Suggestion and Policy

Re: Location included on New Reviews List
MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 8263 reads

I agree it should be where the provider was seen.  The only problem with depending on that is to realize that some providers travel extensively and so you will have reviews from all over.

I suggest that the location be deleted from the New Reviews list. The location that appears there now is not the location where the new reviewer met the lady but rather the location where her first reviewer, who set up her profile, met her. In place of the location, consider evilclown's suggestion of six weeks ago that the numeric appearance/performance scores from the new review be included in the list.

Wow! somebody actually read my post! i think the location is very useful but only if it is accurate. i agree with 1pghguy it should be the most recent location not the first one posted.

I agree it should be where the provider was seen.  The only problem with depending on that is to realize that some providers travel extensively and so you will have reviews from all over.

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