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Re: TER's lousy attitude on reviewing reviews
MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 6325 reads

Yes, while it's the best tool for us that travel the vast hobby areas of the US it is for us, the providers, and equal pain in the ass.  I see fake reviews that don't say doo doo in the way of details get approved and have several reviewers give up on getting a review on me approved as TER rejected it too many times.  I especially hate that the menu checklist in the review qualifies the score.  I equally hate that providers aren't allowed a few lines above the VIP line to respond to reviews.  

A lot can be said and it will NEVER be perfect.  But changes can, and I hope, will be made.  It's time for this system to evolve a bit to level the playing field for us trying to play in the game.

Still, it's a great assist to those of us on the road or who need the "validation" of being a reviewed provider.  It's a pain, but one I am happy that many have endured. :)

I thought for a while that I'm the only one who thought this, but after talking privately to some hobbyist friends, I realize that I'm not.  Just wondering how prevalent this is.   Over the past year, I have experienced some real high-handedness and lousy attitude from the people who approve reviews.  First they don't say why they did not approve the review on the review page -- you have to use the feedback page, which is a pain.  And then when you ask, they don't give you any details, just some very vague and general rule.  So, you modify your review, try again, and then 2 days later you find that it is STILL not approved, because you did not change it the way they wanted you to.  Not that they actually bothered to TELL you exactly what they wanted!  Oh no!  You've got to play this damned guessing game, and go right back through the feedback process, waste 2 more days, etc.  This last review I wrote is breaking the $^&%# camel's back...  it has been a week now, and after 3 revisions,  it is still not approved!  And the rules they come up with to justify blocking it don't even make any sense, and they are certainly not in the guidelines. (Example: this latest one was not approved because I mentioned that the provider is a friend of another escort that I have seen and reviewed.  And I mentioned her name.  I've done it before.  I've seen many reviews that do the same.  But today that's verboten.  Go figure.)   Its like they're making stuff up on the fly just to amuse themselves.  And they NEVER respond to any questions, suggestions, or criticisms -- they just ignore them like you don't exist.  I find it maddening!  So much so, that I am seriously considering just dropping my membership.  I've contributed over 40 reviews during a period of  over 6 years, and I'd hate to just let it drop, but I'm getting really sick of this crap.

So, am I the only one who feels this way, or are there others?  If so, I think we need to make it known to TER that they need to change how they do business.

Yes, while it's the best tool for us that travel the vast hobby areas of the US it is for us, the providers, and equal pain in the ass.  I see fake reviews that don't say doo doo in the way of details get approved and have several reviewers give up on getting a review on me approved as TER rejected it too many times.  I especially hate that the menu checklist in the review qualifies the score.  I equally hate that providers aren't allowed a few lines above the VIP line to respond to reviews.  

A lot can be said and it will NEVER be perfect.  But changes can, and I hope, will be made.  It's time for this system to evolve a bit to level the playing field for us trying to play in the game.

Still, it's a great assist to those of us on the road or who need the "validation" of being a reviewed provider.  It's a pain, but one I am happy that many have endured. :)

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