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How I spent my summer vacation
Tampa_Jim 128 Reviews 1790 reads
1 / 4

How I spent my summer vacation or what I learned while chasing skirts

I did not go to the mountains.  I did not go to the shore.  I did not play golf.  I did not go fishing or camping or boating.

Instead I played all summer.  I had great fun and met all sorts of wonderful people.  These people were all women.  Now summer is over.  On Monday I had one of those WOW! experiences, realized she would be a tough act for anyone to follow (Thanks, V), and decided now was the time to go back on quasi-hiatus for the winter's work.

I worked too hard last winter and spring and did not play at all.  In May I called up some old friends.  These ladies are all locals pretty much UTR with no web sites and therefore no reviews.  This was great fun but there were too many rules so I returned to the World Wide Web.  I spent my summer chasing skirts.

Here is the philosophy.  The juicy details are in, well, the juicy details.

Craig's list - CL is a tempting but scary place.  I was bad mouthing CL to a lady of my acquaintance and she pointed out to me that everybody has to start somewhere.  She had started on CL after all and now was a respected well reviewed escort.  So I ventured out on Craig's list.  It reminded me of walking point at night.  I swear I heard the DI yelling, "Stay alert, Stay alive!"  Fortunately there was TER.  This summer I called a few CL girls who were reviewed on TER.  One I cannot review because she was NCNS.  I found some misrepresentation, some good service, and a consistent attitude that I was paying for service not time.  I reviewed ones that looked like they would be around more than a couple of weeks.  It was an interesting experience but not for the gourmet.

Post Craig's list - I decided to try ladies that had moved from Craig's list to independent escorting.  I discovered that the transition can be difficult.  It was really interesting to see how some get it and others are totally clueless.  I guess sometimes you can take the girl out of Craig's List but you can't take the Craig's List out of the girl.   The girls who think they're selling services get few reviews and those are marginal.  The Ladies who get the concept of "a client is paying for my time and my job is to see that he enjoys that time" do so much better.

Independent Newbies - The exception seems to be becoming the rule.  In my previous experience, independent escorts seemed to often have been agency girls or worked in some related adult profession.    This summer I have encountered an unusually high number of ladies who entered the escort profession as a career choice.  They are both full-time and part-time escorts.  A fascinating discovery was that these ladies have actually done research on the business before starting out.  They made the decision to enter it with full knowledge, and are working hard to succeed by using sensible marketing, networking, and concentrating on good customer service.  These ladies seek out mentors (no not pimps actual advisors) and get the concept that this is a business.  Bravo!

Agencies - We know there are good ones, bad ones and mediocre ones.  Fortunately I was able to avoid the really bad ones with the help of TER reviews.   Agencies are always tricky in this neck of the woods.  TER reviews sort out the legit agencies from the scams and C&D crooks.  One small agency I used got to know me and were helpful in providing suggestions.

Age/Maturity - I used to think that age equals maturity.  A provider friend suggested that I try seeing some younger ladies because she insisted age does not equal maturity.  Just when I thought I had proved her wrong I met a young lady this summer that was getting together her tuition for the next semester.  (Yeah, right you are thinking.)  But sure enough before I could post her review she had vanished.  She was cute, a tender lover, understood customer service, and was mature far beyond her years.  Just about the time you think you have got this business figured out somebody comes along and proves you don't know anything.

Integrity – Escorts are the most honest, customer oriented professionals I have ever met.  Bar none.  Thanks Ladies.

Stay safe,


mrfisher 108 Reviews 616 reads
2 / 4

I have a hard time thinking of any other profession or business that I have found such a high level of consistent satisfaction.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 810 reads
3 / 4

Well said Jim.  The last paragraph is sooo true.  I have never had a bad experience in the Tampa area.

Lusty_Lolita See my TER Reviews 323 reads
4 / 4

Well then...I think you need a few more Chicago ladies on your list. Can you handle us Windy City Chicas? lol xx~~Di

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