Suggestion and Policy

Good idea, but you should post it on the Suggestion & Policy Board. E
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 227 reads


There are all kinds of reviews, long, short, informative, worthless, grammar - good and bad, with humor and some that can make you cry because they are terrible, you get the idea!
       Now, you can like a review, but I'd like to see a *not like* option!
What are your thoughts on this?
        Maybe even have it removed with too many *not likes*!
So, a good or bad idea?

It may get read here by somebody in Admin, but unlikely any action would be taken.  

I don't have a problem with an "unlike" option, but you are not likely to get any traction on the second part of your idea that members can vote to have a review removed because it's terrible, even though many are.  Can you imagine if the "total reviews" meter in the upper right-hand corner of the screen started to move backward?!!   Somebody would be pulling their hair out at Admin.  Lol  

This would have to be for informational purposes only to the author that he needs to up his game on his writing.  Maybe a "comments" box of 50 characters would be even better for short comments like, "grammar needs work", "use paragraph breaks", "spellcheck please", "punctuation saves lives", and other short helpful hints for the author.  

I'm not sure TER wants to go that route given it doesn't allow dislikes anywhere else. I'm pretty sure there have been a number of studies about the dynamics of dislikes on social media platforms (which TER is a specialized case) that suggest they are not that good over all for the experience.  

Personally I would (or more accurately in the past) like to see a "favorites" option for reviewer -- maybe even the ability to "follow" some reviewers.  Perhaps the dislike option here would be the ability to "ignore" reviewers in your searches. That might actually be helpful to TER by allowing them to see if some people submitting reviews and getting the free VIP are really adding value to the platform and so deserving of reward or not. But I suspect the reality would be too few people actually would use such a function to make it worth the cost of developing.

But this is a Suggestions and Policy post and that would be the board for more discussion.

for the answers and good info!
    I'm just drawn to the Kgirl board, but I'll see if a post should go to a more appropriate board in the future!

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