TER General Board

Low volume Low profile Providers
goodwomanlover 4611 reads

Is there a TER listing the Low volume Low profile Providers?
I would imagine that they don't write postings on the boards.

So - besides asking, how does a low volume provider distinguish themselves?

Can volume be a part of their TER profile?

KissMyP*ssyLips2013 reads

Infact so low, there would probably be none.

I am a very low profile Maryland girl, without pictures or public contact information, beyond an email address. I prefer to remain that way, because this industry should always remain discreet. I prefer to see only one visitor a day; therefore my time, energy & focus are dedicated to one very special person. I would be happy to share any information with you through email, including rates, schedule, visitor erotica (which is consistently excellent) & a picture.

I do not have pictures posted on my website, because I prefer not to see more than one person a day. If I marketed myself the way every other providers did, with a full gallery of pictures, I would be scheduling three to five people a day. However, I realize that my visitors desire a quality of service that mass marketed providers cannot give them. After all, a true courtesan willingly gives a little piece of her heart to every visitor. If I saw five visitors a day, there would be nothing to give to you. Therefore, to limit the number of gentlemen who are interested in seeing me, I do not post teaser pictures.

For those I have tempted without pictures, allow me to tell you about myself. I am most often described as mischievous, with the wit of an educated woman. My philosophy of intimacy is based a great deal on my spirituality. I believe that all intimacies are ways to communicate. When you visit me, I want to communicate to you, what a wonderful body you have. I want to teach you to enjoy every inch of your form. I want us to connect on a level of friendship, beauty & love that may be unknown to you. I want us to grow together.

Karrie2053 reads

I have a web site and reviews yet i see less men then you  I am at 2 maybe 3 men a week. I know girls with zero reviews and zero pictures on the web yet they see 3 to 10 men in one day. If we have learned anything in this business is that assumptions get you no where.

From your post, "I do not have pictures posted on my website, because I prefer not to see more than one person a day. If I marketed myself the way every other providers did, with a full gallery of pictures, I would be scheduling three to five people a day. However, I realize that my visitors desire a quality of service that mass marketed providers cannot give them."

You're saying that every other provider does it differently than you, which is not the case.

You're saying that if you had a full gallery of pictures like most providers that you'd be scheduling 3-5 clients per day, yet I have a gallery of pictures and I see 0-2 clients per day.

I guess that by your standards I am a "mass marketed provider" and I am able to give my clients the level of quality service that they desire (click on my reviews above to verify), yet you say that this type of provider "cannot give them" this level of quality service.

Maybe you're making too broad of a statement and you're talking about a different type of provider than I realize.  Maybe you're talking about beautiful, model-type high end girls?  It seems like they'd benefit tremendously with a pic though.

sexxygirrl881 reads

I really get tired of providers like LowProfile Girl who put down other ladies by subtly implying anyone who sees more than 1-2 clients per day is a crack whore.

She should stick to describing her services, period, and not compare herself to anyone else.

And, to answer your last question, no, she is not in the model league--at least, not with an "average build" and tattoos.

No one has implied you are anything other than another provider.  No one once mentioned drug use.  You simply have another way of marketing yourself to a different niche of gentlemen, if you see more than one person a day & have a full gallery of pictures.  There is nothing right or wrong about it, it just is.

-- Modified on 2/12/2006 11:41:12 AM

You are the one assuming things.  I simply stated what would happen to me, if I did mass market myself.  I know what I said is true, because I have mass marketed myself in the past.  No, I do not believe that a provider can give the same quality of service to 5 people in a day that she can to one.  I would consider you mass marketed if you had a full gallery of pictures & saw a large quantity of people daily.  After all, your availability is part of your marketing.  So, based upon what you have told me I do not consider you mass marketed.

DevinTaylor1163 reads

It depends on the lady. I could help you out better if I knew what type of looks you want in a lady. I have done magazines and have a llot of pics on my site but for safety and sanity lol I only see a small group of client/friends as I have mainly repeat visits. I keep an ad on eros so my friends can find me if I am touring and I am based in Vegas but travel with client/friends. All ladies have their own way of meeting people. I find that for me to have a good time, I need only see people that I truely enjoy. A few gents a week makes me a happy girl and a better provider. Inbox where you are based and the type you are looking for and I will see if I can send you some info on ladies that are low volume. Hugs,Devin38GG

-- Modified on 2/12/2006 3:06:01 AM

I think I got close once, but blew it somehow.

-- Modified on 2/12/2006 9:04:35 PM

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