Porn Stars

pinklips 7973 reads

I have been to Boston many times in the past, and at this time I don't have any plans in the near future, however you never know just keep checking here and at my yahoo group. But thanks for asking..xoxox

pinklips9622 reads

As is quite evident, since my old computer died, and I had to get a new one, with XP operating system, I don't know what the heck I'm doing.  My old system was ME, now I have XP, does that mean I get "Xtra Porn" for free????  Ha,Ha

Anyhow, be patient, I tried to post a photo, but with no success, so hopefully fasteddie will post the photo for me.

I will be in the following cities ONLY:

NYC      9/11,12&13

Chicago  9/15&16

Minneapolis  9/25&26

For the ultimate PSE/GFE , look no further, check out my reviews here and at that other board.  You can also go to my Yahoo Group and join, it's free, just type in:,,,, there are plenty of photos there.

Remember, do your homework, not all PS's provide the same service.

There is limited time and space on these tours, so the sooner you e-mail me, the better your chances are of getting the day and time that you would like.

E-mail me at:  [email protected]


Lustfully, Kathy

fasteddie519616 reads

I tried to post the photo, but it's in a yahoo briefcase and it won't recognize it as a jpg, so here's the direct link to the photo....

-- Modified on 8/19/2003 4:54:19 PM

-- Modified on 8/19/2003 6:06:18 PM

pinklips5992 reads

Eddie, You are truly a life saver, thanks so much, I owe you. I will probably figure this all out, just in time to have to buy a new computer. xoxo Kathy

fasteddie517652 reads

My pleasure Kathy... and by the way, regarding the pic...


You two REALLY have to do a tour together!!!!  (First stop, Philly !)

pinklips6652 reads

Eddie as much as your are the man!! I seriously doubt if you could handle both Raquel and myself at the same time.

That is how I met Raquel,, we had a booking together in NYC while we were working for Exotica-2000,,,that was the start of our friendship.

You have experienced time with Raquel and with me,,,now do you really think the gentleman that we spent time with in NYC was completely lucid when we were done with him????

If my memory serves me right we had to take him to the Emergency Room!!!! and Elana was pissed!!

Now if you want to spend time in the Emergency Room, maybe we can work something out... xoxo

fasteddie516337 reads

Kathy, for the privilege of spending time with you and Raquel together, I'd be willing to spend a few days in intensive care!... but don't underestimate me... you and Raquel might find yourselves on oxygen in the beds right next to mine! - lol.

Besides, I think we'll be able to find that out pretty soon ;-)

pinklips7974 reads

I have been to Boston many times in the past, and at this time I don't have any plans in the near future, however you never know just keep checking here and at my yahoo group. But thanks for asking..xoxox

I would love for you to come to boston also you are in high demand up here

What a great gal the total package....pse gfe etc

One of the truely great ladies.  GFE, PSE, and a real sweetheart!

Hi Kathy-we have yet tyo meet-but I amvery close with Raquel-do you think 9/11 is a wise date for a visit?

pinklips7200 reads

I have not forgotten that date, I don't think anyone in their "right mind" would.  However, as unfortunate and tragic that day was, it has been 2 years, and life must go on.

Remember, if we all sit around and do nothing, "they win".  I have been to NYC enough times to know that the city of NY is extremely resilient.

Now as to the low lifes of this planet, who like to cause misery, and relish in doing their acts of hate, on anniversaries, while these assholes may one day cause "us" a problem again in our country.  I doubt it will happen in the same manner, nor do I believe that most people in our country, sit by idly and not pay attention to things anymore.

We can't change fate, what will be, will be.

Very well said Kathy. A solemn date to be sure, but no reason to stop living, and certainly not to stop hobbying ( : MFSD.

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