Politics and Religion

Trump got that one wrong
LostSon 43 Reviews 14 reads

But even with a surging stock market (which is only benifitting a few) the average American ISN’T investing in the stock market!!! They are maxing out credit cards to by gas and groceries!  

It’s beyond tone def to be trumpeting what the stock market is doing.

Trump said it at the final debate with Biden before the 2020 election.

The S&P 500 gained 28.70 points Friday closing at 5,026.61...the first time over 5000 EVER!!!!!!!
Ten all-time highs so far in 2024.
Up 14 of the past 15 weeks; that hasn't happened since 1972!!!!

But even with a surging stock market (which is only benifitting a few) the average American ISN’T investing in the stock market!!! They are maxing out credit cards to by gas and groceries!  

It’s beyond tone def to be trumpeting what the stock market is doing.

RespectfulRobert17 reads

Inflation is WAY down, GDP is VERY strong, pay is up and consumer confidence soaring. If an R were president now, you would be touting all those facts but we hold the WH so you just cant admit any of it. Just be honest about that.

followme25 reads

If an R were STILL president, inflation would NOT have to go WAY down because it would have  never gone WAY, WAY up. GDP would be stronger, and consumer confidence would already be where you say it is soaring to.

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