Suggestion and Policy

Discussion Board suggestion
paingod 30 Reviews 3232 reads

I noticed and great functionality missing - the "view all" that allowed the reader to read every post simply by scrolling.  Are you planning on bringing the functionality back or not?  Hope it comes back.

Takes much too long to read the entire thread without the "view all" option...particularly the lengthy ones that we frequently have.

powerplay1551 reads

The "view all" function is key to easy reading of the boards.  It simply *must* be retained -- please?Powerplay

MartinLuther2504 reads

In the new discussion "warez" the find function has lost whatI found most valuable, to be able to enter simply a find from day value of say 1 without any text or posterand see all posts made in the last 24 hours.Now you also have to enter text... I have worked around this by entering a "-" since all headers contain --- but just being able to enter 1, 2 or even .25 again would be nice!LM

Staff1940 reads

The people have spoken! :) The View all button has been added


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