6 months. YOU don't get to tell the ladies how to run their business, if or how to monitor their reviews, or spend their free time.

I find a post about integrity from a guy who advocates meeting at Wendy's so he can bolt, and withholding the donation until the end so he can take some back if he isn't satisfied to be laughable.

(((I find a post about integrity from a guy who advocates meeting at Wendy's so he can bolt, and withholding the donation until the end so he can take some back if he isn't satisfied to be laughable))).

He has a hard time buying some women do on purpose not to read what is written about them, but he will believe every provider who tells him she has never had a fake or inflated review lol. How would he know...because she told him? I am sure they also told him how attractive he was and how great he was in bed bwahahahah. Um ok because hookers are honest with everyone they see lol. Irony.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 1:21:29 PM

that every gal that I've seen has told me the same thing!!

"You're the best"

Now...what do you think about that tootsie?  Every stinking one of them said the same exact thing to me.  That can't be coincidence, can it?

Ironically they all said that as they were looking at my gift...hmmm

Posted By: ChgoCPA
that every gal that I've seen has told me the same thing!!

"You're the best"

Now...what do you think about that tootsie?  Every stinking one of them said the same exact thing to me.  That can't be coincidence, can it?

Ironically they all said that as they were looking at my gift...hmmm

serpius292 reads


If you want to waste your money on a provider that likes to lie about her performances, then go for it. You'll regret it.

I know how TER works in regards to the provider reviews. The provider does make up her own profile, not the hobbyist. You are referring to the wrong feature.

Why you bother responding to my posts if you don't like it? Skip over mine and answer the ones that you do like.

The fact that you keep bringing up old stuff tells me that you lack any sense of debate, therefore, you resort to attacking me.

I don't need you telling me what I can or cannot do in regards on how the payment arrangements between the provider and I are made in ADVANCE. If you don't like it... skip my posts and move on.


Posted By: HookerCops
We are on a fuck board discussing an illegal activity with no set of rules or code of conduct. IF a provider wants to monitor her reviews and try to get every fake one that pops up removed, good for her. As you can see from the many responses from the ladies, that's a futile effort anyway.

IF a provider doesn't care enough to bother, good for her. She has no obligation to spend her personal time arguing with hobbyists and admin about reviews she had nothing to do with in the first place.

YOU are obviously confused on how a provider's profile works. A provider doesn't create it, it is created by her first reviewer. She could have 1000 reviews on TER and never once have logged onto this site or even know it exists. She also might know of their existence and just not care. She might look at her reviews once every 6 months. YOU don't get to tell the ladies how to run their business, if or how to monitor their reviews, or spend their free time.

I find a post about integrity from a guy who advocates meeting at Wendy's so he can bolt, and withholding the donation until the end so he can take some back if he isn't satisfied to be laughable.

HookerCops260 reads

The provider does NOT make up her review profile. She can have her account/username linked to her review profile once the first hobbyist writes a review. Then she can adjust things on her profile from there by asking admin to change them. However, many ladies don't care or know about TER and they never have their account (if they even have one) linked to their reviews. Some ladies might get linked but not monitor it. How hard is this to understand?

How will I ever regret it? Once again, the provider didn't lie about her performance, some douche bag hobbyist did. I look for reviews from experienced hobbyists and then exchange PM's with them. If I see some random review from some retard (edited by admin), I just ignore it.

Where's that spicy chicken sandwich I ordered?

As I was their first reviewer. Ladies can fill out problem reports to fix it (as can anyone else) but they do not write it. Until they are reviewed they have no profile, Why? Because her clients have not written it. Most providers that have reviews here are not even members. If they are members and have their reviews linked "Send Private Mail To Provider" button, if not they are not likely even member yet still have a profile. Below is two profiles to show you haw you can tell if they are even members here.

Anna / AnnaUtah is not a member yet has a profile:

China is a member but did not have a membership until I showed her TER she rarely ever logged on:

Ladies don't write profiles here we do.

HookerCops295 reads

Spicius Chickenus Sandwichius knows all!!!

removed, i after months of repeadedly politely asking the poster if they can just jog my memopry,no answr and alot things , were clearly lies mainly about my place,,,,,,,,,,,,believe it or not at the time i just had mattress n boxspring ,,,,no bed frame just yet,,,,,,{ i nought a nice one at jordans outlet few months ago creme leather , merlot trim gorgeous!}
so it said I grabbed onto head board. during session , I actually didnt get it removed after asking alot, it also said i gave them best covered bj ever. my last cbj was last summer n it got revioewed and I was actually attempting to go to cbj for a ltr s request i d goptten well too close too thats another whole story well  put in a box and bury in the sand til our next life time! but it was areview stating cbj,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I with out doubt i know some do great doiung cbj but zi did notice less business i decided well i have no issue with it. and decided to do bbj from that review on , which was well last summer,,,,,,,so then this review comes up score was ok n all nothin bad,,but the part bout grabin the head board,,,,,,,,,, i finally kept messaging admin, and also asked if  a client would also opm on my behalf to confirm for me i did not have a bed frame til two months ago. that was well just them havin to go on my word, that i dont care about strange details in real revies long as they are real n were here, I also mentioned how i know i have a review mentioning my neck hurting n me not doing so well second hour of date,,,,,,,,,,,,i brought up how i never mentioned this was fake ,,, i am bby no means tryn to have bad review taken down, my concern was theyd feel its some one tryn togn et a bad review taken down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all together i have had 3 fake reviews, and all 3 got removed, ine was very hard to have down, it was an 88 review, good review, but even furniture details were wrond, it can be alot work months of constant tryoing! i had on this one about grabn the head board on the non existant bed! i didnt have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and i got it down after months of all diofferent attempts, so alot girls prob just are like whatev after omin the alias and emailin admin after 3 or 4 attempts n tthey cant get luck they prob give up,,,,,,, i was furios , fuming, over it for months, mainly the part statin i was doin cbj, annoy3d me cuz i avnt attempted to make swithc to cbl since over year agio when with the ltr who was getn upset i would have "bare oenises in my mouth,} he was mad at me over , well being me,,,,,,,,,,,1 so the cbj detail is what annoyed me , i wamt to make sure guys know the bare dick will be engulfed in my mouth ok,damit, those fake reviewsers.    so yes its a hufe ordeal to have taken down, the other two the aliases agreed to request to take down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so i dont know , i know i got upset, and i hear alot them get annoyed,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i think its defiently a major issue in the other wise great system set up.................................a minor glitch in the whole review process, is yes the issue at hand of the fake revies for vip, i was think grls can have certain item in house that ter knows that the alias woll have to confirm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to prove they were there, like a giant pink teddy bear or sumthin theyd remeber they can also hav a hotel,   or vase of roses something, that can be used to confirm a alias came there, my other fake reviewser aklso couldnt andswer bwith any detail oin my place n also agreed to request to take down, which i appreciated,,,,,,,,,,,i been doin less appt n gettn better reviews spacin appts out..........review score went up, but i make less, but i of course when your monitoring your perfformance and reviews and really hasppoy to be doin well then a guy comes along and writes a fake or mean, one, one guy was writin a fake one givn me a 6 and sayn he was grossed out by my tattoo on my back i paid 6 grand for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at a reknowned shop in manhattan paul booths, when i dnt hide my ink in ads or site, it was mean,

they rarely log onto TER, remember the hobby world doesn't begin or end with TER. They have repeat clients, their phone rings regularly, emails come in daily.

serpius241 reads


If that's true for those providers who don't read their reviews, then why bother having an account on TER or any other review board for that matter?

I always ask a provider if she wants me to review her. I ask first out of respect for the provider.


Posted By: hiddenhills
they rarely log onto TER, remember the hobby world doesn't begin or end with TER. They have repeat clients, their phone rings regularly, emails come in daily.

First many ladies don't know they have reviews here. I have met providers that didn't even know about TER.

Second, even if they do they don't bother with them or join the site. One lady said to me by not joining it gives her plausible deniability if ever ask by officer friendly. Some just don't care.

Third, even if they join the site they may only do so to advertise and let the reviews take care of themselves. That is why China joined and when her two ads did bring a single client she quit logging on..

Fourth, even if she reads her reviews, there is risk to appealing fakes. Ladies have been banned for that if they are too insistent or do it too often. So they may not want to take the risk by speaking up.

Fifth, Even if they report it TER may not listen. So the fakes stay.

and all of a sudden a guy reviews me and Tiffany Champagne lol. What a combo dude..yea right. Both in the same day with no other reviews and a new member. Had that happened here, both would have been pulled. What a shocker.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 10:54:10 AM

Exactly! The first 4 years of providing, I had no idea TER even existed, until I joined in 2009. I then discovered I had reviews... some from the first year or two have inaccurate details, to the point that I KNOW I did not see them, but by it being so many years later, have no way to dispute them.

Now, since I keep track, I know when a review pops up whether I have seen that person or not. If a provider receives a fake review, good or bad, it is up the the TER administration whether they will take it down or not... it's a process. Although, recently they have gotten much better at responding to requests such as these.

Posted By: hiddenhills
they rarely log onto TER, remember the hobby world doesn't begin or end with TER. They have repeat clients, their phone rings regularly, emails come in daily.

serpius270 reads


Nope, I'm not wrong...

I have READ where 2 providers have admitted that they have fake reviews. They NEVER bothered to have those fake reviews removed. I can give out names, but that's not the point of this post.

The point is: Is it fair to the providers who have worked hard to get good legit reviews and NOT have one single fake review as compared to providers who have fake reviews that falsely inflate their overall scores?

Nope, not fair.


Posted By: natashalynne

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 9:15:40 AM

they admitted it, to admin. Done deal. You honestly think women who have not admitted this don't also have bs reviews...dream on. Many women here live to be in the top 100, so good luck getting them to report a 10/10 review lol.

serpius307 reads


You're missing the point of the thread.

The question is:

Is it FAIR to the providers who have worked hard to get good legit reviews and NOT have one single fake review?

No, it's not fair to them. PERIOD.

You can justify all you want, it won't work.


Posted By: London Rayne
they admitted it, to admin. Done deal. You honestly think women who have not admitted this don't also have bs reviews...dream on. Many women here live to be in the top 100, so good luck getting them to report a 10/10 review lol.

And stop dodging the issues. You claim you "know" other girls with only real reviews and I call bs! THere is no way for you to "know" anything other than them telling you, which is naive. Women LIE...duh. I did not ask you how you knew about women having fake reviews...I asked you how you knew other women did NOT. Can't answer it, because you don't know.

serpius315 reads


All of my reviews of the ladies that I have on my review list all have good legit reviews... none of them have fake reviews.

Don't believe me? I don't care. But if you did... you'd be checking that out right now.

I am not dodging the issue. Re-read the original post. That is what I am focusing on.


Posted By: London Rayne
And stop dodging the issues. You claim you "know" other girls with only real reviews and I call bs! THere is no way for you to "know" anything other than them telling you, which is naive. Women LIE...duh. I did not ask you how you knew about women having fake reviews...I asked you how you knew other women did NOT. Can't answer it, because you don't know.

HookerCops259 reads

You never mentioned the word "fair" once. You asked why they leave them up. We have answered the question several times.

They don't know, don't care, or admin didn't do anything about it.

Your entire post is directed at the wrong party. The providers didn't write or ask for the fake reviews you are referring to, therefore it's not their responsibility to have them removed. Your anger at the situation should be directed at the guys writing the fake reviews.

serpius272 reads


Apparently, you are reading this whole post wrong.

If you can't figure out what is fair or not fair, then you do have some learning to do.

Apparently, you and London are sleeping in the same bed together. Enjoy each other's company.


Posted By: HookerCops
You never mentioned the word "fair" once. You asked why they leave them up. We have answered the question several times.

They don't know, don't care, or admin didn't do anything about it.

Your entire post is directed at the wrong party. The providers didn't write or ask for the fake reviews you are referring to, therefore it's not their responsibility to have them removed. Your anger at the situation should be directed at the guys writing the fake reviews.

otherwise every bad review would be a "fake" review.  This site is FULL of girls who have tried to get fake reviews - both good and bad - pulled to no avail.  Just because you know two girls who didn't try does NOT mean that they would succeed if they did try.  Maybe they understand that it's futile.

Do I think it's fair that other girls cry "fake" just because they don't like their review?  Nope - that pisses me off too.  I've never once put any pressure on any of my reviewers, and I think it's fundamentally unfair that others do.  But that's where the reviewers need to man up and stand their ground too.  If a reviewer disputes the providers claim of a fake review, all he needs to do is submit proof of the meeting - copies of emails, for example.  The guys above who said that they pulled their real reviews chose not to fight - the fact that they didn't man up doesn't mean others shouldn't.  THAT is how you make reviews more credible.

But these are two distinct issues.  What's relevant to your post is the fact that girls can't just randomly have their reviews pulled.  Period.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 11:31:36 AM


He has only 2 reviews both in the same time frame and nothing else. He also reviewed me when another board was still up and running and they pulled it...then he put it here. No clue who he is or where he claims to have met me, but the review is still up. Though the scores are lower, the comments are very complimentary...I still reported it because I have no clue who this person is. You see how long ago that was? Review still up. There are 2 more as well, but I have done all I can do.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 12:09:44 PM

Very similar to my situation but different result, so I guess it can depend on which person reviews the request.  TER is often inconsistent this way, which is why reviews have to be read with caution.

to report anything recently, but I would bet they are more inclined to actually investigate now then 2 years ago.

Now how you can confuse me with someone else on THREE separate review boards I don't know, but I emailed each site, told them I had never been to Columbia SC and offered to send them the  private messages between myself and the gent who made the mistake because I felt the lady who earned the reviews should certainly get the credit for them AND I even told them who he told me the lady was that he thought he was reviewing.  

Never heard a word back from any of them.   So if they don't care, I'm too busy to hunt anybody down and tackle them to correct the issue.   Bottom line is it's all about what brings traffic to their sites which ultimately puts $$ in their pockets and THAT'S what they care about.

they are still up. Don't bitch at us, bitch at Admin. The final call is always up to THEM, not the provider! I am so sure we would all keep up bs reviews that lie about us just for kicks lol. I have been to Houston ONE time in my entire provider career and it was when The Nameless One and Mijo BFE reviewed me here.

I have a review from some guy claiming I was there 2 years prior to that even though my postings on another board confirmed I had never been there. Review reported...review still up. I even had one where the guy called me "Taylor" lol and they even left that up. Ummm...now who is to blame? I am pretty sure I know my name is not Taylor and never has been.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 12:02:32 PM

serpius227 reads


Us hobbyists can't complain to the TER administration for keeping the fake reviews up. Only the providers can. In the final analysis, it's all on the provider's shoulders to be honest about their own reviews.

If you did try to have the fake reviews removed, good for you! You have nothing to hide. I am referring to the ones that may not be as honest as you are.

The reviews are really about the only piece of information us hobbyists can get about a provider because many providers REFUSE to divulge any kind of information about the services they do provide. If us hobbyists did ask, either we get a flaming email reply or we get hung up on.

So... reviews are a vital part of what us hobbyists use to decide who to contact.


Posted By: London Rayne
they are still up. Don't bitch at us, bitch at Admin. The final call is always up to THEM, not the provider! I am so sure we would all keep up bs reviews that lie about us just for kicks lol.

who is reporting what. There are hundreds of thousands of providers with bs reviews, and 80 percent of them don't even post on the boards. Both provider and hobbyist are responsible too. Guys who wrote honest reviews that were contested have just as much responsibility for keeping them up when the provider is pissed about it. After the initial report, it is no longer on anyone but Admin.

It's called a problem report. I have filled out a few in my time here is a link about it:


So you report reviews you know to be fake. Hobbyists have more control over a ladies reviews and profile than she does. Now do something if you know of fake reviews and quit your whining. And do some research on how things work around here as you are clearly clueless.

serpius314 reads


I've already have done steps that you have mentioned in this post.

Do NOT assume to know me. My post was not whining. If you don't like my posts, stop reading them and skip over them. Move on.


Posted By: scoed
It's called a problem report. I have filled out a few in my time here is a link about it:


So you report reviews you know to be fake. Hobbyists have more control over a ladies reviews and profile than she does. Now do something if you know of fake reviews and quit your whining. And do some research on how things work around here as you are clearly clueless.

They do not control their reviews, profile or anything else here TER does. That is the whole truth of it. Expecting the ladies who likely are not members and have no power to police reviews is as silly as expecting you to police a blacklist site. It really is not in their power and all they can do is complain. Some times it works but most of the time it don't work.

Is it fair that ladies have fake reviews? No. Does it make things riskier for us? yes. Is it the providers fault? No. Do they have the power to fix it? No more than you do and you had no luck. Is it their job to fix something that is not their fault and have little power over? No. It is TER's. They have the power. They police the reviews. They make the call, not the provider. The person that you should be complaining about is not the provider who is not at fault but the asshat that wrote the damn fake review to start with.

P.S. I do not claim to know you. I am only saying that you are clueless as you have repeatedly in this thread been wrong with how things work here. Providers do not write there profiles we do. Providers do not have over over their reviews, only TER has that. I am only claim you are whining as post after post you explained the same complaint. As for me ignoring you, maybe later but right now I am enjoying you arguing in circles. Why would I give up my entertainment? :D

I personally did it myself (and mentioned this in my first post on this thread).

serpius285 reads

Hello Inicky46,

Try telling that to the others who claim otherwise.

They won't listen to you. Sighs.

In any case...

Thank you for sharing that with us.


Posted By: inicky46
I personally did it myself (and mentioned this in my first post on this thread).

AnotherPerspective235 reads

She knew how to rock my boat like no one else . I still miss her .
Occasionally, though rarely, a provider or new GF will come close in
performance to Taylor. I can't help myself
in the throes of passion when I blurt out , "Oh Taylor my Goddess" .

 Your performance reviews lead me to believe, he might have seen you ,
and made  an honest mistake in names. :-D

Posted By: London Rayne
they are still up. Don't bitch at us, bitch at Admin. The final call is always up to THEM, not the provider! I am so sure we would all keep up bs reviews that lie about us just for kicks lol. I have been to Houston ONE time in my entire provider career and it was when The Nameless One and Mijo BFE reviewed me here.

I have a review from some guy claiming I was there 2 years prior to that even though my postings on another board confirmed I had never been there. Review reported...review still up. I even had one where the guy called me "Taylor" lol and they even left that up. Ummm...now who is to blame? I am pretty sure I know my name is not Taylor and never has been.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 12:02:32 PM

serpius273 reads

Hello Kelly,

At least you did make an honest effort to have those fake reviews removed.

What about the providers that are not as honest as you are?

This is one of the reasons why some hobbyists do NOT believe anything the providers say in these forums. For all we know, they can be lying through their teeth. That's a topic for another day.


Posted By: fallonkelly
Now how you can confuse me with someone else on THREE separate review boards I don't know, but I emailed each site, told them I had never been to Columbia SC and offered to send them the  private messages between myself and the gent who made the mistake because I felt the lady who earned the reviews should certainly get the credit for them AND I even told them who he told me the lady was that he thought he was reviewing.  

Never heard a word back from any of them.   So if they don't care, I'm too busy to hunt anybody down and tackle them to correct the issue.   Bottom line is it's all about what brings traffic to their sites which ultimately puts $$ in their pockets and THAT'S what they care about.

saturnsky237 reads

I lie about my name on here and my work name. I lie to maintain a fantasy. I have already admitted I would not see 95% of the men I see if no money was involved but I effectively lie in my mannerisms and attitude to make sure they have a darn good time.

You lie to your wives and girlfriends, you lie to us with hobby names...this whole thing is one big lie in some shape way or form. Lies to make both sides feel good in whatever way they need.

These forums are the last place to find truth...starting with the fake screen names...

I know for a fact that certain guys have shill reviews. How do I know? Because when blacklisting one I called a few of his refs. One said, "Yea, he saw me a year ago and just reviewed me positively in April 2012 so I would not tell the truth about him" lol. Talk about irony. :) Guys who write bs and outdated reviews just to get a free VIP are also hurting the system.

When you claim you saw a provider in the last 3 months when it was over a year ago, you're a liar and your review is outdated just like pictures. You have no idea she would still deliver the same service now as she did with you a year ago.

Correct me if I am wrong but VIP credit is only given for reviews no more than 90 days old? Some guys are too damn cheap to pay 20 bucks a month yet want to yap about how successful they are financially...classic.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 1:41:58 PM

serpius281 reads


TER does NOT accept any reviews past 90 days old... PERIOD. Regardless if it's for VIP credit or not.

There are a number of ladies that I love to give reviews for that I have not seen in 90+ days, but I cannot be certain if her performances is still the same beyond the 90 day period. Plus, I abide by the rules of TER regarding reviews.

It doesn't matter whether the VIP account is paid or earned by reviews, that's the decision of TER management, not anyone else. If you don't like the fact that some guys do earn VIP days based on reviews, then, make your complaints be known to TER management, not to me.


Posted By: London Rayne
I know for a fact that certain guys have shill reviews. How do I know? Because when blacklisting one I called a few of his refs. One said, "Yea, he saw me a year ago and just reviewed me positively in April 2012 so I would not tell the truth about him" lol. Talk about irony. :) Guys who write bs and outdated reviews just to get a free VIP are also hurting the system.

When you claim you saw a provider in the last 3 months when it was over a year ago, you're a liar and your review is outdated just like pictures. You have no idea she would still deliver the same service now as she did with you a year ago.

Correct me if I am wrong but VIP credit is only given for reviews no more than 90 days old? Some guys are too damn cheap to pay 20 bucks a month yet want to yap about how successful they are financially...classic.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 1:41:58 PM

I am not complaining, I am stating facts! Guys LIE about when they saw a provider to get VIP credit. They don't "say" when they saw her...duh, the review would not be accepted if it were past 90 days as you said, so they LIE. Did you think I was talking about you? Hmm, I wasen't but you sure did jump on that allegation as if I was. This is just too easy, it is almost unfair. I need to go tan. Big weekend for me ahead!

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 4:30:40 PM

hotplants262 reads

And, providers don't have direct control over what reviews get posted, or pulled.

Now, always a possibility a provider wrote a fake review herself. But if if she did, I suspect she would be about as likely to ask that it be pulled, to let her guilty conscience go free, as most men would be inclined to come clean with their wives to clear their own conscience.

Why do you suppose that is?

A provider can't get in trouble if someone writes a fake review on her. First of all it's beyond her control and secondly TER is often quite uncooperative about taking them down.  A self-review will get a girl banned.  A fake written by some idiot trying to get free VIP time will not.

I am guessing you are referring to ladies who have reviews for appointments that really did not happen??? How can you prove that and why does it matter eventually the trith will show for itself.
As to the other kind of fake review.. why waste the energy?

Because I seldom if ever read my reviews..
For the most part my reviews are good but there are a few that have embelished their story bit..
and there are at least 1 or 2 that are out right lies...

So why don't I fight it..??
My reputation speaks for it's self. I am not perfect and like all I have learned a few things along the way... My reviews are there to give you an idea of who I am and what I am about nothing more!

serpius383 reads

Hey Folks,

Just a quick update.

Those 2 providers that I mentioned here, TER did do another check on both of them and it turns out that their claims of fake reviews are false.

In other words, their claims of fake reviews were already checked out and the reviews turned out to be true.

Yea, I know that some of you conspiracy folks will blame TER for not doing their job. Well, TER is doing their job and if you don't like it... leave TER and go play somewhere else.


Posted By: serpius

... Your Fake Reviews Up?

I have read 2 providers that have admitted they have kept their fake reviews up on TER.

So, my question is:

Why? Why keep those fake reviews up?

Obviously, it's against TER rules and you can be banned for keeping those fake reviews up. Why not come clean with TER and let your guilty conscience go free. Possibly, the worst thing that TER will do is slap your hand and tell you not to do it again.


are you saying that Admin. told YOU about other people's private review reports? I highly doubt that and now your entire post makes zero sense, but we all knew that from jump. You asked, "Why are you providers leaving fake reviews up (suggesting that they must be good reviews or how else would they "be unfair to the other honest providers)" and now you say that the reviews were fake all along and that TER looked into it?  So, how are leaving BAD reviews up unfair to other providers? Here's a clue...they are not lol. In fact, they HELP the competition. So now, you are saying the reviews "left up and reported" were bad, not good? Damn...

You are confusing even yourself here lol. TER does not share private information about our reviews with random dudes like you, unless it was YOU who wrote said review or reported it. TER is doing their job, and part of that job is to refuse to remove a damn review just like every poster here tried to convey to you!! Good lord dude, take some meds!

It gets really tiring pointing out your constant contradictions and memory loss, but as scoed said, "It's better than comedy jam on HBO!"

-- Modified on 5/24/2012 9:18:47 AM

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