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P411 pay changes
Tw6005 17 Reviews 1032 reads

Anyone else done with p411 because of its new pain in the ass payment changes?

...other than CC and TBH I'm thrilled that they offer store-bought gift cards as an option. I will be using that in the future since it's very convenient and my CC info will no longer be in their system 👍

I believe you don't get the full value of the gift cards. So it is the most expensive route.

.... with the price increases years ago.  I am now a lifetime member and only sorry I didn't do it 10 years ago.  One headache gone!

I don't not definitively but.... I suspect their payment provider like Stripe or simliar is refusing to service them
Its being common place these days especially since OF took off.

Why not send in a money order. I have been doing this for years and recently reupped for two more years a few months ago with a money order ?  Yes its old school and takes a while. IMO it sure beats a CC or other electronic trackable way. The gift card option may be a great option.  

... is straightforward, anonymous, easy, and well supported by P411.  They let you send a photo of the MO and addressed envelope and credit you before the snail arrives (or used to).

Yes, the photo thing still works and I did that a few months back when I renewed.

I stopped 20 years ago dealing with P411.

Christa runs it now and has been very responsive and helpful the couple of times I reached out to her.

I have been advertising there for sometime now & absolutely zero bookings.

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