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DT_lover 188 Reviews 517 reads

Let's see what other people say about you vs. what you say about you.

-- Modified on 10/13/2015 12:18:04 AM

BlondeRoots1288 reads

Ok, not EVERY man but for some reason, a lot of guys, Civies and clients, are attracted to me.  And it's not my looks.  I really don't think that's it at all.  I am not the hottest chick.  I'm really a 6.5 - 9.1 (or an 8 on avg.) depending on preference.  

I think that guys are very attracted to me bc of my personality and sense of humor.  I am weird and say bizarre shit, and am very down to earth, extremely sweet and kind.  My personality is disarming and non-intimidating, in other words.  

I went to the doctor recently, and the dr was just gazing into my eyes and giving me the "I want to eat you" look.  Today I went in a coffee shop and was talking to some guy in line and the guys behind the counter and I said something bizarre, and they all laughed and when I left the shop, the guys were all staring at me through the window as I passed by the window and walked out.  

My clients keep saying that if they were 25 yrs younger, they would seal the deal with me.  And my single regular client told me straight up yesterday that he is in love with me.  

I can think of many other examples, but now I sound obnoxious.  :)

I don't know what my question is, but I guess I'm just saying that ones personality makes people fall in love.  Do you agree?

me too :)  No blonde roots here tho

Posted By: BlondeRoots
Ok, not EVERY man but for some reason, a lot of guys, Civies and clients, are attracted to me.  And it's not my looks.  I really don't think that's it at all.  I am not the hottest chick.  I'm really a 6.5 - 9.1 (or an 8 on avg.) depending on preference.    
 I think that guys are very attracted to me bc of my personality and sense of humor.  I am weird and say bizarre shit, and am very down to earth, extremely sweet and kind.  My personality is disarming and non-intimidating, in other words.    
 I went to the doctor recently, and the dr was just gazing into my eyes and giving me the "I want to eat you" look.  Today I went in a coffee shop and was talking to some guy in line and the guys behind the counter and I said something bizarre, and they all laughed and when I left the shop, the guys were all staring at me through the window as I passed by the window and walked out.    
 My clients keep saying that if they were 25 yrs younger, they would seal the deal with me.  And my single regular client told me straight up yesterday that he is in love with me.    
 I can think of many other examples, but now I sound obnoxious.  :)  
 I don't know what my question is, but I guess I'm just saying that ones personality makes people fall in love.  Do you agree?

delusions of grandeur are very common in this hobby..

BlondeRoots575 reads

It sounds like I think I'm hot shit but I really don't.  I don't have inflated self esteem nor low.  Im comfortable with myself and have an interesting perspective on life and men, probably bc of the hobby, but I'm not crazy.  Nearly every guy I know is crazy about me.  I'm telling you personality is what attracts people.  Don't you agree?

Let's see what other people say about you vs. what you say about you.

-- Modified on 10/13/2015 12:18:04 AM

BlondeRoots538 reads

I post under an alias bc I DONT want to draw attn to my provider profile, unlike some who post threADs for PR purposes.  I just post to have a good time here.

WildJimmy!460 reads

...but when a woman has obviously gone out of her way to LOOK good, as a client or a civvie, I for one feel a bit of a social obligation to give her some sign of appreciation and that can include licking my lips and gazing into her innocent but enigmatic eyes. If you dress down, maybe your "personality" would draw a more palsy response from the guys at the watering holes and from your clients as well. Of course, your doctor probably will still want to eat you.:-D

Posted By: BlondeRoots
It sounds like I think I'm hot shit but I really don't.  I don't have inflated self esteem nor low.  Im comfortable with myself and have an interesting perspective on life and men, probably bc of the hobby, but I'm not crazy.  Nearly every guy I know is crazy about me.  I'm telling you personality is what attracts people.  Don't you agree?

BlondeRoots531 reads

I was not trying to impress him.  I made a few silly jokes and that made him go gaga.  He even gave me his cell and said to text him over the wkend if I had any concerns.  What dr gives his cell?

Try a little science project  Double your rates starting today and see if you keep your regulars or if they tell you that you're the one who is crazy. My hypothesis is, your rate double will be met with "crickets", or absolute silence. The hobby is based on illusion and fantasy. It sounds like you need a vacation because you're starting to think its all real. It's OK we all experience it to some degree, but you have to snap out of it.  

The last thing you need is to be labeled a "BSC provider". We hit our quota for those some time ago.  

Posted By: BlondeRoots
It sounds like I think I'm hot shit but I really don't.  I don't have inflated self esteem nor low.  Im comfortable with myself and have an interesting perspective on life and men, probably bc of the hobby, but I'm not crazy.  Nearly every guy I know is crazy about me.  I'm telling you personality is what attracts people.  Don't you agree?

BlondeRoots397 reads

Double rates.

That's a little nuts, but what the hell?  Why not!?  As you said, the hobby is often about perception and illusion.  When someone goes way up in rates, it could draw some in or push some away.  I may test this idea for shits and giggles ;)

I think you're a little under dosed princess.

happy.merchant453 reads

It's easy for the truly lonely (even if they're surrounded by people in their lives) to 'fall in love' with a woman who pays attention to them, even if they're paid to do so.  Not to burst your bubble but men often fall in love with waitresses too :)  

 But to the main point lost in your op, yes, personality counts a lot.  Men will often tire sooner than later of even the most beautiful woman if sex is all she has to offer.  There are 24 hours in a day and when you have to fill the other 22 (ok, sometimes 20... oh yeah, and sometimes 23 hours and 50 minutes lol) hours with something other than sex there needs to be a spark of personality to keep the other parts of the brain going.  Not to mention that eventually even the best makeup work can't tale the place of a younger, fresher model if there's no personal connection to make physical appearance fall to the middle of the list.

-- Modified on 10/13/2015 6:35:48 AM

BlondeRoots474 reads

I swear, nearly everytime I interact with a civie dude, they give my googly eyes.  There must be something I'm giving off with my body language.  Do providers just give off a vibe to the opposite sex or what?!  Maybe that's it.  maybe I thought I had a great personality but I just have a slutty face or walk or something??  Lol

GaGambler399 reads

Maybe what you are reading as "love" is no more than guys wanting to "do you"

and there's nothing wrong with that, especially for someone in your line of work.

Does anyone remember the Chris Rock bit about "offering dick

happy.merchant446 reads

... the key is to figure out what it is before it's too late.  As for single civie guys, they're looking for the same thing guys here are looking for, just without the envelope.  In fact, the only guys not looking for that are either dead or watching the Super Bowl at that moment.   I have no doubt you're an attractive woman with a great personality, but for most guys you describe if you don't look through them like they're not there, you're already ahead of 90% of the women in your category :)

I wish I knew what I was looking for ... half the time it's my keys or cell phone. I'm glad my dick is attached because I know I'd leave it some where.

Posted By: happy.merchant
... the key is to figure out what it is before it's too late.  As for single civie guys, they're looking for the same thing guys here are looking for, just without the envelope.  In fact, the only guys not looking for that are either dead or watching the Super Bowl at that moment.   I have no doubt you're an attractive woman with a great personality, but for most guys you describe if you don't look through them like they're not there, you're already ahead of 90% of the women in your category :)

dakine18509 reads

No you had the obnoxious thing going right from the beginning.

So if you're miss sunshine, what's your rate? Really what do you charge??How much does a guy have to give for a ray of your radiant charm....lol.

Aww come on, I'm sure most men want to kick you in the nuts too.

Coffee shop guys were staring cuz they know you're an escort.

I have my doctor's cell phone number and he doesn't want to fuck me (pretty sure?)

I'd love to hear more of your obnoxious stories.  No seriously, I would. :)
I really enjoy most of what you post - even when you bust my balls.  Lol

The personality traits you described are just what I'd be looking for.  In fact I married someone like this decades ago...

Posted By: BlondeRoots

 I think that guys are very attracted to me bc of my personality and sense of humor.  I am weird and say bizarre shit, and am very down to earth, extremely sweet and kind.  My personality is disarming and non-intimidating, in other words.    

BlondeRoots367 reads

Are you 100 years old?  I thought you were a 40 y/o British, slightly cockneyed, stud muffin

Married two and a half decades ago.  Feels like more. :(

Cock-kneed?  Like how well hung I am?  Well that part is true. :)

I'm actually a California dude.  So I don't have any accent.  Lol

If you DO believe in telekinesis, raise MY hand.  

Do you know what is REALLY going thru our minds when you leave the coffee shop or the 2-minute conversation and meeting?  Do you know what we're really thinking behind that shit eating grin?  I can't speak for ALL others, but a bunch of guys are thinking:

Does she Provide?
I wonder if she'll fuck me?
Does she swallow?
I'd do that any day! (said about almost anything female)

And so on

You raised the topic of guys falling in love with you.  How about posting a picture of yourself or a link to your site.  Maybe it will shut people up.  Or maybe it won't.

Who could help but not falling immediately in love with a great personality. Why else do we visit women like you?

It's amazing to me how frequently this has happened throughout my life.... usually it's a cute guy, too.  They just somehow manage to find me and won't leave me alone.  They follow me around with adoring eyes, hang on my every word and are always as excited to see me as they were the very first time.

And it occasionally happens with girls too, although not as often.  They can be a little more difficult in the beginning, kinda temperamental  and a bit jealous of the guys in my life, but every bit as loving and affectionate.  

Just last night my favorite guy knew I wasn't feeling well and wanted so desperately to make me feel better that I had him join me overnight... and sleeping next to a gorgeous guy who showers me with attention can help as much as chicken soup!  
I got to wake up to his nuzzling and cuddling, and gentle licks to tell me it was time to go outside...... wait, we WERE talking about dogs, right?!?!  

LMAO!!!!  :-P


I think the "dog" thread was a couple of days ago ...

Different men have different tastes. My former boss used to like women which I would not even rate 3s, but for him they were 10s.  

I would say personally for me a 6/10 is enough if she's got the personality. Personality makes up for looks if you got that 6+ rating. Looks fade anyways.  

Beware of men who say they love you. Holding onto them as clients in the long run leads to no good. It is not worth the flattery.  

Those who have don't flaunt. Those who have that flaunt are eventually "cut down to the same size as others"

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