TER General Board

Got news for ya, SS...not even close.teeth_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2211 reads

Have seen some threads that would make your dick shrivel.  Read Mathesar on the LA board sometime.

Having said that, kisses to you, babycakes! (I know you are getting out the bactine now :P Just when I think I am gonna give up on you, you show how nice of a guy you are and make me feel (ATTENTION, MR. LEUTHOR) like I sometimes am a bit self-righteous.  So, sorry about that.  It takes all types, so peace out to all y'all.

Oh, one last thing, though.  Give Aphra a break, because I, for one, know who Mandy Rice-Davies was...even if it was only from watching "Scandal".
Aphra just happens to be enlightened in quite a few areas, so neener neener!

  This post will be exceedingly long, and boring to many. If you have a short attention span, move on!

  That being said, Gort's post vis-a-vis the cost effectiveness of dating verses hobbying, was without a doubt, the best post I have ever read on a TER discussion board! Obviously it is a topic that resonates with me, and if I attempted to share all my opinions on the subject, I'd be in the Library Of Congress. Kudos to the following:

 To Gort: Great post! Twenty years ago I was much like you. Rock on Bro!

 To Ciara: Awesome insight and life experience. You will always tell it like it is!

 To MSD: The eternal optimist. Yes my post came accross as overly cynical. I appreciate your spelling correction,(Perhaps a Freudian Slip.) We need you warm fuzzy types on the board who still believe in true love, to keep things in perspective. I say this in all earnesty. There is no greater sex than with someone you are emotionally bonded with. I think you are one of the smartest individuals on the boards. Now, if I could only expose you to to the wonderful olfactory experience of burning gun powder and a warm 9mm, we'd be truly sympatico.

 To Bill18353: for his logic!

 To Aphra: Who the fuck remembers Mandy Rice Davis! You're dating yourself lady. Lol. Great post and super smart!

 To girlinDc: Excellent perspective, born no doubt,through experience. I would love to meet you.

 To Wannarider: Great examples of the cross section of individuals who are trying to find personal comfort, or at least a ray of sunshine, in there otherwise troubled lived. I'm sure you are an angel of mercy for them.

 To Zinival: Erudite and insightful as always. You always bring an abstract and ponderable equation to the discussions.

 To Sicnarf: I think more the rule than the exception. Thanks for pointing out the long term ramifications of the "American Dream!"

 To Snowblind: Analytical and perspective as always. When shit needs to be said, you don't shirk. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it!

 To MrED: Always a valued opinion.

 To Solalove: Experience counts!

 And, last but not least, to my evil twin LexLuethor: Lex, you are the only one who truly understands me. DNA I guess. I don't know of anyone on this board who doesn't love you. You strike a balance when things get too serious. Who can not love an arch-villian super genius, but please stop crawling up the outside of my bedroom window after midnight. It's distracting, and Miss.Teschbacher always leaves by 10 PM, so you have nothing to gain! LOL.

 I'm trying to set the record for the longest post on TER. If any of you wish to find out what I can really say when I go into a complete diatribe, feel free to PM me.

 You all have a great weekend! SS

Have seen some threads that would make your dick shrivel.  Read Mathesar on the LA board sometime.

Having said that, kisses to you, babycakes! (I know you are getting out the bactine now :P Just when I think I am gonna give up on you, you show how nice of a guy you are and make me feel (ATTENTION, MR. LEUTHOR) like I sometimes am a bit self-righteous.  So, sorry about that.  It takes all types, so peace out to all y'all.

Oh, one last thing, though.  Give Aphra a break, because I, for one, know who Mandy Rice-Davies was...even if it was only from watching "Scandal".
Aphra just happens to be enlightened in quite a few areas, so neener neener!

 disrespect to Aphra. She can't be that old, but she's obviously well read. My comment was meant in jest.

Bizzaro Superdude2693 reads

Where is Bond when ya need em....????   miss Emma Bond that is.... House of Lords forever!

Aphra2746 reads

I see I was precipitous in my reply below, Mr SD.  Thank you, dearie.:-D  

Truth to tell, I wasn't sure if anyone would be aware of MRD as, of course, it was very much a British sex scandal.  But the phrase, "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?" has become pretty iconic.  And I just love the idea of a young tart saying that to a British judge.  Today she would just give him the finger.  In fact, come to think of it, today she would sell her story to the Sun and end up a presenter on cable TV.


Aphra2605 reads

I also know who Napoleon was, but I'm not as old as him, either.  Cheeky bastard.:)


PS  Yes, it was one of the best threads I've read on this board.

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